Michael Bienensdock's science fiction debut gazes at pioneering efforts to save the future and potential of humanity, contemplating the promise and the blunders of an ambitious quest to colonize...view more'
Michael Bienensdock's science fiction debut gazes at pioneering efforts to save the future and potential of humanity, contemplating the promise and the blunders of an ambitious quest to colonize beyond out own galaxy, where we face existential dangers. Tbis is his debut novel and not written by his clone who will be on the spaceship in the future. He is a retired teacher with over 35 years experience. He has an earned BS degree in Chemistry from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), an MA in Deaf Education from Gallaudet University and a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Maryland at College Park.
He lives with his family in Winter Park, Florida. mbeany@aol.com mbienenstock.com for more infoview less