This tag is used on the following pages:
- Abukir, Medaillon of Alexander, with the abduction Europa on his helmet
- Abydus, Statue of Perseus
- Acragas, Sarcophagus with Achilles and Memnon
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment (1)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment (2)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment (3)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, East pediment (4)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment (1)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment (2)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment (3)
- Aegina, Temple of Aphaea, West pediment (4)
- Ai Khanum, Temple of the Niches, Statuette of Heracles
- Ain Dara, Orthostats (1) two lions an a sphinx
- Ain Dara, Orthostats (2) sphinx
- Ain Dara, Orthostats (3) sphinx and lion
- Alacahöyük, Sphinx Gate
- Alexander's Ancestors
- Alexander's Mythological Ancestors
- Alexandria Troas, Psyche on a dromedary
- Amazons
- Amphipolis, Relief of Actaeon and Artemis
- Amphipolis, Relief of the Dioscuri and the river god Strymon
- Amphipolis, Statue of Orestes and Electra
- Andesina, Amphitheater, Relief of Atlas
- Andesina, Baths Rue de Liffol, Relief of a Triton
- Antioch, Judgment of Paris
- Antioch, Mosaic of an Amazonomachy
- Antioch, Mosaic of Heracles strangling two snakes
- Apamea, Church, Mosaic of Adam and the Phoenix
- Aphrodisias, Sculptor's Shop, Heracles
- Aphrodisias, Sebasteion, Polyphemus and Galatea
- Apkallū (Seven Sages)
- Arezzo, Chimaera
- Argos, Heraion, Amazonomachy
- Argos, Heraion, West pediment, Palladion
- Arsameia, Site 3: Dexiosis Relief (2)
- Arsameia, Site 3: Dexiosis Relief, Heracles (1)
- Arsameia, Site 3: Dexiosis Relief, Heracles (2)
- Arykanda, Dioscuri
- Arykanda, Necropolis, Tomb, detail: a gorgo
- Arykanda, Odysseus
- Arykanda, Statue of Heracles
- Assos, Temple of Athena, relief, Triton
- Aššur, Apotropaic plaque of a bird-apkallu
- Aššur, Old Palace, Head of a lamassu
- Athens, Kerameikos, Siren
- Athens, Statue of a Minotaur
- Augusta Merita, Lamp with Odysseus tied to the mast
- Augusta Merita, Mosaic with Dionysus and Ariadne
- Baalbek, Mosaic of the Birth of Paris
- Baalbek, temple of Jupiter, Great Court, Tunnel, Heracles
- Babylon, Figurine of Europa on a bull
- Babylon, Figurine of Heracles
- Behistun, Statue of a reclining Heracles
- Behistun, Statue of a reclining Heracles from a distance
- Beirut, Figurine of the Dioscuri
- Belevi, Mausoleum, Frieze of a centauromachy (1)
- Belevi, Mausoleum, Frieze of a centauromachy (2)
- Belgrade, Hercules and Telephus
- Bestiary
- Birth of Athena
- Boeotia, Statue of a sphinx
- Boeotia, Vase with the judgment of Paris
- Boșorod, Shield boss with griffin
- Bubastis, Relief of Chnum
- Burnum, Keystone of an arch (Hercules)
- Byblos, Mosaic with Silenus
- Byblos, Mosaic with the abduction of Europa
- Byblos, Royal Tomb V (Ahirom), Relief of a bull and griffin
- Cadmus
- Caere, Vase with Medea
- Capua, Head of one of the Dioscuri
- Carnuntum, Griffin
- Carnuntum, Roman she-wolf
- Carthage, Ivory sphinx, made in Phoenicia
- Carthage, Roman Theater, Relief of the Muses
- Carthage, Woman with a Cornucopia
- Cassandra and Ajax
- Castlesteads, Emblems of II Augusta: Capricorn and Pegasus
- Cherchell, Mosaic of the Three Graces
- Cherchell, Sphinx
- Chernovo, Statuette of Hercules
- Cherub on a Neo-Assyrian seal
- Chimaera
- Chimaera
- Chimaera, Fire of natural gas
- Chios, Coin with a sphinx and an amphora
- Chryses and bull
- Cinerary chest with the atelier of Daedalus
- Coin of Caesar, showing Aeneas
- Coin of Taras on a dolphin
- Constantinople, Forum of Theodosius, Orpheus
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a chimaera
- Constantinople, Imperial Palace, Mosaic of a griffin and devouring a lizzard
- Coptic Phoenix (1)
- Coptic Phoenix (2)
- Corinth, Orientalizing jar
- Corinth, Theater, Relief of an Amazonomachy
- Corinthian alabastron with a picture of Typhon
- Cortona, Mirror with the Dioscuri
- Cyclopes
- Cyclops
- Cyprus, Hellenistic figurine of Heracles riding a pig
