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God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment
God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment
God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment
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God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment

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As I think of death, I realize it is a permanent situation. Many people living on earth and sensing all the different sensations of life,including love, pain, joy, feelings, taste and so forth, and then they come to the end of their adventure and will wonder, “now what”. What was there before this? What will be after this? So many questions, yet so few answers. Let’s come together now and begin our journey through the realization of God, His word, His only Son, His creation and might I say, life itself, but not overlooking His love, mercy and grace, and especially His judgment.
Release dateMar 11, 2015
God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment

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    God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment - Benny Tucker

    God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment

    God, Man, Death, and Then the Judgment

    God, Man, Death,

    And Then



    Hebrews 9:27

    "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, But after this the judgment:

    First Edition 2015

    Copyright Page

    Scripture quotations are taken from the

    King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.

    KJV Commentary; King James Study Bible

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    Personal Sermon outlines.

    ©Copyright 2015-Benny Tucker

    All rights reserved

    Published by

    ISBN 978-1-312-98329-8

    Printed in the United States of America.


    Heading Flourish Divider Clip Art Introduction Heading Flourish Divider Clip Art

    May I say, that upon reading this, you, as an individual, must approach this material with a sincere heart, you cannot place yourself outside reality and think; This cannot happen to me.   You must face reality and not believe in imaginations placed in your mind by supernatural forces that would have you believe otherwise. 

    DEATH.  A subject that no one wants to address.  The Holy Bible says in, Hebrews 9:27. And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,   But, not only is man appointed to die but everything in creation dies.  As we look together through the pages of this book, and the pages of time, we will discover together this marvelous event about God’s creation and man and the unannounced event called DEATH.

    The inspiration I received for writing this book, was the loss of friends and love ones.  Our life’s are so short lived, yet others are shorter still.  As I hear and see people go into eternity I have to wonder about their spiritual condition.  Where did they go?

    I stand on the foundation of the Holy Bible.  As a born again believer, in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have committed myself to His service and to worship Him and only Him.   At no time has any person given their life for me, so that I might live, except Jesus.  He perished on an Old Rugged Cross so that I and mankind may have an avenue to God the father, the creator.

    Each day is a new day. It is a new beginning for us. We can elect to rejoice in this new day or grieve over the errors we made yesterday.  God wants us to rejoice in the new day, not to grieve over what has already happened, or to worry and stress over things we cannot change. Because of God’s love, He provided a way for us.  John 3:16 tells us, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  God’s son, Jesus, paid the price for our sin that we were unable to pay.  Jesus came not to be served, but to be a servant.  All that He accomplished was in God’s divine will.

    We have to realize that man is not the only element of God’s creation that suffers, unto death.  Lots and lots of people only focus on themselves and fail to see the, Big Picture, as God sees it.  Many times people ask, and are asking, Why am I here?  What will happen in the end when I am no more?  Come with me on a journey of reality and truth that no one likes to discuss and only few people embrace with love and faith.

    As I think of death, I realize it is a permanent situation.  Many people living on earth and sensing all the different sensations of life, love, pain, joy, feelings, taste and so forth, then they come to the end of this adventure and wonder, now what.   What was there before this?  What will be after this?  So many questions, yet so few answers.

    Let’s come together now and begin our journey through the realization of God, His word, His only Son, His creation and might I say, life itself, but we can’t overlook His love, mercy and grace, and we must not overlook His judgments. The bible promises the second coming of Jesus and it will happen just as it says.  Jesus came the first time as an innocent little baby in a manger, but when He returns the second time, He will come as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  He will establish His Kingdom and rule it for 1,000 years and then there will be the final judgment known as the Great White Throne Judgment.  At this time God will raise all the unsaved, the ones that died without Christ Jesus, the ones that would not believe, and they along with Satan, his angels, death and sin will all be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, this is the second death.  There they will remain forever and ever.  Cast into outer darkness, with pain and gnashing of teeth, forever separated from God and His presence. To exist in agony and suffering, not to live, but just to exist.

    The bible tells and teaches that all will not believe and that in these end times the unbelievers would be many, but my thoughts are simply this, everyone has the right to hear the Gospel of Jesus, all have the opportunity to believe through faith that God freely gave all men.  Just because the world does not believe in Jesus or God the father, we must remember that’s their opinion and not the law.  God’s laws are all around us and He says everything that is told in scripture will happen just as He said through His prophets.  It is the responsibility of each person to believe in God and His son Jesus.  There are scholars and teachers that are very impressive with their teachings about the non-existence of God, but the bible says that God laughs at their foolishness and that He makes sport of them. God states that they place themselves above who they really are, thinking they are great in intelligence and knowledge, but their teachings are mostly theory and what they believed happened based on the evidence they see, they close their eyes to any other probability that might include God.

