Well, I am not normal that's for sure, putting it in proper terms; if this was high school, I would fall into those weird and geeky groups. Actually I am not even sure they would want me...
My wei...view moreWell, I am not normal that's for sure, putting it in proper terms; if this was high school, I would fall into those weird and geeky groups. Actually I am not even sure they would want me...
My weird is sexy and funny. It's sometimes serious, but always crazy. I hate sadness, not only in me, but for the people around me as well, I hate being helpless, not being able to help my loved ones or any person in need. Believe it or not, I am a believer of the laughter is the best medicine quote. No, it doesn't solve your problems, but it makes you feel a hell of a lot better. Plus you lose calories so…
I have always had an over-active imagination, growing up I thought I was a dragon princess. I lived in my head most of the time, especially in my teen years. It got me through being bullied, it got me through being beaten and it helped me get through my feelings of abandonment.
What really pushed me into reading though, was an incident that still makes me cringe every time I think about it.
I was attacked in a train on my way to work in 2012. The attack itself was brutal yes but what broke me the most, were the people who just sat there and watched. None of them moved to help me, not during and not after.
Anyway, I had a lot of time after that to heal from my injuries, so a friend of mine got me hooked on Christian grey and his fifty shades of fucked up. Thank you GOD for E.L. James. After that reading became like breathing to me, the world it opened up to my wounded soul was very much needed and it fit right in with my dragon princess genes and I was happy, free and just, just felt so anything is possible in life.
The more I read, the more inspired I became and the more my imagination came up with outlandish ideas. That's when I decided to finally put it to pen and paper, and so began …The Heat Seriesview less