Decoded is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors. We release a short story or comic to subscribers every day of Pride month (June 1 – 30) and these ...view moreDecoded is a story-a-day anthology of queer science fiction, fantasy, and horror by queer authors. We release a short story or comic to subscribers every day of Pride month (June 1 – 30) and these stories are available year round. The point of Decoded is to create a space for queer folks to build community as fiction writers and comic creators. Our creators write and draw stories with queer themes for queer audiences and our allies.Decoded is a new anthology edited by Sara Century and S.E. Fleenor, creative partners and co-hosts of Bitches on Comics, a comics and pop culture advice podcast– we’re also critics and creators. We both write fiction and we both love reading fiction. This collection has come about because we believe that it is important to honor the rebellious, anti-fascist history of Pride by focusing on queer artists and writers of today.Sara Century (she/her) is an artist, writer, and filmmaker who is obsessed with most things. She is good at speaking in public, working for most hours of her waking life, and saying quotable things in casual conversation. You can find Sara’s webcomic with Tana Thornock at http://www.thevolatileanesthetic.comS.E. Fleenor (they/them) writes novels, creative non-fiction, and articles centering on feminism, queer identities, pop culture, and literature. Their writing has appeared in Vice, Electric Literature,, Upworthy, The Muse, and Class Lives: Stories from Across the Economic Divide. They regularly write for SYFY WIRE’s feminist vertical, FANGRRLS, and Daily Xtra. Feisty, sometimes angry, sometimes funny, but always bringing realness, S.E. is ecstatic to share their love of genre with audiences that have historically been excluded, particularly LGBTQ folks.view less