Jean resides with her high school friend, Kelly, in a well-settled neighborhood of the Spokane Valley, Washington. After Kelly lost her husband, her MS disability made it too difficult for her to l...view moreJean resides with her high school friend, Kelly, in a well-settled neighborhood of the Spokane Valley, Washington. After Kelly lost her husband, her MS disability made it too difficult for her to live alone. Jean had already been a steady visitor and transport provider to Kelly for several years, so the move meant Kelly could stay at home, and they could enjoy any number of mutual interests and friends together. Some hobbies they like are embroidering gifts and knitting slippers. These are fun to do while watching select shows on TV, including Seahawk football and Gonzaga basketball, and trying to outguess the quiz programs. Jean loves to teach Christian studies, especially with adults, but any age students are rewarding. Currently, she is finding her life more directed to extended prayer as well as finding individuals that the Lord says "mentor." It is joyful to be a supportive friend to a few, a friend to many, and a mother to a wonderful tribe.view less