Fusioo API methods


Used to verify the authentication credentials users provide when they first use your application. If the response returns a 200 status code, the credentials are valid.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/ping

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? No

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/ping

cURL request

curl -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
     -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Record Count

Used to get the number of records in an App.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id/count

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/ia4f42/count

cURL request

curl -X GET 
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
     -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
        "count": 1205

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied

Record Count (filter)

Used to get the number of records in an App that match a specified filter. For a list of available conditions for filters, click here.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id/count/filter

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/ia4f42/count/filter

Request body

    "title": {
        "equal": "Test record"
        "contains":"In Progress"

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
	 -d '{
            "title": {
                "equal": "Test record"
                "contains":"In Progress"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
        "count": 25

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied

Create Record

Creates a new record in a specific Fusioo App. To successfully create the record, the authenticated user must have create access for that App.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id
app_id The id of the Fusioo App in which the new record will be created. The App id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain the record to be created in JSON format. For more information on the accepted format for different Field Types, check out the Field Types section.

To successfully create a record, all Fields that are marked as required should be included in the request body. Field options should also be respected or else validation errors will be displayed.

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/ia4f42

Request body

   "title":"Start using the API",
   "notes":"Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
      "Lauren Moss"
      "In progress"

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
	 -d '{
		  "title": "Start using the API",
		  "notes": "Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
		  "priority": [
		  "due_date": "2024-09-30",
		  "responsible": [
		    "Lauren Moss"
		  "status": [
		    "In progress"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
    "id": "i59adb",
    "title": "Start using the API"

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30002Cannot create App records
30050Record validation errors
30054Concurrent requests error

Get Record

Used to retrieve the details of a specific record in Fusioo. The Fields included in the response object depend on the access settings of the authenticated user.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/record_id
record_id The id of the record which will be retrieved. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Parameter Description
includeDeleted optional - boolean This can only be used by Fusioo Admins. If set to true, the record will be retrieved even if it was recently deleted. Once the record has been permanently deleted, there is no way to retrieve it. Can be true or false. Default value: false.

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X GET
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

      "title":"Start using the API",
      "notes":"Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
         "Lauren Moss"
         "In progress"
         "John Doe"
         "John Doe"

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30051Record not found
30052Record access denied

Get Records

Used to retrieve all records in a specific App. The Fields and records included in the response object depend on the access settings of the authenticated user.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id
app_id The id of the Fusioo App from which the records will be retrieved. The App id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Parameter Description
sort_by optional - string The Field which is used to sort the retrieved records. The value should contain the Field Id. When left empty, the Key Field is used to sort the records.
order optional - string The sort direction. Accepts asc or desc. Default value: asc.
offset optional - integer By specifying an offset, you retrieve a subset of objects starting with the offset value. The 10th record is at offset 9. Default value: 0.
limit optional - integer How many records should be retrieved. Accepts any value between 0 and 200. Default value: 200.
includeDeleted optional - boolean This can only be used by Fusioo Admins. If set to true, it will also retrieve deleted records. Once records have been permanently deleted, there is no way to retrieve them. Can be true or false. Default value: false.

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/id5dcd?sort_by=title&order=asc&offset=30&limit=100

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

         "title":"Another Task",
         "notes":"Notes on this important Task.",
            "Charlotte Smith"
            "In progress"
            "John Doe"
            "John Doe"
         "title":"Start using the API",
         "notes":"Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
            "Lauren Moss"
            "In progress"
            "John Doe"
            "John Doe"

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30100Field used to sort does not exist
30101Field used is not sortable
30102Cannot access the 'Sort By' Field
30103Sort direction is invalid
30104Records offset is invalid
30105Records limit is invalid

Get Records (filter)

Used to retrieve a set of records in an App, based on the filter conditions added to the request body. For a list of available conditions for filters, click here.

The Fields and records included in the response object depend on the access settings of the authenticated user.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id/filter
app_id The id of the Fusioo App from which the records will be retrieved. The App id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

You can also use the filter option to get a list of specific records from an App.

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/app_id/filter?ids=[record1_id, record2_id, record3_id]
record_id The id of the record which will be retrieved. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Parameter Description
sort_by optional - string The Field which is used to sort the retrieved records. The value should contain the Field Id. When left empty, the Key Field is used to sort the records.
order optional - string The sort direction. Accepts asc or desc. Default value: asc.
offset optional - integer Which record in the list to start from. Value should be greater than or equal to 0. Default value: 0.
limit optional - integer How many records should be retrieved. Accepts any value between 0 and 200. Default value: 200.