- Cyprus, Hellenistic figurine of Silenus
- Cyrene, Dionysiac sarcophagus
- Cyrene, Temple of Aphrodite, Relief of the nymph killing a lion
- Death of Priam
- Delphi, Treasury of the Siphnians, Gigantomachy, Cybele
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, column base with aquatic creatures
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, column base with griffin
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, gorgon's head (1)
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, gorgon's head (2)
- Didyma, temple of Apollo, gorgons' heads
- Diomedes
- Dish with the symbol of Nun
- Drobeta, Cameo of Hercules
- Dura Europos, Temple of Atargatis, Heracles
- Duris, Heracles and Athena
- Düver, Phrygo-Achaemenid antefix with horseman and griffin
- Dying Amazon on Horseback
- Edges of the Earth map
- Egyptian Relief of Heracles and the Nemean Lion
- Eleusis, Amphora with Perseus and Odysseus, Cyclops
- Eleusis, Relief of a drunk Heracles
- Eleusis, Relief of Demeter, Triptolemus, and Kore
- Eleusis, Sarcophagus with the Calydonian Hunt
- Eleusis, Temple F, Cecrops and Herse
- Enkomi, "Zeus krater"
- Enkomi, Late Bronze pectoral with sphinxes
- Ensérune, Attic krater with amazonomachy
- Ephesus, Androclus (Antinous)
- Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Androclus
- Ephesus, Fountain of Trajan, Satyr
- Ephesus, Monument of Pollio, Polyphemus
- Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Altar, an Amazon
- Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief (1)
- Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief (2)
- Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief (3)
- Ephesus, Temple of Hadrian, 4th-century relief (4)
- Ephesus, Theater decoration, Erotes
- Ephesus, Theater decoration, Mythological scene
- Ephesus, Theater decoration, Satyr
- Eretria, Temple of Apollo, Statue of an Amazon
- Etruscan mirror with a genius (cleaned)
- Euphronius, Cup with an Amazon
- Europa and the bull
- Falerii, Falling Satyr
- Fight for Patroclus’ corpse
- Flood1-T-Bible_1a
- Flood1-T-Bible_1b
- Flood1-T-Bible_1c
- Flood1-T-Bible_2
- Flood1-T-Quran
- Flood1-T-Quran_a
- Flood2
- Flood2-T
- Flood3
- Flood3_T-Atrahasis
- Flood3_T-Gilgamesh
- Flood4
- Flood4_T-Apollodorus
- Flood4_T-Hyginus
- Flood4_T-Ovid
- Flood5
- Flood6-Parallels
- Fojnica, Head of Medusa
- Formalism
- Ghirza, Mausoleum North F or G?, winged lioness
- Gilău, Relief of Apollo as a horseman
- Girsu, Tablet with a fragment of the Sumerian Creation Epic
- Giza, Sphinx (2)
- Gomphoi, Relief of Odysseus and Amphicleia
- Great Flood
- Griffin on an Assyrian amulet
- Hadrumetum, Great Dionysiac Mosaic, A Siren
- Halicarnassus, Hermaphroditus
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy (1)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy (2)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy (3)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy (4)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy (5)
- Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, Relief of an amazonomachy: Achilles kills Penthesileia
- Halicarnassus, Mosaic of Phobos
- Halicarnassus, Persian sphinx
- Hamadan, Achaemenid cup with relief of a winged lion
- Hattusa, Epic of Gilgamesh
- Hattusa, Sphinx Gate, Sphinxes
- Hephaestus and Thetis
- Heraclea Minoa, Gorgo-shaped antefix
- Heracles
- Heracles killing Nisos
- Hercules
- Herodian 1.11
- Hippo Regius, Northern Baths, Hercules
- Hoby, Roman silver cup with the Ransom of Hector
- II Adiutrix' pegasus on a coin of Gallienus
- Italica, House of the Neptune Mosaic, Aquatic animals
- Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad (1)
- Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad (2)
- Italica, Theater relief: Dancing maenad (3)
- Italica, Theater relief: Dancing satyr
- Janzur, Tomb painting: the story of Alcestis and Heracles
- Judgment of Paris
- Kaestrich, Pedestals, A1: Griffin
- Kaestrich, Pedestals, B1: Griffin
- Karatepe, North Gate relief, Sphinx
- Karatepe, North Gate relief, Winged demon
