College Checklist for Foster Youth

There's a lot to manage your senior year! Use this checklist to take it step-by-step to ensure your hope for a college degree turns into a plan. If it seems like too much to do on your own, you're right! No one succeeds alone, and this journey of getting into college wasn't meant to be traveled without a guide. If you'd like help, apply to our mentoring program or contact us to set up a coaching session. We love to help youth succeed. That's why we're here. 

DCFS Guide to Programs for 18-21 Year Old’s

Important Documents

√ I have my State ID or Driver’s License
√ I have my Birth Certificate
√ I have my Social Security Card
√ I have documentation that I am a foster youth (e.g. a letter from my caseworker or a court order; may be needed for financial aid offices)


√ I know how to get the right accommodations for test taking if I have an IEP or 504 Plan
√ I took the ACT or SAT
√ I studied and retook the ACT or SAT


√ I applied for at least 5 colleges, including “Reach” schools, “Match” schools, “Safety” schools
√ The colleges that I’m considering were all indicated on the FAFSA
√ My high school transcripts have been sent to colleges that require it
√ I completed Common App
√ I applied for Youth in Scholarship, AKA the DCFS Scholarship, between Jan 1-March 31
√ I applied for Youth in College through my caseworker
√ I applied for the Education and Training Voucher (ETV) (after receiving financial aid award letters from the college I chose)
√ I applied for the Foster Love Family Fellowship Scholarship

college decisions

√ I have visited the colleges I’m interested in
√ I have explored career interests and narrowed down potential majors
√ I have explored the retention and graduation rates for students like me at my top choice college

Medical and Mental Health

√ I have a plan for birth control
√ I know where to get medical care on campus
√ I know where to get mental health care on campus
√ I know where to get prescriptions filled on campus
√ I transferred medical records to provider near campus
√ I have my medical card for insurance


√ I filled out the FAFSA (after December 1), including at least one in-state school
√ I completed the CSS Profile
√ I have a bank account in my own name
√ I started saving for emergencies
√ I created a budget for spending and saving
√ I have a plan to pay for all four years (or more) of college, not just tuition, room, and board, but also books, fees, transportation, and other expenses
√ I know how to use my bank’s website/app for online banking
√ I will be able to continue to use my bank on campus

Transportation and housing

√ I know where I will live over breaks from school
√ I know where I will live during school
√ I know how to use public transportation while in college
√ I know how I will get to college on move-in day
√ I know how I will get home from college for breaks

Spring Decision Time

√ I compared/contrasted award letters with my mentor
√ I notified all the colleges that accepted me whether I will enroll or not
√ I have a job or a summer internship lined up
√ I have finalized my financial aid plan
√ I have logged on to my college’s online system
√ I have completed housing and health forms
√ I have completed subject area placement tests
√ I have answered roommate preference surveys
√ I have registered for classes
√ I know how and where to buy my books
√ If I had accommodations through an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, I contacted the disability support services on campus and sent them documentation of my disability

Independent Living Skills

√ I know how to do laundry, ironing, and sew on a button
√ I know how to cook some healthy meals and eat a balanced diet
√ I know how to take care of myself when I get sick or in a medical emergency
√ I know how to stay safe, avoid the risks of alcohol and drug abuse
√ I know how to keep my valuables safe and what to do if I lose them
√ I know how to manage my time and keep track of important dates
√ I know how to take notes, study for a test, and where to access tutoring
√ I know how to develop a relationship with my professors

The Next Few Years

√ I know about earning the $1,200 stipend through Countdown to 21 (which I can start when I’m 19 if I’m still in foster care)
√ I will fill out the FAFSA every year after December1
√ I know how to maintain my scholarships and financial aid

If you have questions and would like some help, apply to our mentoring program or contact us to set up a coaching session. We love to help youth succeed. That's why we're here!