Is God Evil?
About this ebook
Who is God anyway? The old man who created the world in six days and then took Sunday off, or the one who thinks that a man equals two women? What if it was us who created God in our own image and not the opposite? The prolific interpretations of God with their fear-based distortions support this theory. What if the universal recipe for life and happinessor the carrot that donkeys worldwide are pursuingwere as illusionary and deceitful as the numerous personas of God? What if both our fear-based constructs of God and reality were seeded on purpose in order to enslave us in a matrix of cognitive distortions? If so, who benefits from keeping us energetically harnessed?
This book explores the true nature of God as a consciousness that steps down into manifested form through a basic understanding of the mechanics of co-creation. It also explores the mechanics of miscreation, along with the inorganic nature and consequences of fear, including physical phenomena like the formation of black holes and metaphysical ones like the biblical fall.
A set of tools is provided for those who wish to detangle themselves from the matrix of fear-based consciousness by reclaiming their initial state of mastery and godhood and becoming the architects of their life in this physical realm and beyond.
Information is the highest form of power. From the moment it is acquired, life becomes entirely magical.
Mirna Hanna Ph.D.
Mirna Hanna is an architect-urban planner who also holds an MBA, a Master in Wealth Management, and a PhD in Urban Planning from the Sorbonne. Before becoming interested in self-help and spirituality, she published two poetry books in France. Her book Is God Evil? is the result of more of one decade of research in the fields of psychology, self-empowerment, alternative healing techniques and modalities, New Age, and spirituality.
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Is God Evil? - Mirna Hanna Ph.D.
Copyright © 2014 MIRNA HANNA Ph.D .
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014903961
Balboa Press rev. date: 05/05/2014
Part I Who Is God? The Mechanics of Consciousness
The Nature of Matter
From Consciousness to Matter
The Secret Anatomy
The Intangible Software
Cocreation versus Miscreation
Evolution versus De-evolution: Reversal Mode and Black Holes
Part II The Energetic Harness: Reality as a Prison
The Fall and Mission Planet Earth
The Journey from Gods to Dogs
The Purpose of Enslavement
Dysfunctions of the Human Template
Polarization and Imbalances
The Construct of Reality
Cognitive Distortions and Energetic Harnessing
The Other Aspects of Mind Control
Secret Wars
The Official Paradigm as a Distorted Construct
Part III The Hidden Science of Cocreation
A Basic Step: Healing the Shadow-Self
Welcome to the Contents of your Mind: Mindscapes Are Lifescapes
Moving Up the Emotional Frequency Scale
Emotional Purging
Getting in Sync
Freedom from the Energetic Harness
Saving the World from Home
Spiritual Actualization
The Ultimate Purpose: Restoring the Divine Blueprint and Ascension
Part IV Back to Godhood in a Few Steps
Three Steps to Mastery and Godhood
The Toolkit for Becoming God
Human beings sit in a cave, in chains, their backs to the entrance. The shadows of things moving outside are projected by the light onto an inner wall of the cave. As the prisoners have never been outside the cave since birth, they believe these shadows are reality. One of them succeeds in freeing himself and walks outside into the light. He realizes that he has lived his whole life in the shadow of an illusion. Delighted by his discovery, he returns to the cave to communicate it to the others. Violence erupts between the one who ventured outside and those who do not want to understand. The story ends with the death of the person that had gained insight into reality.
The Allegory of the Cave
Plato (Wikipedia)
Most of us are familiar with Plato’s allegory of the cave where people only get to see shadows that they mistake for reality. What if we were those cavemen?
We are born and schooled; we find a job; we get married and have children; we age and die. We are told that this is the only formula for happiness, and that it was intended by God, who created us in his image. This is all we know. If this is perfect, how come we suffer?
The premise is that we are clueless despite our God-given values and scientific breakthroughs. If we came to know all the things that we are currently unaware of, we would do almost everything differently, and what we are unaware of is the hidden part of the iceberg. The first clue that allows us to put the pieces of the puzzle together is that matter is energy, and energy obeys the laws of science as demonstrated through the lens of quantum physics. Energy is consciousness, which means that what we don’t see with our physical eyes and label as the spiritual realm, is not opposed to science, which is taking baby steps toward explaining its complex workings and mechanics.
The dichotomy that exists between spirituality and science in our present paradigm is extremely misleading. It is one of the many cognitive distortions that pervade the construct that we call reality.
What if most of what we think we know is not true?
What if the construct that we call reality comprises many of these distortions? What if these viruses were seeded on purpose? What if, while we think that we have free will, we are actually plugged into a matrix of cognitive distortions and programmed like robots to sleepwalk through life? If this is true, then who benefits from having the human race imprisoned in this energetic harness, building an entire reality system on deceitful illusions?
What if the array of limitations that we experience daily, like ailment, scarcity, aging, and even physical death, were not part of the plan? What if something went terribly wrong? What if the real conflict was not between good and evil, but rather between a universal truth and a universal lie that has kept us since the beginning of recorded history chained to the walls of the cave, with our backs turned to the light, building our entire belief system on mere shadows?