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite mythological relief
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of a hero with animals
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of a mythological creature
- Karchemish, Neo-Hittite relief of two winged demons
- Karpasia, Sphinx
- Kerkouane, Altar with griffins
- Kerkouane, Head of one of the Dioscuri
- Kerkouane, Punic altar with a sphinx
- Khorsabad, Head of a lamassu
- Khorsabad, Lamassu
- Khorsabad, Lion-taming spirit ("Gilgameš")
- Khorsabad, Two lamassus
- Kouklia, Kato Alonia sarcophagus, Polyphemus
- Lake Palodes
- Lake Palodes
- Lamassu (bull-man)
- Lebadeia, Relief of Trophonius
- Lekythos with an Amazon
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, apotheosis
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Farnese Hercules
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules and a centaur
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules and Iolaus
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, Column of Hercules, Hercules resting on his club
- Lepcis, Severan Basilica, northern apse, griffin
- Lepcis, Theater, Statue of Marsyas
- Limyra, Mausoleum of Pericles, fleeing Gorgo
- Limyra, Mausoleum of Pericles, Perseus
- Limyra, Ptolemaion, Metope with a Centauromachy (1)
- Limyra, Ptolemaion, Metope with a Centauromachy (2)
- Lycian portrait of Omphale
- Lysippus' Heracles
- Magnesia ad Sipylum (Manisa)
- Mainz, honorific column, One of the Dioscuri
- Manuscript of Ovid's Metamorphoses with a picture of Cadmus
- Map of Heracles' first labors
- Margian demon
- Marisha, Tomb of Apollophanes, Sphinx
- Megiste, Bellerophon sarcophagus
- Melqart on a coin of Hannibal
- Memphis, Sphinx
- Messene, Asklepeion, Statue of Podaleirios
- Miletus, Orpheus Mosaic
- Miletus, Theater, Decoration: griffins and Apollo's tripod
- Minerva casts a vote for the release of Orestes
- Mycene, Wall painting of a griffin with a warrior
- Narbo, Horrea, Head of Atlas
- Narbo, Relief of a griffin
- Narbo, Statue of Silenus
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Altar, Antiochus and Heracles
- Nemrud Daği, Eastern terrace, Heracles - Artagenes - Ares
- Nemrud Daği, Western terrace, Antiochus shaking hands with Heracles
- Netherby, Emblem of II Augusta (Pegasus)
- New Paphos, Head of Castor or Pollux
- New Paphos, House of Aion, Mosaic
- New Paphos, House of Dionysus, Room 01, Hellenistic Mosaic of Scylla
- New Paphos, House of Dionysus, Room 06, Hippolytus
- New Paphos, House of Theseus, Achilles Mosaic
- New Paphos, House of Theseus, Theseus Mosaic
- Nimrod
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Genie (1)
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Genie (2)
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Genie (3)
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Genie (4)
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Lamassu
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Two genies
- Nimrud, Northwest Palace of Aššurnasirpal II, Two lamassus
- Nimrud, Relief of a Genie
- Nineveh, Nergal Gate, Lamassu
- Niobe krater
- Niobe's Rock
- Noviodunum, Bowl with the fall of Phaeton
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (1)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (10)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (11)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (12)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (13)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (14)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (15)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (16)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (17)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (18)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (19)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (2)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (20)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (21)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (22)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (23)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (24)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (25)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (3)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (4)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (5)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (6)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (7)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (8)
