Tough times call for smart measures. There are days when you rummage through your kits only to discover that you have run out of some of your regulars. Fret not, you can always find a household ingredient that can double up as your store-bought product.
Make your beauty products at home with commonly available ingredients. We bring you a list of five such items that can serve you well.
What was introduced as beauty royalty in ancient times, caught the attention of the industry in 2010s. Where some opt for store-bought gel tubes and jars, others tend to grow it at home.
Megha Asher, founder of organic beauty brand Juicy Chemistry, tells, “Aloe leaves secrete a clear gel when broken off from the rest of the plant, an all-natural ingredient to heal wounds and soothe irritated skin. Aloe vera gel contains a plethora of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, all of which can help improve the skin's natural texture and keep it hydrated.” Dive into the goodness of aloe vera with:
Makeup Remover
Combine equal parts aloe vera gel with honey and whip up a home-made makeup remover. Simply take a dollop of this gel on a cotton pad, and wipe your way to clean, hydrated skin. You can also add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to this mixture.
Shaving Gel
Lather aloe vera gel before reaching out for your razor for a smooth shave. Alternatively, mix three-fourth cup of aloe vera gel with one-fourth cup of coconut oil. Blend and use as shaving gel.
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