"My previous novels explored how people were tied together by crime," Brooks says. "But with A Butler Christmas, I sought to connect peo- ple by the mystery of falling in love with new friends and ...view more"My previous novels explored how people were tied together by crime," Brooks says. "But with A Butler Christmas, I sought to connect peo- ple by the mystery of falling in love with new friends and estranged family. I'm excited and eager and anxious--like going on my sopho- more dance. To join the Prodigy Gold family is a great honor and thrills me to my wing tips."
Brooks grew up in Philadelphia be- fore trekking to Los Angeles to study film/TV at UCLA. Finding it difficult to break into Hollywood, he adapted his screen play into his first novel and later pursued an Eng- lish degree at Harvard University and making writing a full-time job. He lives in Philadelphia with a Manx.view less