- Publication frequency bimonthly
- approx. 80 pages
- ISSN 1862-2720
- eISSN 2190-8214
- Language: English
EFFL – European Food and Feed Law Review
EFFL 1/2025 Out Now
Issue 1/2025 of the European Food and Feed Law Review is now available online!
This issue includes the following articles:
- The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: A Game Changer for Risk Management by Leonie Evans, Rosalynn Lützenkirchen, Andreas Meisterernst, and Anna Neusch
- Geographical Indications, Sustainability and Competition Law: Navigating the Intersection of Quality Standards and Sustainability Agreement by Domenico Cristallo
- A Comparison of the Official Controls Framework of EU and Turkish Food Laws by Saide Esra Akdogan and Rabia Ersoy
- Plants Containing Hydroxy-Anthracene Derivatives After the EU General Court’s Judgments of November 2024 by Rita Stefani and Vito Rubino
- Formation of the Food Supply System for the Population of Ukraine in the European Agricultural Market Environment by Oksana V. Hryvkivska, Igor I. Vinichenko, Olesia A. Shypylina, Yurii V. Premudryi, and Yurii S. Stepaniuk
This issue’s reports section includes: a summary of the key legal requirements for operating an online food marketplace in Bulgaria; an overview of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s current focus areas for its food and feed inspection campaigns; and an analysis of Italy’s new shrinkflation law introducing mandatory labelling.
View all articles from the latest issue of EFFL here.
Interested in writing for the European Food and Feed Law Review? View our call for papers and guidelines for authors!