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Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant
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Politics and Metaphysics in Kant

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The past three decades have witnessed the emergence of several Kantian theories. Both the critical reaction to consequentialism inspired by Rawlsian constructivism and the universalism of more recent theories informed by Habermasian discourse ethics trace their main sources of inspiration back to Kant’s writings.
Release dateMay 15, 2011
Politics and Metaphysics in Kant

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    Politics and Metaphysics in Kant - Sorin Baiasu

    1 • Metaphysics and Politics in the Wake of Kant: The Project of a Critical Practical Philosophy

    Sorin Baiasu, Sami Pihlström and Howard Williams

    Hence human reason, ever since it has been thinking or – rather – meditating, has never been able to dispense with a metaphysics, yet has nonetheless been unable to expound one that was sufficiently purified of everything extraneous. The idea of such a science is just as old as speculative human reason; and what reason is there that does not speculate, whether such a speculation be done in a scholastic or in a popular manner? (KrV A842/B870)

    1. Historical contexts

    The past three decades have witnessed the emergence, at the fore-front of political thought, of several Kantian theories. Both the critical reaction to consequentialism inspired by Rawlsian constructivism and the universalism of more recent theories informed by Habermasian discourse ethics, for instance, trace their main sources of inspiration back to Kant’s writings. Yet much of what is Kantian in contemporary theory is formulated with more or less strict caveats concerning Kant’s metaphysics. These range from radical claims that theories of justice must be political, not metaphysical, to more cautious calls for replacing Kant’s metaphysics with a less demanding ontology, such as one informed, for instance, by the relatively recent linguistic turn in philosophy.

    What motivates such a reluctant attitude towards metaphysics among Kantian scholars? To begin with, the very meaning of metaphysics is deeply contested: depending on whether the word ‘metaphysics’ is used critically, approvingly or merely descriptively, and depending on what those who practise metaphysics take themselves to be doing, the word ‘metaphysics’ will refer to distinct and sometimes even contradictory areas of inquiry. Apart from the more technical difficulty of finding a definition of the term that would meet with at least general agreement, philosophers and especially political philosophers seem to have a reflex reaction of rejection and alarm at the very mention of the word ‘metaphysics’.

    For the wary amongst us, the term evokes fundamentalist conviction, obscurantist argumentation and deep complication. It is, therefore, no surprise that metaphysics has often not had a good press in moral and political philosophy and has not received entirely favourable treatment even amongst philosophers, such as Kant and Hegel, who have ended up espousing it. Amongst its critics, the name of metaphysics has conjured visions of abstract, over-complex and remote thinking that has lost touch with everyday reality.

    The idea of metaphysics invites comparison with common sense. Metaphysics evokes a notion of thinking and meditating that is out of touch with the ordinary world and irrelevant to the active concerns of human life. Metaphysics is often seen as too close to religion and, in some instances, even identical to it. Many major metaphysicians such as Aquinas, Leibniz and Spinoza have presented systems that are coextensive with theology.

    Metaphysics for these philosophers is a depiction of divine truth and reality. They have encouraged a view of metaphysics that is immense in its ambitions. At the same time as projecting a view of metaphysics that is coextensive with religion, they can sometimes be read as acquiescing in the aspiration of religious thinkers, in particular those belonging to the medieval tradition, to subordinate all philosophical reflection to religious conviction. This is an undesirable state of affairs, and in so far as metaphysics is understood as comprehending religious doctrine that ultimately relies on dogmatic pronouncements, it should be resisted.

    However, we do not have to accept this image of metaphysics. It is legitimate for metaphysical reflection to include thinking about religious doctrine, but it need not be defined or limited by it. The problem is that historically, religion and metaphysics have overlapped considerably, and some have thought it appropriate that they should suffer the same fate in the modern period: decline.

    The connection of metaphysics with religion can be traced back at least as far as Aristotle. It is usually suggested that the term ‘metaphysics’ was coined soon after Aristotle’s death in 322 bc to describe ‘a number of treatises’ that ‘were placed "immediately after the Physics"’.¹ These treatises contain inquiries of a fundamental kind, including a philosophical lexicon that seeks to define such terms as ‘principle’, ‘cause’, ‘element’ and ‘nature’.