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/apps/id5dcd/filter?sort_by=title&order=asc&offset=30&limit=100

Request body

        "contains":"In Progress"

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

         "title":"Another Task",
         "notes":"Notes on this important Task.",
            "Charlotte Smith"
            "In progress"
            "John Doe"
            "John Doe"
         "title":"Start using the API",
         "notes":"Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
            "Lauren Moss"
            "In progress"
            "John Doe"
            "John Doe"

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30100Field used to sort does not exist
30101Field used is not sortable
30102Cannot access the 'Sort By' Field
30103Sort direction is invalid
30104Records offset is invalid
30105Records limit is invalid

Update Record

Updates an existing Fusioo record. To successfully update the record, the authenticated user must have update access to the App and the newly updated Fields.

Resource URL

PATCH https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/record_id
record_id The id of the record which will be updated. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain all the updated record Fields. For more information on the accepted format for different Field Types, check out the Field Types section.

Only the Fields included in the request body will be updated. The value of the Fields not included in the request will not be updated.

Example Request

PATCH https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/i59adb

Request body


cURL request

curl -X PATCH
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
	 -d '{
              "priority": [
              "status": [

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30003Cannot update App records
30050Record validation errors
30051Record not found
30052Record access denied

Delete Record

Deletes an existing Fusioo record. To successfully delete the record, the authenticated user must have delete access for the App in which the record is found.

Resource URL

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/record_id
record_id The id of the record which will be deleted. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/records/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X DELETE
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30004Cannot delete App records
30051Record not found
30052Record access denied

Get Deleted Record

Used to retrieve the details of a deleted record, which hasn't already been permanently deleted.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/trash/recordsrecord_id
record_id The id of the record which was deleted. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

This method can only be used by Fusioo administrators.

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/trash/records/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X GET
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

      "title":"Start using the API",
      "notes":"Go through the Fusioo API documentation to get familiar with what can be achieved.",
         "Lauren Moss"
         "In progress"
         "John Doe"
         "John Doe"

Possible Issues

30051Record not found

Get Apps

Retrieves the information of all Apps in the authenticated user's workspace. Apps are retrieved depending on the authenticated user’s Role permissions.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/apps/

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/apps

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result



               "name":"Contact info",

                  "help_message":"Insert the Task title"
               "name":"Due date",

                     "John Doe",
                     "Sarah May",
                     "Charlotte Smith",
                     "Lauren Moss",
                     "Ellie Brooks"

Get App

Retrieves the information of a specific App in the authenticated user's workspace.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/apps/app_id
app_id The id of the App which will be retrieved. The App id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/apps/ia4f42

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

               "help_message":"Insert the Task title"
            "name":"Due date",

                  "John Doe",
                  "Sarah May",
                  "Charlotte Smith",
                  "Lauren Moss",
                  "Ellie Brooks"

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied

Create Discussion

Creates a new discussion in a specific record.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/records/record_id
record_id The id of the Fusioo Record in which the new discussion will be created. The Record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain the content of the discussion to be created in JSON format.
  • Files can be added to a discussion by adding the "files":["fileId"] to the JSON object.

The discussions can also contain user mentions. For this, you need to use a specific format - <mention uid=\"userId\">@username</mention>

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/records/ia4f42

Request body

   "content":"Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
	 -d '{
          "content":"Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "id69f",
        "content": "Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",
        "comments": [],
        "files": ["i2b614"],
        "created_on": "2023-08-25T14:43:52",
        "created_by": "Ryan Smith"

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30051Record not found
30057Content is required
30058Character limit exceeded

Get Discussions

Used to retrieve a list of discussions on a record.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/records/record_id?limit=5&offset=1
record_id The id of the record with the discussions you want to retrieve. The record id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Parameter Description
order optional - string The sort direction based on the discussion's created on date. Accepts asc or desc. Default value: asc.
offset optional - integer By specifying an offset, you retrieve a subset of objects starting with the offset value. The 10th discussion is at offset 9. Default value: 0.
limit optional - integer How many discussions should be retrieved. Accepts any value between 0 and 200. Default value: 200.

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/records/id5dcd?limit=5&offset=1

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "id": "i5739",
            "content": "Discussion content",
            "comments": [],
            "files": [],
            "created_on": "2023-08-27T15:57:33",
            "created_by": "Matt Smith"
            "id": "id69f",
            "content": "Another discussion",
            "comments": [],
            "files": [],
            "created_on": "2023-08-25T23:43:52",
            "created_by": "Penelope Cruz"

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30051Record not found
30103Direction is invalid
30104Offset is invalid
30105Limit is invalid

Get Discussion

Used to retrieve the details of a specific record discussion in Fusioo.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/discussion_id
discussion_id The id of a discussion can be retrieved by using the GetDiscussions method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X GET
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "i59adb",
        "content": "This is the content of the discussion",
        "comments": [
                "id": "i7543",
                "content": "This is a comment on this discussion",
                "files": [],
                "created_on": "2023-08-27T13:42:51",
                "created_by": "Chris Mason"
                "id": "i50cb",
                "content": "This is another comment on this discussion",
                "files": [],
                "created_on": "2023-08-27T14:47:54",
                "created_by": "Penelope Cruz"
        "files": [],
        "created_on": "2023-08-25T14:43:52",
        "created_by": "Chris Mason"

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30056Discussion not found

Delete Discussion

Deletes an existing Fusioo discussion. Only the owner of the discussion can delete it.

