Stacia (the 2010 club)'s Reviews > Reflected in You

Reflected in You by Sylvia Day
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This won't be a greatest hits review.

2.5 stars. I apologize in advance. I actually spent an hour typing out a review, hit post, then decided to scrap the entire thing and start over because I didn't want to subject you all to my extreme ranty side that comes when I am so wrapped up in the negative that I fail to see the positive. The sarcasm was out in full force tonight. There were to be no fun headers or witty scripts. It was just a rant-o-rama with a side of 'fetch me my gun.'

Take TWO! Let me start with the positives first this time, so those of you who want to exit the show before it goes south can make haste and leave while the getting is still good.

*pause for a moment of reflection and a sip of liquid refreshment* There. I'm feeling better already.

Positive Number 1 : Gideon is still sexy as all get-out. In case you forgot, your memory will be refreshed until your mind has been beaten into submission and you are able to recite details about his person for memory. This one is actually sort of a plus-minus for me. I like being refreshed as long as we're not consumed with repetitiveness.

Positive Number 2 : Gideon can kick ass. And when he's not personally kicking ass, he has the money to hire someone to kick ass for him. Because sometimes, it's just not worth it to get that suit dirty.

Positive Number 3 : Gideon can talk the talk and walk the walk. Dirty talk coupled with dirty sex is always rewarding.

Positive Number 4 : I thoroughly enjoyed the middle section of this book. The restaurant scene and the concert scene (which was quite yummy) were top-notch.

...and end positives. If you want a story with a sexy, protective, alpha-male who can satisfy his woman to mu-mu-mu-mulllltiples, there you go. Get on this asap. I have to stick around and finish this review.

Negative Number 1 : The first half of the book probably contained more romance cliches than any romance book I've read in a while. My all time non-favorite showed up in this status update. I was also not-vibing over Gideon using the word "milked" in reference to what a girl part does to a boy part. That is romance lingo 101 - not actually something a MAN would ever say.

Negative Number 2 : The story was all over the place. There was more running away and then return makeup-fucking than needed for one book. Compare this book to putting every single kidnap scene from the Kristen Ashley Dream Man series in one book (oh snap...I did go there, guess the snark didn't fully go away). That's how much running and re-coupling happened.

Negative Number 3 : Gideon was a controlling jackass. Alpha is fine. Protective is fine. Controlling is not fine. I didn't think Eva's counter-reacting was enough of a get-out-of-jail-free card for his behavior. Eva did give it back to him, but she should have stressed harder boundaries if he wasn't fully ready to heal/change just is possible to love someone through their flaws as they're learning to change, while still maintaining self-dignity. Her little games with Gideon to prove that she knew what he was up to were just that - games.

Negative Number 4 : The story could have been stronger overall. HOT MAN plus HOT SEX does not equal greatness in storytelling. It equals "hell yeah, that was an enjoyable chapter 3, 7, 14, and 29" (I don't actually recall which chapters had the hot sex, but you get my point). I hated that we didn't really get to start learning more about why our characters needed therapy and healing until the end of the book. I could have used a few more breadcrumbs of substance to balance out all of the extreme obsessing and jealousy issues. Just a few!

...and phew. I managed to point out my negatives without turning this review into a hate-filled rant. Overall, the book was alright with a few glaring issues. I do find myself more invested than I was with book 1 (which felt like a better-written version of Fifty and left me underwhelmed), so I'll probably give book 3 a shot.

So, I managed to snag a small portion of my commentary from the original review. I couldn't bear to send it all to the void. Here you go :

I'm a little alarmed over the "new" romance standard that's crept in over the past year or so. Oh, who are we kidding? This hasn't been a creep...this has been a steamroll.

The first few "extreme drama" books that I read were fun before it got old, fast. I'm ready for this high/low style of writing to die out soon. When the trend started, the style was new and different - it quickly became the kind of story which made us raise an eyebrow and excitedly start comparing notes with our friends about what the hell was going on. Now it's just turned into a free-for-all of storytelling which has become prone to an over-saturation of carnal obsession and unwise decisions.

What happened to smart characters and engaging stories? How are we falling for this recurring story of ultimate dominance wrapped up in a smooth-talking, panty-dropping package? Do the 'golden' attributes of wealth and sex appeal give a person license to be a total controlling jackass? Are trust, honesty and good character no longer valued qualities for the contemporary woman?

You can chew on that and spit it out if you want. My opinion does not reflect the general population. Most people love these books. What can I say? I did rate this one higher than the first, so something must be growing on me.

