About this ebook
Not only because its my first time sharing them but also because it is part of my life, what I have gone through, and the things that I see that made me who I am.
Sometimes I sit in my living room, and I have my windows and my door open, and suddenly, all different kind of thoughts start coming to my head.
Most of my poems have come from my teenage years and from the present.
One of the poems that I like most is the Bench, because in that poem, I was talking with God when I was lost, when I felt down, and when I would see all the people around me happy and I was the only one sad and depressed. The other one, My Angel, is the loss of my baby girl, where I have to be strong for my family that I didnt let all my feelings out, and by writing, it helps me heal, be someone better, and learn what I see around me and write it down.
That is why I thank you all for taking the time and read my poems, My Thoughts.
Martha E. Navarro Jr.
Hi, my name is Martha E. Navarro Jr. I was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. In 1982, my family and I moved to Texas, and since that day, we’ve been calling Texas our home. Since I was a little girl, I loved to read all kinds of books, but the ones that got my attention were the mystery, scary, and horror books. And now, you ask where the poetry, verses, and quotes came from. Well, they all come from me—from my thoughts, from how I feel, and especially from the things I see around me, and sometimes they just come from my dreams. This will be the first time that I publish something of mine, my work and what I write—not only poems, verses, and quotes I write, but also stories and legends, which my grandmother Olga used to tell me. I hope you will enjoy this poem book, and the other many books that will come to life. This poem book will be dedicated for my kids, my husband, my family, and my grandmother Olga, that now she sees me from up above, and specially for my Lord, because without him, nothing of this would come to life. Thank you so much for buying my book, and I really hope you enjoy reading My Thoughts.
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My Thoughts - Martha E. Navarro Jr.
© 2016 Martha Navarro Jr. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 03/09/2016
ISBN: 978-1-5049-8192-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5049-8191-0 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016903279
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This is me...This is who I am...This are my thoughts.
My Thoughts
I Ask God
Saying Good-Bye
Your Brown Eyes
No Matter How!
My First Child
Sometimes I wonder
My Little Boy
Missing You
How Can I Forget You?
The Bench
A Poem To My Love
Two feet!...Two hands!
My Little Angel
My Rambo
Black Dress
Why Mommy?
I Learned
I Gave You My Heart
Eternal Love
My Silly Daughter
Hi my name is Martha E. Navarro Jr. I was born in Monterrey Nuevo Leon Mexico. In 1982 my family and I moved to Texas, and since that day we been calling Texas our home.
Since I was a little girl, I loved to read all kinds of books, but the ones that got my attention were the mystery, scary, and horror books...and now you ask were the poetry, verses,