    The treatises are speculative, adventurous and unfinished. They are immediately recognizable to us now as metaphysics, and they rest on a tripartite distinction which Aristotle makes between physics which ‘studies mutable objects, and for the most part deals with essence as inseparable from matter’, mathematics, as a similarly speculative science, and a speculative science, which is ‘prior to both’, deals with ‘first causes’ and ‘must be eternal’. What is notable about this third speculative inquiry or ‘the highest science’ is that Aristotle depicts it as what is ‘visible of the divine’ or theology.² In Aristotle’s description of metaphysics, then, there seems to be a marked overlap between the domain of philosophy and the domain of religion.

    However, since Aristotle’s first science or ‘theology’, which looks at concepts and being in general, is an open-ended inquiry in which no one true answer is claimed, it is arguably different from most religions which begin from what their adherents regard to be indubitable truths or articles of faith. The connection of religion with metaphysics is not necessarily one of identity. The subject matter of metaphysics and religion may in many respects be similar, but in Aristotle’s schema religion can itself become the subject matter of metaphysics.

    Aristotle opens up the possibility, on which Kant capitalizes, that metaphysics need not accord with conventional religion. Thus, although Aristotle gives an extraordinarily ambitious scope to metaphysics, inviting the most uninhibited speculation, he does not suggest that it should lead to dogmatism and zealotry: speculation must, to his mind, be guided by reason and argument. Indeed, his treatment of Plato’s theory of Forms suggests an awareness of our epistemic limitations and proposes a methodology which takes these into account.³

    Whatever our fears about the idea of metaphysics, anyone concerned with Kant’s political philosophy – especially if we want to probe and understand what is most illuminating about this philosophy – has to attempt to come to grips with the idea of metaphysics and the hopes and limitations Kant associates with it.

    An important point to make is that Kant himself had doubts about the desirability and feasibility of metaphysics as it was understood in his day. He does not give an indiscriminate stamp of approval to everything that is presented in the name of metaphysics. In his mature philosophical system he presents a critical metaphysics which is distinguished from a good deal of what had gone on in the name of metaphysics up to his time. Indeed, Kant regards what is innovative about his thinking as deriving from the new view of metaphysics that he has to propose.

    For instance, Kant dramatically transforms Christian Wolff’s account of knowledge and philosophy, an account that was quite influential in his time.⁴ By introducing the distinction between the various faculties of mind, in particular between reason and the understanding, Kant relocates in the understanding the traditional concern with the identification of categories as the ultimate constituents of what exists. Wolff’s general metaphysics thus becomes Kant’s transcendental analytic.

    Furthermore, Wolff’s three branches of special metaphysics (which deal with the soul or mind, with the world as a whole and with God) are regarded by Kant as the province of reason and form the object of study of transcendental dialectic.⁵ But Kant retains Wolff’s view of the significance of practical philosophy and even regards practical reason as able to provide (moral) cognition of the soul, world and God, something which on Kant’s account is impossible for theoretical philosophy.⁶

    Hence Kant’s new view of metaphysics is not a complete rejection of earlier systems, but derives rather from a debate and close engagement with those systems. Metaphysics he regards as necessary but complex and always potentially confusing. In undertaking the Critique of Pure Reason he was conscious that he had to clear away much of the rubble left by the decay of traditional metaphysics.

    He depicts metaphysics in the opening pages of the work as the ‘combat arena’ of ‘endless conflicts’ aroused by the ambitions of pure reason. Reason faces its own defeat; where once metaphysics ‘was called the queen of all the sciences’, ‘the tone in vogue in this era, however, has made it fashionable to treat her with total disdain’ (KrV A: viii). Kant sees this defeat as deserved, even if for a while Locke’s ‘physiology of the human understanding’ had seemed to provide a new confidence that her reputation might be saved.

    There are two ever-present dangers that metaphysics faces: on the one hand it can transform itself into dogmatism, where one system claims to present all the answers to the problems raised by pure reason; on the other hand, it can transform itself into indifferentism, ‘where all paths have been tried in vain’ and the conclusion seems to be that there is no sure path for reason to follow. Kant regards these approaches as equally harmful. We should neither give in to sheer scepticism nor be blinded by the attractions of dogmatism. Thus at the very beginning of the Critique of Pure Reason he presents himself as an advocate of a revived but significantly more modest metaphysics. This metaphysics is empirically bound to appearances and gives in to the more ambitious demands of reason only in practical philosophy.