- Nysa, Theater, Stage decoration (9)
- Odysseus and Helios
- Odysseus and Nausicaa
- Odysseus and Penelope
- Odysseus offers Polyphemus wine
- Odyssey
- Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, NW, Chariot drawn by sphinxes (right)
- Oea, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, NW, griffins left
- Oea, Sphinx
- Oea, Temple front
- Oedipus and the Sphinx
- Old Paphos, House of Leda, Mosaic of Leda and the Swan
- Olympia, Figurine of Zeus and Ganymede
- Olympia, Gorgon
- Olympia, Griffin
- Olympia, Plate with Perseus
- Olympia, Relief with a man fighting two centaurs
- Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Metope of the Bull of Marathon
- Olympia, Temple of Zeus, Metope of the Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
- Olympia, Temple of Zeus, West Pediment, Centaurs and Lapiths (1)
- Olympia, Temple of Zeus, West Pediment, Centaurs and Lapiths (2)
- Olynthus, Mosaic of Bellerophon
- Olynthus, Mosaic of Bellerophon, Griffins
- Orestes kills Aegisthus
- Ostia, Altar with Romulus and Remus
- Ovid on the Abduction of Europa
- Panagyurishte Treasure, Rhyton with an amazon's head
- Pasargadae, Gate R, Genius (1)
- Pasargadae, Gate R, Genius (2)
- Pasargadae, Palace S, Relief of the bird-man
- Pasargadae, Palace S, Relief of the bull- and the fish-man
- Pasargadae, Palace S, Relief of the bull-man
- Pelasgians
- Pella, Heracles on a coin
- Pella, House of the Abduction of Helen, Main mosaic
- Pella, House of the Abduction of Helen, Mosaic of Amazons
- Pella, Mould of a cup with scenes from the Trojan War
- Pergamon Altar, Auge establishes the cult of Athena
- Pergamon, Head of Heracles
- Pergamon, Prometheus Group
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 01: Heracles and the Nemean Lion
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 02: Heracles and the Hydra
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 03: Heracles and the Ceryneian Hind
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 04: Heracles and the Erymanthian Boar
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 05: Heracles and the Augean Stables
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 06: Heracles and the Stymphalian Birds
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 07: Heracles and the Cretan Bull
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 08: Heracles and the Mares of Diomedes
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 09: Heracles and the Belt of Hippolyte
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 10: Heracles and the Cattle of Geryon
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 11: Heracles and the Apples of the Hesperides
- Perge, Heracles sarcophagi 12: Heracles and Cerberus
- Persepolis, Apadana, East Stairs, Central frieze, Sphinx
- Persepolis, Army Road, Homa (1)
- Persepolis, Army Road, Homa (2)
- Persepolis, Army Road, Homa (3)
- Persepolis, Gate of All Nations, Lamassu
- Persepolis, Palace of Artaxerxes, Relief of a sphinx
- Persepolis, Palace of Darius, Relief of a sphinx
- Persepolis, Palace of Xerxes, Interconnecting staircase, Sphinx
- Persepolis, Treasury, Statue of Penelope
- Persepolis, Tripylon, Lamassu capital
- Petra, Medusa
- Phoenix
- Phthiotic Thebes, Statue of Dionysus and a satyr
- Piazza Armerina, 24 Guest Room, Mosaic of three fishing erotes
- Piazza Armerina, 31 Music Room, Phoenix
- Piazza Armerina, 36 Triclinium, Amazons
- Piazza Armerina, 36 Triclinium, Giants
- Piazza Armerina, 44 Vestibule, Odysseus
- Piazza Armerina, 44 Vestibule, Odysseus and Polyphemus
- Piazza Armerina, 44 Vestibule, Polyphemus