This book was provided from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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September 27, 2012 – Shelved
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 128 (128 new)

Karla Enjoy Stacia!

message 2: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Sep 28, 2012 12:44PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) Thanks!

message 3: by Brunhilde (new)

Brunhilde I am waiting for my copy from the library.

HILLZ Anxiously awaiting your verdict! :-)

Stacia (the 2010 club) I probably won't get this review up until late Sunday or early Monday. Gonna be a busy weekend, so I'll be reading a little bit a time. I'm one of the few people who didn't love book 1, so I'm hoping this one will pull me in better.

~ Becs ~ Hope you enjoy x

Stacia (the 2010 club) *cross fingers!*

message 8: by Sara (new)

Sara lol love your preliminary review. You have a way with words. Thanks I really enjoyed this.

message 9: by Ian (new)

Ian You should try Five Days Grace for a bit of detox. It's kind of sweet contemporary romance, but I really like the heroine in it. She's smart, knows what she wants and sets out to get it...but not in a manipulative way.

Stacia (the 2010 club) Thanks Ian. :) As soon as I'm done, I'll go look that one up. I could probably use something sweet. It might have to wait a week because I have those galley/buddy reads for the next few days, but if I can get a hold of a copy, I'm in!

Sara wrote: "lol love your preliminary review. You have a way with words. Thanks I really enjoyed this."

Haha, it's about to go poof in a minute. I just erased it on the edit screen. Now you see, it now you don't!

Stacia (the 2010 club) Okay, take 2 review is up. Completely changed. Hopefully not as pissy.

Natasha is a Book Junkie I really liked it but I get your point 110%. If this was a real life relationship between two people, it would be considered unhealthy and destructive BUT when it's on paper we just accept it. I'm going to post my review tonight/tomorrow and it will have lots of stars but I will go ape on the relationship itself. Awesome review, Stacia. As always. xxx

Karla Great review Stacia! Even though our outcomes were different as far as our rating in the book, I do agree with some of the points you made. I was initially annoyed too, but then when reading the finale, I understood what the author was doing and I did a turn-around. Very nicely done!

message 14: by Carina (new)

Carina Haha! I wanted to wait to hear what you thought about this book, to see if I might change my mind and give Bared to You (Crossfire, #1) by Sylvia Day a try.
But I think I made the right decission in not picking it up. I know exactly what you mean when you say:

"The story could have been stronger overall. HOT MAN plus HOT SEX does not equal greatness in storytelling. It equals "hell yeah, that was an enjoyable chapter 3, 7, 14, and 29""

Kristen Great review, Stacia. I feel like the only one who hasn't read these books yet. I think I'll need a good year before I start them to make sure I'm not biased from all the reviews I've read. Lol.

message 16: by Carina (new)

Carina Kristen wrote: "Great review, Stacia. I feel like the only one who hasn't read these books yet. I think I'll need a good year before I start them to make sure I'm not biased from all the reviews I've read. Lol."

Not alone, Kristen. The mixed reviews have actually kept me from giving them a try.
I just feel like its gonna be the same old story again. I don't know... =/

message 17: by Baba (new)

Baba  Great and very informative review, Stacia! I gave up in the middle of the first book. So, no...thanks.

It was just a rant-o-rama with a side of 'fetch me my gun.'

Lol Loved it!!

And your very best paragraph? Hell yes, I agree. But a majority of the readers are loving these kind of books.

What happened to smart characters and engaging stories? How are we falling for this recurring story of ultimate dominance wrapped up in a smooth-talking, panty-dropping package? Do the 'golden' attributes of wealth and sex appeal give a person license to be a total controlling jackass? Are trust, honesty and good character no longer valued qualities for the contemporary woman?

Sara OH you went to the KA books...that made me laugh. I am actually having a hard time getting through this and I remember really liking the first one. Maybe it's the mood I am in or the books I have read since then but I feel the need to bedazzle a helmet to protect my head from the table as I bang it repeatedly. I have heard the last 100 pages are best part of the book; I am trying to even get there.

♡Karlyn P♡ Awesome review, I felt the same way.

message 20: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen LOL. Ok, so I did like the book but your review is still funny and well written. I can understand your pov and almost agree with it. Sadly, this stuff is like crack to me.

