A Long Petal of the Sea Quotes
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A Long Petal of the Sea Quotes
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“Pain is unavoidable, but suffering is optional.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Nothing can grow in the shade of secrets, she would say, love needs light and space to flourish.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“We have to defend democracy, but remember that not everything is politics. Without science, industry, and technology, no progress is possible, and without music and art, there's no soul.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Going around in a sulk will get you nowhere. Pain is unavoidable, but suffering is optional.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“El dolor es inevitable, pero el sufrimiento es optativo.»”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“si uno vive lo suficiente, los círculos se cierran.”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“My heart is broken, he told himself. It was at that moment he understood the profound meaning of that common phrase: he thought he heard the sound of glass breaking and felt that the essence of his being was pouring out until he was empty, with no memory of the past, no awareness of the present, no hope for the future.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“The deep Chile of the fascists had always been there, beneath the surface, just waiting to emerge. It was the triumph of the arrogant Right, the defeat of the people who believed in that utopian revolution.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“although they knew this was a mere formality. Victor felt relieved: if one lives long enough, circles close.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“La felicidad le parecía obscena ante tanta calamidad”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“los humanos somos criaturas gregarias, que no estamos programados para la soledad, sino para dar y recibir.”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“So much hatred, so much cruelty . . . I don't understand,' said Victor. His mouth was dry and the ords stuck in his throat.
'We can all turn into savages if we're given a rifle and an order,' said another prisoner who had come over to them.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
'We can all turn into savages if we're given a rifle and an order,' said another prisoner who had come over to them.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“para él la igualdad no sólo era posible, sino inevitable, y la practicaba como una religión.”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“Se repetía la metáfora del abedul, que se dobla ante la tempestad, pero no se quiebra.”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“There was no defense against the shells, he said, but they had calculated that three volumes of philosophy could stop bullets.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“The poet thought this was a splendid riposte, and so accepted him on board, together with fishermen, farm and factory workers, manual laborers, and intellectuals as well, despite instructions from his government to avoid anyone with ideas.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Patria es donde están nuestros muertos”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Maybe the war against this cancer is lost, but meanwhile we can win a few battles.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Take note: If little by little you stop loving me, I’ll stop loving you little by little. If suddenly you forget me Don’t come looking for me, I’ll already have forgotten you. —PABLO NERUDA “If you forget me” THE CAPTAIN’S VERSES”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Ese día de verano, 4 de agosto de 1939, en Burdeos, quedaría para siempre en la memoria de Víctor Dalmau, Roser Bruguera y otros dos mil y tantos españoles que partían a ese país larguirucho de América del Sur, aferrado a las montañas para no caerse al mar, del que nada sabían. Neruda habría de definirlo como un «largo pétalo de mar y vino y nieve…» con una «cinta de espuma blanca y negra”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“A las treinta y ocho horas sin comer ni dormir, tratando de darle agua de beber a un chico adolescente que se estaba muriendo en sus brazos, algo se le reventó a Victor en el pecho. «Se me rompió el corazón», musitó. En ese momento entendió el significado profundo de esa frase, creyó escuchar un sonido de cristal quebrado y sintió que la esencia de su ser se derramaba e iba quedando vacío, sin memoria del pasado, sin consciencia del presente, sin esperanza para el futuro.”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“She embellished the facts because she was aware that life is how we tell it, so why would she jot down trivia?”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“He had always suspected that on her travels she had taken a lover, or perhaps even several, but the confirmation of this longstanding, serious love awoke in him retrospective jealousy that would have destroyed the happiness of the moment had Roser allowed it. With her implacable common sense, she showed him that she had not robbed him of anything to give to Aitor. She had not loved him any the less, because that love was always hidden in another chamber of her heart and didn't interfere with the rest of her life.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“No se puede cambiar el pasado, pero tal vez se pueden ir eliminando los peores recuerdos…”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“Todos los gobiernos han olvidado a los pobres; eso genera violencia y tarde o temprano el país pagará por esa negligencia»,”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“Without science, industry, and technology, no progress is possible, and without music and art, there’s no soul,”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“And along the streets the blood of the children flowed simply, like the blood of children…Come and see the blood in the streets, come and see the blood in the streets.”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
“Mi vida ha sido una serie de navegaciones, he ido de un lado a otro en esta tierra. He sido extranjero sin saber que tenia raices profundas...”
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― A Long Petal of the Sea
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar
“«Lo vivido, vivido está»,”
― Largo pétalo de mar
― Largo pétalo de mar