    Exploring the universe and all the mysteries of time and space, there are answers to be had that are not scientific, but rather biblical.  God gave us His only begotten son on the cross and His blood paid for our sins and the death that we fear so much.  We were unable to pay this debt because we are sinners and in sin. Through Jesus death, burial and resurrection, Satan, death and hell were defeated and no longer have the power over the believer, Jesus beat him and condemned him to the Lake of Fire and with him go his angels, hell and death and all the unbelievers who do not know Jesus as their savior.  Yes my friend, believing in   Jesus saves us from eternal death. Yes we will still suffer physical death, unless Jesus comes before hand then there will be no more sin and death.

    I pray that today that all the unbelievers would believe, but I know they won’t because the scriptures say there will be millions upon millions of unbelievers that will fill the Lake of Fire.  The choice is ours, we can choose Heaven or Hell, and we are free to choose.  Life or damnation and spiritual death.  We must have a spiritual understanding of God and His love and desire to be with you and me for fellowship.  He is eternal, all things that were invisible He made visible.  The death that we experience here only opens the door to God’s eternity.  So we will exist, with conscious realization of eternal life.  Our souls and spirit belong to God and to Him shall they return, Ecclesiastes 12:7. "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.  Then the judgment. 

    May God Bless You as my Prayer!

    Chapter 1 Eternity Past

    Heading Flourish Divider Clip Art Chapter 1 Heading Flourish Divider Clip Art

    Eternity Past

    Somewhere in eternity past, in the invisible universe, there was an eternal being of great strength and power.  He was omniscience and was always there in the dimension that we cannot comprehend, yet He was, that He was.  Who was this deity that always was and always will be, past, present and future? 

    The Holy Bible tells me that He always was and always will be.  In our human state of mind that we are in today we can’t understand this great and omniscient power.  So let’s look beyond the Bible and go into the ancient writings of men that are mentioned in the Bible but never elaborated on.  The first such person we want to look into is, Enoch.   He is mentioned in the Holy Bible and was very much loved because he was translated to be with this eternal power. Who we call GOD.

    In the Holy Bible, Enoch is mentioned in Genesis 5:19. And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Genesis 5:21-24 21) And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: 22) And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: 23) And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24) And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

    So we see that Enoch was in great favor with God and that God actually took Enoch or we might say he was raptured to be with God.  Also we know that Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah, he was the seventh from Adam, and so we now see some connection of Enoch to other portions of the Bible.  Luke 3:37 places Enoch in the genealogy of Jesus the Christ the only begotten son of God.

    Luke 3:37-38. 37) Which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the son of Cainan. 38) Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

    Now we believe the book of Hebrew might have been penned by the Apostle Paul, however we have no solid evidence of this, and it may have been penned by Luke, however whatever the case may be it is certain that Enoch is mentioned here also.

    Hebrew 11:5. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.  And now again in

    Jude 1:14.  And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

    Now I have brought all this attention to Enoch, so that I may present this article of information to the story.  Many believe this book, The Secrets of Enoch or Enoch 2, is a false document and has no real truth about it.  It is only a source of ideas and not a source of doctrine.  The Holy Bible is the only book of truth, however Enoch provides and interesting view of how the universe was created from nothing, or may I say, visible from invisible. 

    Enoch Chapter 25:1-4. God relates to Enoch, how out of the very deepest parts, came forth the visible from invisible. 1) I commanded in the very lowest parts, that visible things should come down from invisible, and Adoil (Adoil. Or, Light of creation.) Came down very great, and I beheld him, and lo! He had a belly of great light. 

    2) And I said to him: Become undone, Adoil, and let the visible come out of you.

    3) And he came undone, and a great light came out. And I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all creation, which I had thought to create.

    4) And I saw that it was good.

    So now let’s consider science as we know it here on earth today.  Theory of the Big Bang, casting billions upon billions of particles of energy and masses of rock and material we assume from that huge gigantic explosion of light.  I would say it being similar to a star imploding on itself.  According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today.  So Enoch says God told him that Adoil light of creation, came undone, as God told him, and a great light came out. Now we assume that Adoil was invisible, possibly from another dimension or plain of existence that is not comprehendible to us in human form. However, Adoil was told by God to bring visible from invisible. Adoil being invisible had a belly full of energy and light that burst forth making all the energy and power that was within him visible.