What if health, abundance, playfulness, the power to manifest, and eternal life were our divine rights?
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs
Part I
Who Is God?
The Mechanics of Consciousness
Chapter 1
The Nature of Matter
The Particle/Wave Duality and the Matter/Consciousness Dichotomy
First, let us explore the nature of matter. Some interesting leads have been uncovered on the subject in quantum physics, demonstrating that what appears to be solid matter is in reality made of two components: a handful of quanta and a majority of void. Quanta means energy, which is another word for consciousness. Investigating the nature of matter through the lens of quantum physics leads inevitably to talk about consciousness. Matter and consciousness are not only linked, matter is a manifestation of consciousness.
Our body and all solid matter are made of atoms. The structure of an atom consists of a nucleus located at the center, with electrons revolving around it. The distance between the nucleus and each electron is equivalent to a football field. Atoms are therefore made mainly of void with subatomic particles floating around; their numbers vary according to the nature of the atom.
What are subatomic particles made of? They are either elementary particles or composites of elementary particles, like the atom’s nucleus. When studied, elementary particles, which are the smallest indivisible particles of solid matter discovered so far, have not only demonstrated wave properties—hence the particle/wave duality paradox—but they have also shown that their behavioral properties are not set in stone. They are probabilities.
The wave/particle duality is the result of experiments conducted by quantum physicists studying the behavior of elementary particles. These series of experiments have shown that an elementary particle can behave either as a particle or as a wave. This paradox is best illustrated by what is referred to in quantum physics as the double slit experiment.
Two parallel screens are used, the first one comprising two identical vertical slits through which elementary particles are fired, targeting the second screen. When elementary particles are fired through one of the two vertical slits, they strike the second screen and form a pattern similar in size and shape to the slit through which they were fired. A similar result is obtained when particles are fired though the second slit, as they also hit the screen forming a vertical line. The logical sequence would be that when both slits are simultaneously opened, the pattern formed on the second screen by the particles would be that of two vertical lines (Figure 1). The result of the experiment was baffling because several lines appeared on the screen, despite the presence of only two slits (Figure 1). This would usually occur only in the case of waves, as a result of the interference pattern between them (Figure 2).
Figure 1. The double slit experiment: Instead of forming two straight lines, particles behave like waves, forming several lines on the second screen.
This experiment demonstrates the dual nature of matter and also raises questions about the nature of reality itself. What is more real: the particle or the wave nature of the elementary particles that form matter? Even when carried out with a single electron, the double slit experiment still exhibits patterns of interference (Figure 2). How can one single electron interfere with itself? This would mean that one electron passed through both slits at the same time. How can this be true without defying the very nature of reality itself?
002.jpgFigure 2. Single particle behaving like a wave
More baffling results occurred when a monitoring device was introduced in order to observe through which slit the electron passed. As a result of the introduction of the observer, the electron behaved as a particle, and the interference pattern ceased. The outcome of the experiment was thus altered through observation,
i.e. consciousness. This implies that reality is a set of possibilities, and the one that comes into materialization is simply the one that we bring awareness to. Something exists when consciousness is brought to it; otherwise it is only a possibility. Consciousness shapes physical reality and beyond, as matter is only one of consciousness’ multiple expressions.
Matter Is Consciousness
Consciousness is first down-stepped as sound and light before it manifests as matter. The series of experiments described previously demonstrate indirectly that 1) sound and light are the interface between consciousness and matter, which explains why particles behave like waves, and 2) consciousness shapes matter since nothing is real until it is observed.
003.jpgNot only does consciousness precede matter, it also shapes it. Reality is not linear; it is a set of probabilities. The one that materializes is the one toward which consciousness is channeled: matter is a state of consciousness.
004.jpgWhat we don’t see precedes and shapes what we see according to precise mechanics. This intangible software
forms the blueprint of physical reality.
How real are we? We are a handful of quanta floating around in a three-dimensional void. This is the most exciting thing we can be told about ourselves because it means that we are a wide array of possibilities, and that our lives are always in the making. Every moment, we can choose to be the best of who we can become.
illustration%2006.jpgEnergy is consciousness, and consciousness is energy.
E’Asha Ashayana
Although you appear in earthly form, your essence is pure consciousness.
Chapter 2
From Consciousness to Matter
Scalability and Fractality
Physical reality has a holographic nature. Its true substance is consciousness that projects itself onto a three-dimensional screen. Each person’s script is a reflection of his or her own consciousness, or energy signature. In terms of sustainability, physical reality is barely real, whereas consciousness is—physicality is subject to entropy, but consciousness is eternal.
Consciousness manifests itself through a stepping-down process that consists of an expansion cycle during which creation individuates from Source. The expansion cycle is followed by a contraction cycle, wherein individuated consciousness returns back to Source. The stepping-down process is based on the two principles of scalability and fractality.
007.jpgThe manifested universe that is known to us, as well as the parts that we are unaware of, originate from a Source commonly called God. We can compare the process of manifestation from Source to an electrical circuit, with Source being the power plant that feeds