    Kant, of course, was not alone in criticizing the assumptions of traditional metaphysics. A radical re-evaluation and critique of metaphysics has taken place over the last two centuries. This is noticeable not only in the empiricist tradition, from Hume to recent empiricists like Bas van Fraassen; it is visible also in the less unified direction initiated by Kant and continuing with Nietzsche and the classical pragmatists, among others, culminating in the downright scorn for metaphysics in logical positivism and ordinary language philosophy in the mid-twentieth century.

    The debate over the role and status of metaphysics is, however, again highly relevant in contemporary philosophy. Especially in analytic philosophy, there seems to be growing interest in metaphysics, and the positivist declarations of the death of metaphysics can no longer be taken seriously. Leading thinkers have dedicated decades of work to metaphysics understood as a fundamental realm of philosophical inquiry, a ‘category theory’ largely in a realist, Aristotelian spirit.⁷ These and other metaphysicians disagree, sometimes sharply, about what the basic ontological categories to be postulated are (for instance, whether there are universals, tropes, real modalities and so on), but they largely agree on what metaphysics is all about.

    We have just said that the debate over the role and status of metaphysics is again highly relevant in contemporary philosophy. A qualification must, however, be made here. For metaphysics in this context is seen as an inquiry into the way the world is, independently of the mind of the inquirer and without any Kantian restrictions or worries about the unknowability of things in themselves. So there are indeed debates concerning the structure of the world understood, almost in a pre-Kantian sense, as what there is independently of human consciousness.⁸ Unfortunately, however, this is usually taken to be an assumption, rather than a debatable claim in need of defence and with direct implications for the status and role of metaphysics.

    The present-day ‘Kantian’ metaphysician, however, emphasizes our need to inquire into the ontological structure of the ‘human world’, of the world as it is for us, by contrast to an alleged noumenal, intelligible world of things ‘in themselves’. The Kantian inquiry into the constitutive structure of the human world can, however, go beyond an account of how the world is. Thus, it is sometimes argued that when dealing with the world in any manner whatsoever (however theoretical), we always, at least implicitly, make ethical choices and engage in moral valuation.⁹ For human reality is in fact constituted categorially from standpoints always already laden with ethical ideals and assumptions. Hence our human reality is itself deeply value-laden, as Hilary Putnam, among others, has suggested in his recent work attacking the fact/ value dichotomy.¹⁰

    The issue may go deeper than the uncontroversial idea that different metaphysical positions may have different ethical implications. The question may even be whether metaphysics, in the Kantian ‘critical’ sense, might not be grounded in ethical considerations, based on ethical premises. Metaphysics might not, then, even be possible without a tight connection to ethics. Accordingly, we cannot arrive at any understanding of reality as we humans experience it without paying due attention to the ways in which moral valuations and commitments are constituents of that same reality.

    If these general questions concerning the relationships between metaphysics and ethics are raised in this way, then a similar investigation of the relationship between metaphysics and politics (and political philosophy in particular) becomes even more urgent.

    2. Conceptual contexts

    What kind of an angle should one then adopt in an investigation of this relationship? The question is difficult, since the various issues

    that the relationship between politics and metaphysics gives rise to are not easy to prioritize. As we have seen, the question of this relationship not only pertains directly to political issues of norm justification and legitimation but also raises various philosophical problems, from that concerning the very meaning of ‘metaphysics’ to that of the possibility of a metaphysics-free political philosophy.

    In principle, in so far as practical – that is, ethical and political – philosophy is primarily concerned with the justification of normative standards of action, of rules about what we ought to do, philosophers are bound to rely on arguments which go beyond a mere description of what happens in the world: the focus is on (ethically and politically) right actions, actions which ought to be done, rather than on what is usually done or what usually happens. This implies that practical philosophers will have to advance arguments which are correct for all and, moreover, which go significantly beyond what we can describe on the basis of our sense experience.

    While reliance on the rules of traditional logic may indeed provide validity without recourse to sense perception, the resulting arguments seem to be nothing more than formal claims, which can only clarify an issue and eliminate any implicit inconsistencies. To be sure, clarification is very important and helpful for evaluation of the rightness of the rules of action; yet such a process is not sufficient to justify the correctness of the rules concerning what we ought to do, since ethically or politically correct rules may be as semantically clear and logically consistent as those which are morally objectionable.