Resource URL

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/discussion_id
discussion_id The id of the discussion which will be deleted. The id of a discussion can be retrieved by using the GetDiscussions method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/discussions/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X DELETE
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30056Discussion not found

Create Comment

Creates a new comment in a specific discussion.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com//v3/comments/discussions/discussion_id
discussion_id The id of a discussion can be retrieved by using the GetDiscussions method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain the content of the comment to be created in JSON format.
  • Files (optional) can be added to a comment by adding the "files":["fileId"] to the JSON object.

The comments can also contain user mentions. For this, you need to use a specific format - <mention uid=\"userId\">@username</mention>

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/comments/discussions/ia4f42

Request body

   "content":"Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
	 -d '{
          "content":"Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "id69f",
        "content": "Can you look at this <mention uid=\"i7381c\">@Penelope Cruz</mention>?",
        "files": ["i2b614"],
        "created_on": "2023-08-25T14:45:52",
        "created_by": "Ryan Smith"

Possible Issues

30001App access denied
30056Discussion not found
30057Content is required
30058Character limit exceeded

Get Users

Used to retrieve a list of users in your Fusioo account.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/users

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/users

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "id": "i547e",
            "name": "Ryan",
            "surname": "Smith",
            "email": "ryan@fusioo.com",
            "is_lite": false,
            "is_enabled": true
            "id": "ibe8e",
            "name": "Penelope",
            "surname": "Cruz",
            "email": "penelope@fusioo.com",
            "is_lite": false,
            "is_enabled": true

Get User

Used to retrieve the details of a specific user in Fusioo.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/users/user_id
user_id The id of a user can be retrieved by using the GetUsers method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/users/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X GET
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "i59adb",
        "name": "Ryan",
        "surname": "Smith",
        "email": "ryan@fusioo.com",
        "is_lite": false,
        "is_enabled": true

Possible Issues

30105User not found

Get File

Retrieves the information on a specific File.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/file_id
file_id The id of the File which will be retrieved. The File id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/ia4f42

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

            "id": "ia4f42",
            "name": "image.png",
            "content_type": "image/png",
            "size": 1228,
            "created_on": "2023-08-01T08:30:35",
            "created_by": "Ryan Smith"

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30250File not found
30256File Field access denied

Download File

Downloads a specific File.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/download/file_id
file_id The id of the File which will be downloaded. The File id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/download/ia4f42

cURL request

curl -X GET 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 

Example Result

You will receive the content of the file in its original mime-type.

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30250File not found
30256File Field access denied

Create File

Creates a file in an existing Fusioo record. Alternatively, a temporary file can be created and its Id will be returned. The Id can be used to add the file to existing records, new records, discussions, and comments.

The temporary file is deleted after 2 days.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes
Parameter Description
recordId optional - string The Record Id of the record where you want to add the file. When left empty, a temporary file will be created instead.
fieldId optional - string The File Field Id in which the file is going to be created. When left empty, a temporary file will be created instead.
  • The request content type should be multipart/form-data and include the file which is going to be uploaded.
  • The same limit of 25 MB per file applies when uploading files through the API.
  • Only a single file can be attached to the request.

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
         -F 'file=@C:\files\uploaded-image.png'

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
        "id": "if330",
        "title": "uploaded-image.png"

Possible Issues

30251Invalid File Type
30252File size limit exceeded
30253Storage limit exceeded
30254Multiple files are not allowed

Delete File

Deletes a file found in a record or a temporary file. You can only the temporary files you created yourself.

Resource URL

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/file_id
file_id The id of the File which will be deleted. The File id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/files/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X DELETE
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Possible Issues

30000App not found
30001App access denied
30003Cannot update App records
30051Record not found
30250File not found
30256File Field access denied

Get Webhooks

Used to retrieve a list of webhooks in your Fusioo account.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks

cURL request

    curl -X GET
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
    -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "id": "i08bd",
            "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
            "secret": "d5cf019f",
            "app_id": "id5dba",
            "on_create": false,
            "on_update": true,
            "on_delete": true
            "id": "i4314",
            "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
            "secret": "d5cf019f",
            "app_id": "i5hs4",
            "on_create": true,
            "on_update": true,
            "on_delete": false

Get Webhook

Used to retrieve the details of a specific API webhook in Fusioo.

Resource URL

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/webhook_id
webhook_id The id of a webhook can be retrieved by using the Get Webhooks method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

GET https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X GET
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "i59adb",
        "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
        "secret": "d5cf019f",
        "app_id": "i5hs4",
        "on_create": true,
        "on_update": true,
        "on_delete": false

Possible Issues

30200Webhook not found

Create Webhook

Creates a new webhook in your Fusioo account.