- Pompeii, Detail of a wall painting
- Pompeii, Wall painting of the Three Graces
- Pothos
- Pydna, Plaque of two griffins killing a stag
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.04.c (Castalian Spring)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.08.b (Satyr)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.08.e (Merman)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.09.e (Amphibious monster)
- Qasr Libya, mosaic 1.10.b (Amphibious monster)
- Relief of an Amazonomachy
- Relief of Polyphemus throws a rock to Odysseus' ship
- Remagen, Young man with eagle, perhaps Ganymede
- Rhodes, Dish with a sphinx
- Rhodes, Relief with the rape of Brygindis
- Rogozen Treasure, plate with Heracles
- Rogozen Treasure, Vase with amazons
- Roman oil lamp with an Amazonomachy
- Roman she-wolf
- Rome, Arch of the Bankers, Hercules
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic (3)
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, Aquatic mosaic (4)
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, the Belvedere Torso (Heracles)
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, the Farnese Bull
- Rome, Baths of Caracalla, the Farnese Hercules
- Rome, Forum Transitorium, Relief of Minerva and Arachne
- Rome, Horti Lamiani, Commodus as Hercules
- Rome, Relief of a Dionysiac Procession
- Rome, Sarcophagus with Prometheus and Athena creating the first humans
- Rome, SS Cosma e Damiano, Phoenix on a mosaic
- Rome, Temple of Apollo Sosianus, Dying Niobid
- Rome, Theater of Pompey, Hercules
- Rome, Via Appia, Sarcophagus of Dionysus and Ariadne
- Romulus
- Round relief of an Amazonomachy
- Salamis, Gymnasium, Heracles
- Salona, Cyclops
- Samos, Heracles as archer
- Sânnicolau Mare, Nagyszentmiklós treasure, Gold jar with mythological scene
- Sarcophagus of the Niobids
- Sarcophagus of the Niobids, detail
- Sarcophagus with the body of Hector
- Satricum, Temple II, Relief of an Amazon
- Seleucia in Pieria, Mosaic of Eros and Psyche
- Seleucia in Pieria, Sarcophagus with the Dioscuri
- Selinus, Temple C, Metope of the Kercopes
- Semiramis
- Šempeter, Arcade with griffins
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of a satyr raping a woman
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of Europa
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Ennius, Relief of Ganymede
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief, Castor or Pollux
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Central relief, Pollux or Castor
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene (1)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene (2)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Mythological scene (3)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Right-hand side, Griffin
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Satyr approaching a lady (1)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of the Spectatii, Satyr approaching a lady (2)
- Šempeter, Mausoleum of Vindonius, Relief of Alcestis and Hercules
- Sentinum, Mosaic of Aeon
- Sepphoris, House of the Nile Mosaic, Amazonomachy
- Seth and Apophis
- Sétif, Bathhouse, Mosaic of the Birth of Venus
- Sétif, Mosaic of the Triumph of Bacchus
- Side, Relief of Ixion
- Sidon, Royal Tombs, Chamber 4, Lycian sarcophagus (2)
- Sidon, Sarcophagus relief of Psyche
- Sidon, Sarcophagus with the punishment of Marsyas
- Sirmium, Aquatic animal
- Sirmium, Griffin
- Skiron
- Skiron's Road
- Smintheum
- Soli, Figurine of a satyr on a donkey
- Sopianae, Relief of Minerva, Perseus, and Medusa
- South-Etrurian aryballos with a centaur
- Sparta, Metope with Amazons
- Sparta-Magoula, Relief of Menelaos and Helen
- Sperlonga, Odysseus and Polyphemus
- Sphingion Hill
- Sphinx
- Sphinx of king Siamun
- Sphinx of Taharqo
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Sphinx (1)
- Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen, Sphinx (2)
- Susa, Neo-Elamite decoration (dragon)
- Susa, Soldiers' Relief, Mythological creatures
- Susa, Soldiers' Relief, Sphinxes
- Syracuse, Arethusa
- Syracuse, Gorgo with Pegasus
