Francesco Soldovieri
- 2025
- Christiaan Huygens Medal
The 2025 Christiaan Huygens Medal is awarded to Francesco Soldovieri for outstanding achievements in the field of electromagnetic modelling for radar imaging and its application to geosciences.
European Geosciences Union
Division on Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems
President: Pietro Tizzani
Deputy President: Raffaele Castaldo
ECS Representative: Veronica Escobar Ruiz
The Division on Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems (GI) intends to be a forum for developments in instrumentation, technology, methods and data handling used in any field of the various geosciences. By promoting the discussion between specialists from widely diverse fields, advances in instrumentation made in one field might be utilised in other areas also and encourage co-operation, thereby saving separate development work and making new approaches possible, which otherwise might still have to wait for years or even decades.
As nearly every other field of geosciences is related to one or the other instrumentation strategy, many of the GI-sessions are co-organized with sessions from other divisions. Potential contributors to any session are encouraged to evaluate the benefits of a multi-disciplinary discussion versus the specific interest of the own target group.
The 2025 Christiaan Huygens Medal is awarded to Francesco Soldovieri for outstanding achievements in the field of electromagnetic modelling for radar imaging and its application to geosciences.
The 2024 Christiaan Huygens Medal is awarded to Nemesio M. Pérez for his outstanding scientific contributions to the study of soil-gas geochemistry in volcanic areas, and for promoting international research programs in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.
The 2024 Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is awarded to Livia Lantini for important contributions in the field of ground penetrating radar applications for forestry and environmental engineering.
The 2024 Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award is awarded to Lorena Abad Geomorphic landform monitoring with raster and vector data cubes
In our February issue we take a look beneath the surface to how we understand whats going on beneath our feet, monitoring how ice deposits behave deep underground, and learn about the roles geodesists can play in our geoscientific landscape!
EGU's Simon Clark helps you get to the next level with your personal growth in 2025, and EGU says a big thank you to the over 11,900 volunteers that supported us in 2024. Now is also your chance to get involved in the Science for Policy interface in Europe by applying to join EGU's new Climate Hazard and Risk Task Force by 31 March.
The EGU25 Photo Competition is open until 31 March, submit your image to win free registration to EGU26 and don't forget to vote for the new Biogeosciences (BG) Division President by 24 March. All this and much more in this month's Loupe!