It was supposed to be an awesome movie. The premise is great. It's very catchy from the start, it really holds you into the story, and you begin to identify with all the characters.
However, around 40 minutes inside the movie, the first MESSAGE is thrown into you.
Since the movie is great, then you just ignore it (as always) and just keep going. However, you already start thinking "why did they have to do this". But ok, keep going.
Then, around 10 minutes later another MESSAGE is thrown in, without any need at all.
At this point you kind of already know that unfortunately will be the rest of the movie like.
I kept watching for another 5 min, until the third MESSAGE was thrown in. That's when I just stopped the movie. It was enough.
Another great idea killed by THE MESSAGE.
Graded as 3, because the original premise was great.