Resources for Program Sponsors

Training Fund Grants

Click to visit the new California Apprenticeship Council (CAC) Training Funds page.

Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides increased funding opportunities for registered apprenticeship programs to supplement their apprentice training costs. To be eligible to receive these funds, approved programs must be placed on the State's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL). If you are interested in being placed on the ETPL, please email the Employment Development Department (EDD) at with proof of your apprenticeship’s registration with the DIR/DAS.

Apprentice Cancellation Process

  • Letter announcing new apprentice cancellation process version 
  • Apprentice Complaint Form – In many instances Apprentices have the right to appeal the Program's decision to terminate their agreement.

Minimum Industry Training Criteria

As of 2010, all crafts are required to include green components such as recycling and reuse of products to their minimum industry training criteria (MITC). Please refer to the MITC web page for detailed requirements.

Barber / Cosmetologist Agreement Approval Process

  • Joint letter from the California Barber and Cosmetology Board & the Division of Apprenticeship Standards to barber and cosmetology programs. version
  • Letter from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards to the barber and cosmetology programs regarding the new apprentice agreement approval process. version

Publications, Reports, and Forms


Proposed program standards

August 2024