    There seems to be nothing particularly unclear, as far as semantics is concerned, about, say, the political decisions of certain totalitarian communist regimes or of other undemocratic states. Yet at least some of these decisions are obviously wrong. Similarly, I may make sure that an accurate description of such decisions contains no logical contradiction, but this only guarantees that the description is not contradictory and can refer to some decision or action; it cannot guarantee that the action is not wrong.¹¹

    It is therefore doubtful that anything morally substantive can be discovered by following this method of clarification, which is confined to the tasks of making explicit and spelling out already existing content. Since metaphysics is the discipline which claims to be able to make substantive claims independently of sense experience, it is usually considered to be a discipline which relies on the dogmatic assertion of certain (unjustifiable) claims.

    For instance, certain claims about how we ought to live our lives will be acceptable only to those who adopt the particular cultural perspective from which the claims are being made. But then, even within the same cultural tradition, the arguments concerning the validity of certain rules may seem little more than dogmatic pronouncements, at best accompanied by various ‘metaphysical’ justifications: religious, cultural-philosophical or mythological. Given the plurality of the views, perspectives and experiences that people in modern liberal democracies make manifest, the outcome will be an almost permanent conflict of normative claims. Moreover, the appeal to dogmatic adjudication through such a metaphysics cannot be a good basis for conflict resolution, for it is impossible to justify such an adjudication as correct for all.

    We therefore face a dilemma: either we try to justify such rules as right on the basis of arguments which aim to be correct for all, or we try to explain them further by clarifying the cultural contexts in which such rules are in place. In the first case, we must go beyond simple description of how such rules have been put into practice, beyond the mere clarification of their meaning and beyond the ‘argument’ that they are the rules of tradition. Hence nothing but a dogmatic postulation of the rules seems to remain available.

    In the second case, one perhaps avoids this kind of dogmatism, but one ends up instead with a description and clarification of the meaning of the rules and hence fails to explain why such clearly presented rules are right rather than wrong. This approach falls short of providing a justification for the rules;¹² unless a person already accepts these rules as right, there is nothing further which can decide her to accept them.¹³

    It is for this reason that recent Kantian philosophers like John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas or Karl-Otto Apel have tried, each in his own distinctive way, to make explicit the relationship between practical philosophy and metaphysics. This is certainly a necessary move, which echoes Kant’s distinction between dogmatic and critical metaphysics and his warning that dogmatic metaphysics makes speculative claims which go beyond our cognitive capacities.

    Kant also suggested the possibility of a sui generis (transcendental) logical discipline, which would be able to provide substantive arguments without relying on sense experience. Since it is not simply the result of dogmatic adjudication, such a discipline seems able to resolve the dilemma presented above, in particular the problem of finding a standard of adjudication which would enable us to evaluate the rightness of conflicting claims; however, since Kant developed his view of a transcendental logic in his theoretical philosophy, it would also be necessary to identify a parallel approach in his practical philosophy.

    The main assumption which is required to get the argument for a discipline like transcendental logic going is that not all our concepts should be completely reducible to experience; in other words, the empiricist claim that we derive all our concepts from experience by abstraction and generalization would have to be reduced in scope to allow also for some non-empirical concepts. Following Kant, general logic deals with the laws of thinking about objects in general without concern for the kind of objects to which judgements refer. The formal validity of a syllogism, for instance, will be determined irrespective of how the variables in the argument are realized (KrV A55/B79–A56/B80).

    Take the following inference: ‘All Xs are a; A is X; hence, A is a.’ The validity of the argument does not vary with the content of the variables X, A and a. Whether we replace the set with (human beings, Socrates and mortal) or (planets, Venus and green) is not relevant for what Kant calls ‘general logic’ (KrV A52/B76). Hence, while general logic does assume a reference to objects of cognition, these objects are only specified as objects in general, their particular features being logically irrelevant.

    By contrast, the idea of a transcendental logic is that of a discipline which studies the relationship between judgements in so far as these employ concepts which are not empirical (and hence derived from the experience of certain objects) but a priori and, hence, capable of referring a priori to objects of experience and capable of saying something correct about these objects. This means that transcendental logic will investigate laws which regulate relationships between our judgements, in so far as they can say something a priori about the world. These laws will be more substantive than the laws of general logic and, at the same time, have a necessary character.

    The link with practical philosophy can be established, at least prima facie, relatively easily, since Kant talks about the a priori, non-empirical concepts and the object of (pure) practical reason. Hence, the idea of a discipline which investigates the relationships between judgements which employ non-empirical practical concepts is precisely that of a transcendental logic in the practical domain, and the result should be more substantive than that of general logic while at the same time presenting the necessary character of the laws of general logic.