Lisa Jo I'm LOL too! I haven't read this yet but I love your review. It makes me love KA so much!! HAHA! I really loved "Bared to You" for the banter but I'm with you about smart characters & engaging stories. It's almost like they start off & lose their inspiration about the middle of their story! Where's the depth? What's up with that? Thanks for the heads up! ;)

message 22: by Sara (new)

Sara Baba wrote: "Great and very informative review, Stacia! I gave up in the middle of the first book. So, no...thanks.

It was just a rant-o-rama with a side of 'fetch me my gun.'

Lol Loved it!!

And your very be..."

;) that was my favourite paragraph as well!

Natasha is a Book Junkie Jen wrote: "LOL. Ok, so I did like the book but your review is still funny and well written. I can understand your pov and almost agree with it. Sadly, this stuff is like crack to me."

Jen, that's exactly where my addicted head's at!

message 24: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Oct 01, 2012 02:13PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) Lots of comments to respond to! First off, I have to always thank you guys for being willing to read and comment on my reviews. You all make review writing fun instead of a chore. :)

To Kristen and Carina, it's probably not a bad idea to wait and distance yourself so the reviews aren't fresh in your head and you can go in without bias.

To everyone else, I completely get why these types of books do work for people. They are sexy. Sometimes that's all you need. I read straight up porn-without-plot erotica at times because that's all I'm in the mood for and it fits the bill quite nicely. I think I'm harder on books when they try to market themselves as mainstream but don't offer as much in the story department.

Giedre wrote: "Ha, I gave the first one 2 stars and a tagline that says, "The Hills on acid." It was entertaining, as in it had entertaining sexytimes, but that was it. I couldn't care less about their emotional ..."

I only gave the first book a 2 star rating as well but mainly because I felt like it was relying too hard on the Fifty phenomenon and wasn't original enough, so I felt kind of blah about it...not that the book itself seemed bad or anything. The writing was at least polished.

Georgana ~ Valentine PR & Literary Managment Hey Stacia....would you have a problem if I copied and pasted your review....dropped it down to a one star and took all the positive things out???? LOL....just teasing. This book was horrible.I don't know how to write a review without something positive to say.

Rachel the Book Harlot Great review, Stacia. :)

Stacia (the 2010 club) Thanks Rachel!

Georgana, I'm surprised. I thought I was being pickier than everyone else. I'll have to check out your thoughts when I get a free second.

message 28: by Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:01AM) (new)

Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader Great review, Stacia! I didn't like the first book and I'm not sure if I am going to give this one a shot. Probably not!

message 29: by Lucia (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:46AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Lucia Wow, this is really great review. I did not like first book so I will probably not read the second one but I completely agree with what you wrote about good and smart characters disappearing from book shelves

message 30: by Brunhilde (new)

Brunhilde I read the first one because it was on the Kindle I checked out from the library. I didn't know what it was about and found myself drawn in. And, I am not going to lie to you--I really liked it. I wanted to read the next one. But now I am unsure.
As always, a wonderful review.

Natasha is a Book Junkie Brunhilde, if you really liked the first one you're undoubtedly going to like this one as well. It all depends on what you expect to get from it... For me it was awesome buy I get Stacia's POV as well.

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) I wasn't super fond of the first book, but I know I'll read this one too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't in love with this spin-off series.

message 33: by FV Angela (new)

FV Angela
"What happened to smart characters and engaging stories? How are we falling for this recurring story of ultimate dominance wrapped up in a smooth-talking, panty-dropping package? Do the 'golden' attributes of wealth and sex appeal give a person license to be a total controlling jackass? Are trust, honesty and good character no longer valued qualities for the contemporary woman?"

I completely agree!

message 34: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Oct 02, 2012 01:18PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) Angela, it's definitely more of a stumbling block for me with contemporaries. I love my super-alpha men in pnr and historicals because there's more of an excuse for the behavior.

Thanks Lucia and Kelly. :)

Natasha is a Book Junkie wrote: "Brunhilde, if you really liked the first one you're undoubtedly going to like this one as well. It all depends on what you expect to get from it... For me it was awesome buy I get Stacia's POV as w..."

I actually liked book 2 better than the first, so there is a good chance that you might really enjoy it if you loved the first.

message 35: by Brunhilde (new)

Brunhilde Just a couple of thoughts--

I think sometimes in trilogies the middle one is usually the worst. You have to bridge the honeymoon to the climax and that tends to be the least interesting part. With that said I try not expect too much from the middle.

