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When the host of the Ulstermen saw Conall bound, a wail went up from them, for never since the day that Conall the Victorious first took arms had any man been able to overthrow him, though he had fought with the most famous warriors of the world. With one voice they cried, “Send for Cuchulain here, for the honour of Ulster is at stake before this child. Now that Conall lies bound in fetters, Cuchulain alone can retrieve our honour.” And the King said: “It is well; send now for Cuchulain.”

コナルが縛られたのをアルスター兵の軍勢が見ると,彼らから嘆き悲しむ声が上がった。というのも勝利のコナルが武器を取ったその日から,世界の非常に有名な戦士達と戦ってきたにも拘わらず,何人も彼を打ち倒したことはなかったからだ。彼らは異口同音に叫んだ。「クー・フーリンを呼びにやれ,この少年を前にアルスターの名誉が危機に晒されている。コナルが拘束された今,我々の名誉を取り戻せるのはクー・フーリンだけだ」 そして王は言った。「宜しい,さあクー・フーリンを呼びにやれ」

the day when S V「SVする・した日」を the day that S V と言うことができます。that に代わっても全体の構造は変わりませんから,この that は when と同じ〈関係副詞〉ということになります。〈関係副詞の that〉です。関係副詞 that は全ての関係副詞(when,where,how,why)の代わりになり得,かつ省略が可能です。ということは論理的には〈全ての関係副詞は省略可能〉ということになってしまいます。つまり

 the day when S V「SVする・した日」

=the day (that) S V

=the day S V

 the reason why S V「SVする・した理由」

=the reason (that) S V

=the reason S V


stake には「賭け金」という意味があり(競馬の「ステークス」もこれが由来でしょう),at stake は「賭けに出されて」→「危うい」です。他に stake には「杭」→「火刑柱」の意味もあり,こちらから連想することもできます。食べるステイク(ステーキ)は steak です。


Cuchulain was in his own fort at Dundalgan when the messengers arrived. But he refused to go with them, saying, “Where Conall Cernach falls there is no hope for me; bravest and best of all the warriors of Ulster is Conall the Victorious, and skilled in every feat of championship. Who then is this stranger who has come, and what is his name and lineage? where has he learned arts to fright the men of Ulster?” For in his own mind Cuchulain thought, “There is but one who can have learned those feats which Scath teaches only to her most valiant pupils; what if it be my son who comes?” So, on that account, he was unwilling to go with the men.

使者が到着した時,クー・フーリンはダンドークの自身の砦にいた。しかし彼は同行を拒んで言った。「コナル・ケルナハが倒れたのだから,僕にも無理だよ。アルスターの戦士で最も勇敢で優れているのが勝利のコナルだよ。勇者のあらゆる戦技に通じているんだ。それで,やって来た来訪者は誰で,どんな名前と血筋なんだい? アルスターの戦士を怯えさせるような技をどこで学んだんだい?」 というのも頭の中でクー・フーリンはこう考えたのだ。「スカアハが最も勇敢な生徒にだけ教えるという,あの戦技を学んだ可能性があるのは1人だけだ。やって来たのが息子だったらどうしよう?」 それで,それを理由に彼は同行を嫌がったのだ。


lineage は「家系,血筋」です。percentage の age が使われており,percentage は「何パーセントであるか」→「百分率」,voltage は「何ボルトであるか」→「電圧」,そして lineage は「どの line(家系,血筋)であるか」ということでしょう。「リネージュ」というゲームがありますが,英語の発音は「ニイジ(ニイッジ) /lɪniɪdʒ/」です。

fright は「恐怖」。「恐れさせる」は frighten ですが,ここでは fright=frighten となっています。


But the messengers urged him, saying, “The honour of Ulster is at stake; the king also commands thee and thy people wait for thee. Wilt thou that Ulster be put to shame before her foes?”

When Cuchulain heard that the honour of Ulster was at stake, he said, “Go on before me, I will but don my fighting-gear, and I will come.” For he thought on Conall Cernach lying bound upon the beach, and he remembered their old love and pledge of ancient friend ship; for they had sworn in youth that if either of the twain were in any trouble or peril, the other should go forth to his aid, wherever he might be, and thinking on this, he put on his fighting array, and took his massive broad-sword in his hand, and the terrible spear, the Gae Bolga, which no man could withstand, and that moved like a living thing upon the water to find its enemy.