    In fact, in the Preface to the Groundwork, Kant draws two distinctions that may help to illuminate our argument. The first is the distinction between universal practical philosophy and metaphysics of morals, and the second between general logic and transcendental philosophy. Kant claims that, just as general logic investigates the laws of thinking as such, universal practical philosophy explores the laws of willing as such. By contrast, just as transcendental philosophy investigates the laws of pure thinking or of the thinking whereby objects are known a priori, metaphysics of morals examines the laws of a will determined by a priori, non-empirical principles (GMS 4: 390–1). We can in this way draw an analogy between transcendental logic and metaphysics of morals. The former has the role of identifying the a priori laws which constitute experience and, hence, through which objects of experience can be known a priori. Analogically the latter can be seen as playing the role of a practical transcendental logic, which investigates those laws of a will which have a constitutive role in practical judgement and, hence, make practical cognition possible.

    To be sure, more needs to be done to spell out this idea of a metaphysics of morals as a practical transcendental logic, but despite the ongoing nature of the endeavour, the analogy points clearly to a possible solution to the dilemma presented above. Recall the dilemma: either we try to justify rules as right on the basis of arguments which aim to be correct for all or we try to explain them further by clarifying the cultural contexts in which such rules are in place; the first alternative requires us to do more than the second allows and suggests that we need to have recourse to a dogmatic assertion of rules; the second alternative avoids such dogmatism, but falls short of providing a justification of the rules. Hence, the question is that of providing a substantive and necessary standard of action which is non-dogmatic. For recall the assumption which was needed for the notion of a transcendental logic to be possible: that the empiricist claim that all concepts are reducible to experience (together with activities of abstraction and generalization) be weakened in order to admit some concepts which are of a non-empirical origin.

    Now, even if the plausibility of this assumption is not considered sufficient, and even if the objection that the notion of an a priori concept is dogmatic is again raised, one can still advance the following argument. Given the difference between theoretical and practical philosophy and, hence, given the normative character of practical rules, the notion of an a priori concept in practical philosophy is easier to justify than that of an a priori concept in theoretical philosophy, since justification in practical philosophy must go beyond what we can describe merely on the basis of sense experience or of the rules of general logic.

    But can such a justification be genuinely non-dogmatic? Such a question points to a potentially rich area of further investigation. To be sure, transcendental idealism is metaphysical for Kant and the task is to identify the type of metaphysics it incorporates and the extent to which this is legitimate. In the context of current debates, the more problematic aspect is not simply the a priori, non-empirical character of the concepts of practical reason; rather, it is their constitutive character in the determination of the object of practical reason which must be defended as legitimate. Nonetheless, we think the discussion above offers at least some ammunition for the defender of the non-dogmatic character of such a transcendental or critical practical philosophy.

    We regard the project of a critical philosophy as one concerned with transcendental idealism. The transcendental idealist character of critical philosophy refers to the attempt this project makes to steer a path between (and hence to avoid the traditional problems of) realism and idealism, as well as rationalism and empiricism. There are, of course, various accounts of transcendental idealism.¹⁴ Distinguishing between those which are, in some sense, accurate (or correct or convincing) and those which are not would not be an easy task. One test should perhaps be accepted here, namely that an account which regards transcendental idealism as dogmatic cannot be seen as accurate (or correct or convincing) without further qualification and discussion, especially given the importance, for Kant, of justification as opposed to uncritical acceptance of existing norms and authorities.

    3. Texts

    The conceptual and philosophical character of the problems presented in the previous section in relation to Kant’s project of a critical philosophy goes some way towards explaining the relevance of Kant’s thought for current debates. Another important consideration has to do with the concrete political problems with which such an account of justification has the potential to deal. In the current context of pluralism and diversity, the main advantage of such a Kantian project is that, if successful, it can offer an account of moral objectivity and a corresponding strategy of adjudication on moral conflicts without a commitment to moral realism.¹⁵

    Moreover, such an account would not simply reduce moral objectivity to intersubjectivity. As a result, apart from sidestepping problems of demandingness created by most versions of moral realism, this account would also avoid difficulties which are usually associated with conceptions of justification based on modus vivendi, status quo or other versions of agonal politics. At the same time, this account offers a view of justification which is also distinct from many current contractarian, constructivist and discourse ethics conceptions.

