Research Career Progression
LSTM has been at the forefront of research into infectious and debilitating diseases since 1898 and we believe that key to that is our ability to attract and retain the best possible people. LSTM has a number of schemes and funds to allow researchers to develop in their career, helping us answer some of the biggest questions in global health while progressing to the top of their chosen field.
LSTM’s Academic Career Track
In order to retain the very best in academic staff, LSTM has introduced a career track system to support staff into career posts within the institution, recognising excellence in research and teaching activity. It is designed for academic leaders and has high expectations and challenging targets – providing an opportunity for researchers to remain at LSTM and progress in their career while contributing to LSTM’s mission at the highest level.
Find out more about the process from the case studies below.
Director’s Catalyst Fund
The fund supports high-quality research projects relevant to LSTM research strategic priorities and provides pump-priming for new and innovative ideas and projects. The awardees benefit from mentorship and support from senior academic colleagues, enabling us to nurture LSTM’s research leaders of the future.
(P2D) Industry Engagement Fund
The Proximity to Discovery: Industry Engagement Fund is designed to provide flexible funding for innovative ways to enable the initial development of academic-industry collaborations.

MRC Confidence in Concept Fund
MRC CiC funds are awarded to evaluate the commercial and scientific potential of early-stage ideas, accelerating the journey from discovery research into the development of innovative new products and services, providing solutions to healthcare challenges.