アルスターの名誉が危険だと聞くと,彼は言った。「先に行ってよ。僕は装備を身につけてから,行くよ」 というのも彼は浜辺で縛られて倒れているコナル・ケルナハのことを考え,かつて友人として交した友愛と誓いを思い出したからだ。というのは,若い頃彼らは,仮に2人のいずれかが何らかの危難に逢った時には,もう片方はその者がどこにいようと助けに行くというもので,これを思い出し,彼は装備を身に付け,巨大なブロードソードと,誰も敵わない,そして生き物のように水上を這って敵を見つけるという恐ろしい槍ゲイ・ボルグを手にした。


wilt は will の古い形でしょうが,むしろ注目すべきは wilt(=will) が that 節を伴う動詞になっていることです(意味は「望む」です)。will や would はかつては動詞でした。だから Would that... = I wish... が残っているのです。

 I wish (that) he were here!「彼がここにいればなあ」

=(I) would that he were here!

Oh that he were here!

If only he were here!

ゲイ・ボルグの方は簡潔に説明されていますが,剣の方は「クルージー」なんでしょうかね。「アルスターの猟犬(45)」では彼の剣は “Little Hard” と書かれていましたが,「クルージーン」は「硬い」に由来するためその時はクルージーンだと推定しました。


But for all that, Cuchulain’s heart was sad, for he thought on Aiffe, and on Scath, and on the child that was to be born to him.

Then when the men of Ulster saw Cuchulain coming towards them, clad in all the panoply of war, and his shield and massive two-edged sword held in his hand, their grief was turned to gladness, and their weakness to power, and their fear to courage. And they cried, “Welcome Cuchulain, Welcome, Hound of Ulster! With thee the honour of Ulster is secure! Lo! thy comrade and thy lasting friend is bound before thy eyes; lo! the glory of Ulster is laid low. Welcome, Cuchulain!”


それで,クー・フーリンが全身盛装をし,盾と大きな両刃の剣を手にやって来るのをアルスターの男達が見ると,彼らの悲しみは喜びに変わり,弱気は強気に変わり,恐怖は勇気に変わった。そして彼らは叫んだ。「ようこそクー・フーリン,ようこそアルスターの猟犬! 貴方が来てアルスターの名誉は守られた! 見よ! 貴方の同志,貴方の永遠の友が貴方の眼前で縛られている。見よ! アルスターの栄光が倒れている。クー・フーリンよ,おいでませ!」

panoply は「盛装」です。“pan” が「総・汎」を意味します(パンデミックパンナム=パン・アメリカンなどのパン)


But Cuchulain came on slowly, and his head was bowed, for his mind was troubled within him, and he liked not the combat of that day. And he thought to put it off a while, so he stood and watched the boy, who was gone back to his games again. He took no heed of Cuchulain nor of the hosts; nor did any sign of weariness appear on him, though he had bound a hundred of the foe, and Conall the Victorious with them.



Then Cuchulain said: “You make delightful play, my boy. Who are you yourself? what is your name? what your nation and people, that we may know?” But the boy said: “I came not over-seas to tell my name or to give tidings of my people; never shall any man get such news from me. It is not to tell my name that I am come, but to get peaceful landing here; and if I get not peaceful landing in this place, I will give combat to any that resists me, for this is the condition that is laid upon me, that I should never turn back from any journey, and that I refuse not combat with any man that offers combat to me. Willingly would I now do battle and combat with thee, O noble warrior, save that I like thy face and mien, and thy person is as the person of a prince of men, and not with good-will would I do hurt to thee. Moreover, thou hast brought with thee no strong comrade and warrior to protect thee from my blows.”

そこでクー・フーリンは言った。「少年,素晴らしい演武だ。君自身の名は? 君の名は何という? 君はどこの国と一族の出身だ? 我らも知る所と思うが?」 しかし少年は言った。「僕は名前を名乗ったり,一族の話をするために海を渡って来たんじゃないよ。誰も僕から話を聞けないよ。僕が来たのは名前を言うためじゃない。平和にここに上陸するためさ。そしてここに平和に上陸できないなら,僕を邪魔する誰とでも戦うんだ。というのもこれが僕に課せられた条件なんだ。それは,旅に出たら決して引き返さないということさ。また僕に決闘を申し込んだ誰に対しても,決闘を断らないこともさ。快く僕は,立派な戦士の貴方と戦うよ。ただ,貴方の顔と物腰は気に入ったよ。貴方の人柄は王の人柄で,進んで貴方を傷つけたくないなあ。それに貴方は僕の攻撃から守らせるための,強い味方も戦士も同行させていない」

It is not to tell my name that I am come はとても綺麗な強調構文(分裂文)ですね。I am come は I have come のことです。

 I have come to tell my name.「僕は僕の名前を言うために来た」

→I have come not to tell my name.「僕は僕の名前を言うために来たんじゃない」

→この分の副詞句たる not to tell my name を,It is と that で挟みましょう。

It is not to tell my name that I have come.「僕が来たのは,僕の名前を言うためじゃない」

 これが〈It is... that~ の強調構文〉です。

 さて,この文には続き(but to get peaceful landing here)がありますね。つまり not は not A but B の not であり,「僕が来たのは,VA するためではなく VB するためだ」と言っているのです。この一般形は,

 It is not to-VA but to-VB that I have come.