- Syracuse, Ionic temple, Sphinx
- Syracuse, Mask of Silenus
- Syracuse, Olpe with sphinxes and a bird (Leontini Painter)
- Syracuse, Silenus, dancing with a cup
- Syracuse, Vase with amazonomachy
- Tamassos, Royal Tombs, Egyptianizing sphinx
- Tarentum, Gorgo-shaped antefix
- Tarentum, Griffin
- Tarentum, Relief of a Maenad
- Tarentum, Relief of Scylla
- Tarentum, Relief of the Danaids
- Tarentum, The Abduction of Persephone
- Tarraco, Medusa mosaic
- Tarsus, Mosaic of Ganymede
- Tarsus, Mosaic of Orpheus
- Taucheira, Bottle in the shape of man with bull's horns
- Thasos, Coin showing a satyr raping a girl
- The Laocoon Group
- Thebes, Figurine of Europa
- Theseus and the Minotaur
- Thessaloniki, Heracles as table support
- Thessaloniki, Palace of Galerius, Capital
- Thuburbo Maius, House of Theseus, Mosaic of Theseus and the Minotaur
- Thugga, House of Dionysus and Odysseus, Odysseus tied to the mast
- Tiddis, Sphinx
- Timgad, Oil lamp with Europa
- Tongeren, Figurine of Amor and Psyche
- Tongeren, Jupiter Column, Jupiter killing a giant
- Toulouse, Hercules
- Toulouse, Mosaic of Ino (?)
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 1A: Erotes with a cornucopia
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 1C: Dancing erotes
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 1E: Dancing erotes
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 2B: Erotes with drapery
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 2D: Dancing erotes
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 3A: Playing erotes
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 3C: Erotes with drapery
- Trier, Fausta's fresco 3E: Erotes with a glass bowl
- Trier, Figurine of Amor and Psyche
- Trier, Pyxis with a mythological scene
- Trier, Wall painting of Jason, Medea, and the Golden Fleece
- Trojan War (1)
- Trojan War (2)
- Trojan War (3)
- Troy (3)
- Troy (5)
- Typhon
- Tyre, Al-Bass Cemetery, Relief of Psyche
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (1)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (2)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of Achilles (3)
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, back
- Tyre, Sarcophagus of the Drunken Cupids, front
- Valkenburg, Buckle with Romulus and Remus
- Valkenburg, Statue of Hercules
- Vazovo, Pegasus
- Veii, Antefix (Maenad)
- Veii, Antefix (Silenus)
- Veii, Portonaccio Sanctuary, Antefix (Gorgo)
- Veii, Portonaccio Sanctuary, Antefix (Maenad)
- Veii, Portonaccio Sanctuary, Statue of Hercle (Hercules)
- Villa of Dar Buc Ammera, round mosaic (2)
- Villa of the Nile Mosaic, fourth mosaic, ladies
- Villa of the Nile Mosaic, fourth mosaic, Pegasus
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 1
- Villa Orpheus, mosaic, row 1, Orpheus
- Villa Selene, Baths, Room 43, mosaic (2)
- Villa Selene, Winter Triclinium, mosaic of Lycurgus and Ambrosia
- Viminacium, Tombstone 2, Romulus and Remus
- Volsinii, Campo della Fiera, Three-headed demon
- Volterra, Cinerary chest, Achilles and Troilus
- Volterra, Cinerary chest, Cadmus
- Volterra, Cinerary chest, Dragging of Dirce
- Vulci, Achilles and Patroclus (Sosias Painter)
- Vulci, Head of a sphinx
- Vulci, Sphinx
- Xanthus, Agora, Harpy tomb, Relief of the harpies and a warrior
- Zăbala, Phalera with griffin
- Zadar, Mithras Relief
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Achilles on Skyros
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Akratos
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Eros and Psyche
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Europa
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Galatea and a satyr
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Parthenope and Metiochos
- Zeugma, Mosaic of Theonoe
- Zeugma, Wall painting of Penelope
- Zeugma, Wall painting of Penelope and mosaic of Aphrodite
- Zeus
- Zeus and Ganymedes
- Zincirli, Column base: a double sphinx
- Zone, Figurine of a satyr on a panther
- Zosimus, New History 2.01
- Zosimus, New History 2.02
- Zosimus, New History 2.03