View synonyms for storm warning
storm warning
[ stawrm wawr-ning ]
- a prominently displayed object, as a flag or lantern, or clearly audible sound, as from a horn or siren, that signals the expected arrival of a storm:
As we speak, the island’s harbor masters are calling for storm warnings to be hoisted up every available flagpole.
- Meteorology. a notification by the National Weather Service of anticipated or occurring winds with sustained speeds of 48 knots (55 miles per hour, 25 meters per second) to 63 knots (73 miles per hour, 32 meters per second), or frequent gusts within that range, and not directly associated with a tropical cyclone. Compare hurricane warning, warning ( def 3 ).
- any sign or indication of approaching trouble, adversity, unrest, etc.:
The arrival of troops at the border was an ominous storm warning.
I could easily interpret that look on Mom’s face as a storm warning for me and my brother.
storm warning
- a pattern of lights, flags, etc, displayed at certain ports as a warning to shipping of an approaching storm
- an announcement on radio or television of an approaching storm
- any warning of approaching danger or trouble
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Word History and Origins
Origin of storm warning1
First recorded in 1865–70
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