Better understand your competition, your institution, and your students.
Understand your true competitors for specific students in specific markets.
Visualize your recruitment strategies, current funnel, and year-over-year national benchmarks to understand your institution’s performance and market visibility.
Tap into current college search and enrolled student data to see national trends, your historical performance, and recent demand all in one place.
Tarleton State University (TSU) determined to strengthen their enrollment by expanding into new markets. TSU partnered with Encoura to leverage both Market and Competitive Analysis reports within Insights Cloud™, pinpointing strategic opportunities to set TSU apart from their competition. With this valuable information, they achieved an 11% increase in freshmen enrollment, a 20% increase in Hispanic/Latine first-time students, and a 3-year enrollment increase of 40%.
Gain the most comprehensive insights into your prospective students with the largest combination of ACT®, Encoura, and National Student Clearinghouse® data.
Analyze your Encoura program outcomes to maximize your recruitment efforts.
Trust a partner who’s an extension of your team and has first-hand experience and insights in enrollment.
Let's chat! Our team is happy to answer questions and talk about which solutions are a match for your institution as we get to know your unique needs.