となります。しかしこれは前半が長く重くなりがちです。そこで but to-VB は切り離して文末に回し,

 It is not to-VA that I have come, but to-VB.



Now when Cuchulain heard the little fellow talk like that, he laughed, and all the men of Ulster sent up one shout of mirth and of derision. “It would have been necessary for me to bring with me a tiny boy, or a wee baby in my arms,” said the Hound, “if I were to fight without odds with thee. However, lad, no warrior or little boy can pass this bridge unless the toll be paid and unless the stranger tell his name and whence he comes. Therefore stand upon thy guard. And as I wish no harm to thee, come thou on shore and we will wrestle with each other.” Then the lad left his currach, his little boat of bronze, and stood upon the shore.

さてクー・フーリンは小さな少年がそんな風に言うのを聞いて笑い,アルスターの男達はみな明るく,嘲るように笑った。「小さな男の子,或いは小さな赤ん坊を腕に抱いて連れてくる必要があったかな」と猟犬は言った。「もし君と対等に戦おうとするならば。しかし少年,どんな戦士も少年でも,通行料を払い,身元不明の者は名を名乗り,出身地を言わぬ限り,この橋は通れないんだよ。だから身を護るといい。そして私は君を傷つける気はないから,岸に上がって互いに取っ組み合おう」 すると少年はクラッハ,つまり彼のブロンズの小さな舟を離れ,岸辺に立った。


But when he came beside Cuchulain he reached not up to his knees. “This will never do,” said the little fellow, “I cannot reach thy belt to wrestle with thee; set me up upon two stones that I may come on a level to fight with thee.” Then Cuchulain helped him up on two large stones, and he thought to play with him gently, but the lad planted his feet so firmly on the rock that Cuchulain could not move him the smallest hair-breadth from his place; while before ever he was aware of what was happening, the child had caught him, and thrust him backward between two standing pillar-stones, so that he was wedged between them, and could not free himself. And the men of Ulster groaned aloud when they saw their champion used like that.

しかし彼がクー・フーリンの傍に来た時,彼の膝にも達していなかった。「これではダメだ」少年は言った。「僕は貴方と取っ組み合うために貴方のベルトに手をかけることもできないよ。僕を2つの岩の上に置いて,貴方と戦える高さにして」 それでクー・フーリンは彼を2つの大きな岩の上に乗せてやり,優しく遊んでやろうと考えた。しかし少年は余りにもしっかりと岩の上に足を据えたので,クー・フーリンは彼を髪の毛1本分も動かすことができなかった。一方少年は何が起こっているかが分かっており,彼を掴み,彼を2本の石柱の間めがけて後ろに突き押した。それで彼は石柱の間に割り込み,出られなくなった。するとアルスターの男達は,自分達の勇者がそんな風に扱われるのを見て呻き声をあげた。

up to... は「……まで」。reached up to his knees は「(水嵩などが)膝まで達した」です。


“Come down to the water, now,” said the boy, “and we will see which can pull the other under.” And they went into the sea, and swam out a good space from the land, and they caught each other and each tried to hold the other down beneath the waves to drown him. And twice the stranger-boy got the head of Cuchulain down and held him there, so that he was like to loose his breath, and to be suffocated in the sea.

「今度は水辺に降りよう」と少年は言った。「どっちが相手を沈められるか試そう」 それで彼らは海に入り,陸地から適度な所まで泳いで出た。そして彼らは互いを掴み,互いを波の下に沈めて溺れさせようとした。そして今度も身元不明の少年はクー・フーリンの頭を掴んで抑え,彼は息ができなくなり,海で窒息しそうになった。


Then all his fury and his red battle-anger came upon Cuchulain, because he was being made game of, and because his comrade and his ancient friend Conall was lying bound and helpless on the beach. He knew, too, that the honour of Ulster was at stake, and he could do nothing with this youth to hold it from dishonour. Therefore he loosed his belt that had in it the deadly weapon, from which no mortal could escape, and he set it on the water towards the stranger-boy, and the weapon moved of its own will across the waves of the sea, and it struck the lad and entered him, and the water of the ocean was stained with his blood.