    It is interesting to note that God was invisible and still is invisible, but also in verse 3 we see God saying, I was in the midst of the great light, and as there is born light from light, there came forth a great age, and showed all creation, which I had thought to create. Notice God says, He thought to create.  Go with me to

    Ezekiel 39:8. Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof I have spoken.

    May I say here that when God see’s or speaks in His mind the coming events of the future, which this verse is futuristic, and when He says it or thinks it, it is already done even though it has not yet occurred, and we are like unto this because when we have vain imaginations, acted out in our minds that later we commit.  Remembering, we don’t have the power of God to accomplish thoughts supernaturally but God does.  That is exactly what is portrayed here, God says that, He had thought to create.  Therefore it was a thought of His in the invisible plain and therefore it is brought into existence through God’s sovereign desire. God says several times in scripture that all things were created and done for His pleasure.

    So now we say, How many years ago was that?  We don’t know and may never know, but maybe we will know when we enter the invisible through our death.  The Bible says that when our soul and spirit return to God we will know Him and see Him face to face.  We will be known as we are known, but my thought on this is simply this, Adam was the first man and he was perfect, he named all the animals and creatures and walked with God in the cool of the day in the garden. Genesis 3:8 gives this impression.  In order to do the things that Adam did he had to use 100% of his brain power, today the scientist say that we only know how to use 10% of our brains, so that means 90% of our brains are not used.  So I feel that when I get to God I will have 100% of my mental use and hopefully I’ll be able to know the unknown about the universe and creation if God allows it.  I must add the scientific analogy of what I just said about our brain.  Science says that this 10% rule is folklore and not scientific, well maybe so, but I know that Adam was smarter than us and in the beginning he was perfectly formed and actually spoke with God daily, that’s more than I can say for some of us.  So if when I come to Christ, and I receive an eternal body like His, I will know like never before and look upon His face and know Him as He is known.  Now science and the world will never agree in the Biblical stories that Christians cherish, so I dismiss their unbelief and pray for them.

    Let us consider the powers that are in the mere substance of the universe.  What I mean is the continuing powers that are displayed through stars being born, or dead stars exploding, and imploding stars that create black holes and so on.  The universe, they say is about 15 billion years old, and we are amazed at how large it is, I mean think with me for a second, What is the distance of a billion light years?  That is unfathomable for us to think on, yet there are places in the known universe that are farther away than that.  15 billion years ago the universe was a lot smaller, science has determined that the universe is not shrinking, as originally thought, but actually is growing at approximately 70 kilometers a second.  There is so much information on this one subject that I invite you to research it on your own to see this magnificent event.

    If we consider the facts that we know about God, then we can see why the universe continues to expand and grow.  First, the word of God tells us that He is omnificent, omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscience and so forth.  The power of God is not measureable to us, He can accomplish all things, and do all things because He is the creator of all things.  When the universe was created, God’s power was demonstrated and the results of His power is visible to us through studying the universe and to see how it continues to explode and how atoms split and explode and they continue to make the universe more powerful and larger, this is a result of God, a force not measureable, yet full of love and understanding for all things especially mankind.  The scariest place in this existence is the universe, it is a vacuum and cold, seeming dead, but very much alive.

    Consider this fact of modern science and math.  The Milky Way Galaxy is the galaxy that the earth is located in.  Now, there are untold numbers of galaxies across this place we call the universe.  If a person could travel at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second or about 700 million miles per hour, which I believe is impossible, but, it would take 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way Galaxy.  Yet, science is determined to explore space, thinking that one day they will be able to reach out to the stars.  They will one day, when all this is no more and God makes all things new, the bible tells us that then we will have an eternal body that will live forever and ever and will not die.  Man is not made or created to travel the universe, if so he would be able to exist in space, which is a vacuum and has no oxygen.  The universe that we know today is not for us to enjoy physically, but to witness the amazing story of God and His creation of what He is able to do.  God’s creation is for His pleasure and enjoyment, not ours.  We should look and see the extent of His creation and marvel at the fact that He is mindful of us even a little bit, yet the bible tells us that He loves us and cares for us.

    Now we can ask some questions that I think are important to us as children of God.  First of all, I would ask as a young boy to my mother, What does daddy do?  Or maybe I would say, What did mother and daddy do before I came along.  I think these are good questions.  I will ask this question of God, "Father God, what did You do before You created man?  Some might be laughing at me about this, but seriously the bible gives us the answer, He was having fellowship with His Son.  So awesome and amazing!!

    Proverbs 8:22-30 (ESV)

    22) "The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.  23) Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.  24) When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water.  25) Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth, 26) before he had made the earth with its fields,

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