From the early days of Christianity there have been those who have warned of heresies and of wolves in sheep's clothing, and have sought to turn back the faithful to a direct relationship with God....view moreFrom the early days of Christianity there have been those who have warned of heresies and of wolves in sheep's clothing, and have sought to turn back the faithful to a direct relationship with God. 'God as dad plus nothing'. These reformers have often been shunned and spoken against from the pulpits.
Such a one was George Anderson, with his brave and faithful wife Eileen.
When George was 40 he began the radical Small Cords, a hand-printed magazine which put a bomb under organized religion, and encouraged many to trust in their direct relationship with God rather than psychological hype and churchy 'Magic.' And to meet as directed by Him in homes or wherever they happened to be.
Small Cords was the beginning of a fruitful ministry in print which spanned over thirty years and saw over 20,000 copies of the six Beyond books printed on their small offset machine in the spare bedroom, collated on the kitchen table, hand-bound and sent to places 'too numerous to mention' throughout New Zealand and beyond – mostly sold by word of mouth, apart from a few brave bookshops!
In the nineties, after George had discovered (to his great joy!) that he had Jewish ancestry, George and Eileen had several exciting stays in Israel as volunteer workers under the Sar-El programme, sharing their experience of Jesus as Messiah whenever they could. (For an interview where Eileen tells of their experiences there and also their miraculous roof experience, see, 37 minutes into the program)
Around 2003 the Andersons went on the first of several trips to Fiji, where they proclaimed, in their unique, direct and powerful way, the message you can read in the six books of this volume.
When George found that he had cancer, he carried on a full life with his beloved Eileen, including the 'doing up' of two houses and a motor home.
The Beyond series is George's last message to a world on the brink. A world which he peacefully departed on the 6th of January, 2007.
In George's words:
'It's all a lead-in to the return of the King. And that's good news. Like a bride doesn't mind all the hassle of planning and ceremony that leads up to the great moment when she and her husband are alone at last on their honeymoon, so all the turmoil that's going to rock the world over the next few years is just the prelude to the greatest event on this planet's calendar.'
Everything in the Andersons' ...view less