“Now this was what Scath never taught me,” cried the lad, for he knew it was the Gae Bolga, from which he could not escape alive.





“Alas!” said Cuchulain, “it is true”; and he took the lad tenderly in his arms and carried him out of the water, and laid him down upon the beach. And as he carried him, he saw upon his wrist the golden ring that he had left with Aiffe to give the lad, and he knew it was his son. “Here is my son for you, O men of Ulster,” said Cuchulain, for they gathered round to see. And when they heard that it was his own son that he had slain for the honour of Ulster, a wave of grief and of mourning went through the host, and they were silent with shame and said no word, grieving for Cuchulain and his son.


・先に腕環を確認すればよかったのではと思いますが……。ただ神々でも愚かなことをして悲しんだりするというのは,『北欧神話(Asgard Stories)』を全訳した時も思ったことです。神々も完璧ではなく人間と同じように愚かな過ちをするというのは,どの神話にも見られることのように思います。


Then Cuchulain said, “Alas! Alas! my son,” and he drew the Gae Bolga gently from his wounds, and he sat down beside him and staunched the blood, and he began to call upon Aiffe, that she might comfort and support his son. But Conla said, “Grieve not, Cuchulain, Hound of Ulster, by whom the honour of Ulster is avenged to-day. Call not on Aiffe, O my father, for through her wiles it was that I came hither to do combat with thee; evil and cruel is that woman, and her ways are evil; for it was to avenge herself on thee because thou hadst left her that she sent me hither, that I might bring thee to death or die myself in the attempt.


wile は「策略」。wily /waɪli/ は「狡賢い」で,コンホヴァル(コノール)やフォルガルの形容に使われていました。同根に guile「狡猾さ,策略」があります。


I am Conla thy son, indeed; yet, until to-day, has no man known my name; as thou didst lay command upon me, never have I refused combat to any man, nor have I turned back from any journey, or revealed my name to any. And now, O Father, first of Heroes, it is well for me that I have fallen by thy hand. No shame it is to fall by the hand of the Guardian of Ulster, but to have fallen by a lesser hand, that, O Father, would have been unworthy thee and me. And yet it is woe that I must die so young, for had I been but five years beside thee, I would have vanquished the champions of the world for the honour of Ulster and for thy honour, and I would have made thee king of the world as far as the walls of Rome. Since I must needs die, and my strength is passing fast away, lose not this little space in grief, but point me out the heroes of Ulster of whom Scath used to tell, that I may take leave of each before I die.”


・現代英語では worthy/unworthy は of を必要とします(of が不要なのは worth)。よって be unworthy of thee and me とします。


Then the heroes of Ulster drew near, and Cuchulain named them all, and Conall Cernach amongst them, and the boy put his arms round the neck of one hero after the other, and kissed them, and then once more he put his arms round the neck of his own father, and with that he died.

When Cuchulain saw that his son was dead, he laid him on the earth, and he stood up, and a burst of anguish like the breaking of a heart came from him. And he cried aloud: “The end is come indeed for me:





“‘I am a man without son, without wife,

I am the Father who slew his own child,

I am a broken, rudderless bark,

Tossed from wave to wave in the tempest wild;

An apple blown loose from the garden wall,

I am over-ripe, and about to fall.’”










Then the men of Ulster came about Cuchulain and tried to comfort him, and they raised the body of Conla on a shield, as it is wont to do with heroes, and they made for him a noble grave, and buried him there, with a pillar-stone to mark the spot, and his name and his deeds written thereon. And all Ulster wept for him, and the King commanded that for three days no merriment or feasting should take place within the borders of Ulster, as is wont to be done on the death of a king.


・as 節には接続詞の as 節関係代名詞の as 節とがあり,関係代名詞の as 節には as is often the case with him とか as is usual のように as の後に動詞が来るものが有名です。この段落には as it is wont to do as is wont to be done がありますね。最初の方は主語 it があるから接続詞で,後ろのが関係代名詞 as でしょうか? 実は,両方とも関係代名詞 as です。関係代名詞 as には,as が主語(主格)になるものと as が目的語(目的格)になるものがあります。as it is wont to do の場合,do の目的語がなくなっており,それが as です。as のあとに it が立っていても,接続詞だ(=関係代名詞ではない)と決めつけることはできないのです。分かりやすい例を挙げると,He has the same watch as I have. です。as のあとに I という主語が立っていますが,have の目的語がありません。have の目的語が as であり,as は関係代名詞 as の目的格です。




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