Maybe this is opening a can of worms too--but what about the law of diminishing returns. I mean Bared to You was probably the grittiest book I have ever read so sure I am wowed by it. But if you have read other gritty books you don't have that first high caring you along. You need a better plot, or characters of dialogue to make it good for you.
I remember the days when I thought Julie Garlock books were so wonderful and I had to read everyone! But now, I don't like them at all. When I have gone back to look over them I can't believe I even liked them so much. I was truly carried away but the sex of it all.

So I probably will read this book. But I most likely will wait until I really, really, really want a gut tinglier. And I will most likely have a small tinge of guilt the whole time because it really isn't art like say the Iliad or Grapes of Wrath but it will feel good while it lasts.

message 36: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:19PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) I completely understand that. I read How to Kill a Rock Star by Tiffanie DeBartolo (which I loved) and that book wrecked me all the way to my soul. After reading that one, nothing really shocks me in that massive of a way anymore. Well, for now. I'm sure a book will come along and surprise again at some point.

I just finished Taking Chances by Molly McAdams (which I didn't love) and it had a big shocking moment and I sort of just made a face and moved on from it, even though I know it pissed off a lot of people.

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) Are you comparing the shocking moment in TC to HTKARS? I have TC but just haven't had the urge to read it. I'm still on a Dimirti high so I'm stuck on what to read now though I don't think I want to head straight into Bloodlines. Why? (view spoiler) I'm not sure.

message 38: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:27PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) I think it's not a bad idea to space out VA and Bloodlines. It was almost a year between VA book 6 and Bloodlines iirc, so by the time I got to book 1, I was ready to go back to the world. I'm still waiting for the damn approval for Bloodlines book 3. It's killing me that they don't see how much of a scary, crazy fan-girl I am and how much I need this book!

Stay on the Dimitri high for a while, so you can appreciate (view spoiler) more when you get a chance to read it.

Okay, as for TC and's not the same shocking moment, but they're both those type of jaw-droppers. I just think that HTKARS did it better in every single way.

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) I don't doubt that - I think HTKARS is probably better than most books in every single way. It really was a great, stand alone book. It is so nice to read those in between series and created worlds.

I did read Bloodlines 0.5, Adrian's Lost Chapter, this morning so maybe that is why I feel I'm not ready to dive in to that series. I do like Adrian and (view spoiler) will be happy reading about him again.

message 40: by Stacia (the 2010 club) (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:36PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Stacia (the 2010 club) Bloodlines 0.5 was actually a scrapped chapter. She had originally planned to write the series in third person, but decided to go back to first person, so she got rid of that chapter. I actually read it after Bloodlines book 1, so I didn't realize that the whole (view spoiler) had happened until much later in Bloodlines. It isn't told to you upfront in the first have to figure it out later.

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) Did I miss (view spoiler) something?

Stacia (the 2010 club) Wait, was it not mentioned in the lost chapter? Oh crap. I didn't mean to spoil it, if it wasn't? I could have sworn it was mentioned there. Gah...I'm so sorry! Since I already hinted at it, if you want to know the full explanation they are (view spoiler)

message 43: by Amanda (.---.--.-...-) (last edited Oct 02, 2012 02:48PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) No, it didn't mention that but I'm not upset for learning the news. I mean, I still don't know how it happened or why they were together when it did. So, no worries! The lost chapter mentioned (view spoiler) but it was super short.

Stacia (the 2010 club) That spoiler went wonky. Not sure what happened there.

Amanda (.---.--.-...-) I'd like to give some computer excuse but I'm afraid it was operator error.

So, is there anything as dumb as (view spoiler) in Reflections?

Stacia (the 2010 club) Haha. They mainly deal with the fact that they accept how they're both screwed up.

Georgana ~ Valentine PR & Literary Managment Amanda wrote: "I'd like to give some computer excuse but I'm afraid it was operator error.

So, is there anything as dumb as [spoilers removed] in Reflections?"

But he does (view spoiler).

Sara Georgana wrote: "Amanda wrote: "I'd like to give some computer excuse but I'm afraid it was operator error.

So, is there anything as dumb as [spoilers removed] in Reflections?"

But he does [spoilers removed]."

LMAO at the spoiler! Because it's true! They don't live in Manhattan they live (view spoiler)

Stacia (the 2010 club) Good point, Georgana.

I'm probably the only person on the planet who isn't impressed by white-collar rich boys that can hire people to do everything for them. Give me a hot, blue-collar man who can do things for himself.

Georgana ~ Valentine PR & Literary Managment Sara E. wrote: "Georgana wrote: "Amanda wrote: "I'd like to give some computer excuse but I'm afraid it was operator error.

That is too funny! He does....

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