    The discussion in the previous two sections foreshadows some of the arguments and debates that have to be explored in relation to the question of the relationship between metaphysics and politics in Kant. The essays in this volume focus precisely on these arguments and debates, and make in this way an important contribution to the literature in the area.¹⁶ In fact, given that only very few studies have addressed this issue so far, this volume opens up an area of research which is not only philosophically intriguing, but which also has implications for highly concrete and urgent contemporary political issues.¹⁷ Moreover, taken together, the papers in this volume can be seen as offering the sketch of a research programme on the nature of critical practical philosophy.

    To begin with, on Kenneth Westphal’s account, Kant adopts a constructivist philosophical method, which is based on core principles of rational justification. Such principles do not rely on the assumptions of transcendental idealism, and yet are able to fulfil their function: that of justifying practical (moral and political) claims. Thus, according to Westphal, Kant’s justificatory strategy needs only to make appeal to a notion of justification, which requires that sufficient reasons be provided in order for all parties consistently to be able to adopt or follow the same principle in thought or action.

    Such a notion of justification relies only on a view of reason as autonomous, a view which avoids naturalism (and hence is properly normative) and at the same time does not involve an appeal to transcendent or even transcendental authorities. While Kant’s systematic approach may suggest that metaphysics is a necessary assumption for practical philosophy on Westphal’s view, contemporary Kantians like Onora O’Neill can defend and implement constructivism without appeal to transcendental idealism.

    Even though it represents one of the most distinctive and significant conceptions of justification in contemporary literature, Onora O’Neill’s position is clearly influenced by John Rawls’s. Yet, as Alyssa Bernstein argues in her contribution to the volume, while Rawls explicitly made claims for the exclusion of metaphysics from political theory, he only referred to a narrow sense of ‘metaphysics’. Hence, while the Rawlsian constructivist method may well reject certain types of metaphysical claim, it does not reject metaphysics altogether and may even rely on some assumptions of a metaphysical nature. Thus Rawls’s Kantian constructivism may be one way of sustaining an explicitly Kantian metaphysics in practical philosophy.

    In his contribution, Sami Pihlström defends the thesis that ethics and (possibly) political philosophy are entangled with transcendental idealism, in a relationship which needs further elaboration but which cannot be ignored. Interestingly, the context of his discussion complements that of the previous papers. Thus, rather than focusing on debates sparked by the work of philosophers such as Rawls and O’Neill, he starts from the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Emmanuel Levinas. He reads them as Kantian philosophers and explores the ways in which Kant’s view on the metaphysical status of practical reason paved the way for the views of these two important twentieth-century philosophers.

    It seems evident, given the nature of Kant’s critical philosophy, that he thinks that his theoretical philosophy is linked in important respects to his moral or practical (ethical and political) philosophy. He sometimes elaborates at fair length on the differences between his theoretical and his practical philosophy (for instance, KrV A795/B823–A831/B859; KpV 5:119–21 or 5:134–41). Yet many questions remain unanswered and unclear in this respect. In particular, it is unclear how his critical metaphysics will function in the context of ethics and political philosophy.

    Perhaps the best way to develop this aspect of Kant’s philosophy further is by trying to identify areas in his practical philosophy where significant similarities with theoretical philosophy can be identified. By examining how his critical philosophy is deployed in the theoretical context, an appropriate starting point for a similar practical account can be provided. Several chapters in this volume adopt this strategy.

    According to Lucas Thorpe, for example, there is at least one strong connection we can draw between Kant’s theoretical philosophy, ethics and political philosophy. Thus, he argues that Kant’s ethical ideal of the kingdom of ends is essentially the same as both his political ideal of a community of individuals governed by juridical laws and his theoretical ideal of an intelligible world. Here Thorpe draws on the normative character of the ideals, which move beyond the simple description of the world towards the prescription of states of affairs to be realized.

    Tatiana Patrone’s chapter focuses more specifically on several similarities between Kant’s key concepts of political theory and his ideas of reason in the theoretical philosophy, starting with their function as representations of the unconditional. The claim she defends is that a regulative function is performed not only by Kant’s ideas of reason in the theoretical domain, but also by fundamental concepts of political philosophy in the practical domain. Specifically, she argues that just as ideas of theoretical reason unify cognitions formed through the contribution of the concepts of the

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