Got books?
Saving the world, one book at a time since March 11, 2015.
This group may offend those easily offended. We may get personal. We might (or will) get a little bawdy. We'll be talking about anything here, in casual conversation. So unless a remark promotes hate, viewpoints will not be censored. We want everyone to feel free to participate and join in the fun. This group is private, only to limit the lurking. Anyone can join in the fun. Swearing is allowed. Suggested 18+ or an otherwise adult mindset ...more
This group may offend those easily offended. We may get personal. We might (or will) get a little bawdy. We'll be talking about anything here, in casual conversation. So unless a remark promotes hate, viewpoints will not be censored. We want everyone to feel free to participate and join in the fun. This group is private, only to limit the lurking. Anyone can join in the fun. Swearing is allowed. Suggested 18+ or an otherwise adult mindset ...more
group type
This is a private group. Members must be invited or approved by the group's moderator.
This group is accepting new members.
This group is for adults only.
This group is open to everyone. We h…more
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