Resource URL

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain the content of the webhook to be created in JSON format.
  • The request should contain the id of the Fusioo App in which the new record will be created. The App id can be found by going to the Developer Information section in Fusioo.

Example Request

POST https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks

Request body

     "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
     "app_id": "id5db",
     "on_create": true,
     "on_update": false,
     "on_delete": false

cURL request

curl -X POST 
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}" 
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" 
	 -d ' {
     "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
     "app_id": "id5db",
     "on_create": true,
     "on_update": false,
     "on_delete": false

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "i55axe",
        "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
        "secret": "d5cf019f",
        "app_id": "id5db",
        "on_create": true,
        "on_update": false,
        "on_delete": false

Update Webhook

Updates an existing API webhook.

Resource URL

PATCH https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/webhook_id
webhook_id The id of a webhook can be retrieved by using the Get Webhooks method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes


  • The request body should contain all the webhook properties. Even the ones not being updated.

Example Request

PATCH https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/i59adb

Request body

     "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
     "app_id": "id5db",
     "on_create": true,
     "on_update": false,
     "on_delete": false

cURL request

curl -X PATCH
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"
	 -d ' {
     "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
     "app_id": "id5db",
     "on_create": true,
     "on_update": false,
     "on_delete": false

Example Result

    "code": 10000,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "i59adb",
        "url": "https://yourwebhookurl.com",
        "secret": "d5cf019f",
        "app_id": "id5db",
        "on_create": true,
        "on_update": false,
        "on_delete": false

Possible Issues

30200Webhook not found

Delete Webhook

Deletes an existing API webhook.

Resource URL

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/webhook_id
webhook_id The id of a webhook can be retrieved by using the Get Webhooks method.

Resource Information

Response format JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Rate limited? Yes

Example Request

DELETE https://api.fusioo.com/v3/webhooks/i59adb

cURL request

curl -X DELETE
	 -H "Authorization: Bearer {access token}"
	 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
	 -H "Cache-Control: no-cache"

Example Result

  "code": 10000,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {}

Possible Issues

30200Webhook not found

Adding a filter to API requests

Some API methods accept a filter in the request body. These are the supported conditions:

Condition Field Types (with examples)

Equal to equal

Not Equal To not_equal

  • Text - "equal":"text"
  • Multiline Text - "not_equal":"text"
  • Number - "equal":25
  • Date - "equal":"2023-10-04"
  • Date Time (only the date part) - "not_equal":"2023-10-04"
  • Date Range (from Date only) - "equal":"2023-10-04"
  • Tick box - "equal":true
  • Web Url - "not_equal":"wwww.fusioo.com"
  • Email - "equal":"test@email.com"
  • Select - "not_equal":"list item"
  • Link to User - "equal":"Ryan Davies"
  • Link to Role - "not_equal":"Fusioo Admin"
  • Formula - "equal":"value"

Contains contains

Does not contain not_contains

  • Text - "contains":"text"
  • Multiline Text - "not_contains":"text"
  • Web Url - "not_contains":"wwww.fusioo.com"
  • Email - "contains":"test@email.com"
  • Select - "not_contains":"list item"
  • Checklist - "contains":"check list item"
  • Link to User - "contains":"Ryan Davies"
  • Link to Role - "not_contains":"Fusioo Admin"
  • Formula - "contains":"value"

Contains Any contains_any

Contains All contains_all

  • Select - "contains_all":["option1","option2"]
  • Checklist - "contains_any":["item 1","item 2"]
  • Link to User - "contains_all":["Ryan Davies", "Mary Bullock"]
  • Link to Role - "contains_any":["Fusioo Admin", "Manager"]

Greater Than from

Less Than to

  • Number - "from":25
  • Date - "to":"2023-10-04"
  • Date Time (only the date part) - "from":"2023-10-04"
  • Date Range (from Date only) - "to":"2023-10-04"
  • Formula - "from":26

Within previous within_previous

Within next within_next

Here the condition accepts an integer value (days).

  • Date - "within_previous":25
  • Date Time (only the date part) - "within_next":20
  • Date Range (from Date only) - "within_next":15
  • Formula (when the result is a date)- "within_previous":26

Is today is_today

Here the condition accepts either true or null.

  • Date - "is_today":true
  • Date Time (only the date part) - "is_today":true
  • Date Range (from Date only) - "is_today":true
  • Formula (when the result is a date)- "is_today":null

Has No Value empty

Here you can use either null, true or false.

Example: "empty":true


This condition works on the following Field types:

Text, Multiline Text, Number, Date, Date Time, Date Range,

Web Url, Email, Formula, Select, Link to User, Link to Role

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