Wrapping Up 2024: Key insights from three thematic evaluations shaping FAO’s work
As 2024 draws to a close, the FAO Office of Evaluation reflects on the pivotal role of thematic evaluations in advancing FAO's mission.
Seeing the Big Picture: How graphic facilitation can unlock the potential of your evaluation
As the first stage of the Uganda Country Programme (2018 – 2024) review concluded, the evaluation team aimed to maximise the usefulness of debriefing workshops with national stakeholders and the FAO country office team. The goal was to validate preliminary findings, collect additional data and...
Fisheries and Aquaculture: insights from recent FAO evaluations
Fisheries and aquaculture continue to demonstrate their critical role in addressing global food security and poverty alleviation. According to the 2024 State of World F...
Tackling Better Nutrition: Five critical actions from FAO’s evaluation of reducing food loss and waste
What can we do the reduce food loss and waste? Learn about the recommendations from FAO's evaluation of PPA Better Nutrition 4.
Evaluating South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Following the celebration of the UN SSTC day, here are key lessons from the evaluation conducted by FAO in 2022.
Evaluating forests and forest livelihood projects
Forests are not only home to millions of species but also play a
critical role in sustaining the livelihoods of communities across the
Key recommendations on FAO's work on gender
Gender issues in agriculture and development are widespread and
persistent, affecting both men and women in various ways.
Dimitra clubs: community listeners’ clubs for the empowerment of women and men
Dimitra clubs are rural groups of women, men and young people who organize
on a voluntary basis to discuss development challenges and find solutions
Evaluating projects for sustainable agri-food systems
Agri-food systems are all the interconnected activities and actors involved in getting food from field to table. This encompasses everything from agricultural production and processing to distribution, consumption, and waste management.
Online discussion: Artificial intelligence in the context of evaluation
As we enter the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how can we as evaluators take advantage in our professional activities? Share your ideas in this online Community of Practice.