Maine Selected for Funding through Solar for All
On April 22, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) selected Maine’s application for a $62 million grant award to provide financial and technical assistance enabling low-income and disadvantaged households across the state to access solar and energy storage. This award will also support workforce development opportunities ensuring quality clean energy jobs for disadvantaged communities.
Funding through this program is not yet available to Maine households. The Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) is working to make funding available as soon as possible. Through the remainder of 2024 GEO will work closely with EPA to comply with necessary federal requirements in order to draw down program funds. Before funding is available to Maine consumers, GEO will solicit public input to shape final program design and implementation. To receive updates on this program as well as opportunities for public comment, please sign up for GEO’s email newsletter and opt-in to Solar for All program updates.
On July 1, 2024, GEO published an update on the Distributed Solar and Energy Storage program, which will incorporate portions of the State's Solar for All award, as required by the Maine Legislature. That update is available to view here.
- When will funding become available?
GEO intends to make this funding available as soon as possible; however, at this time no Solar for All funds have been released by the state. To stay up to date on the program, as well as opportunities for public comment on the design of the program, please sign up for GEO’s email newsletter and opt-in to Solar for All.
- Am I eligible to participate?
As directed by the EPA, all funds through the Solar for All program are required to benefit low-income and disadvantaged Maine households. However, specific eligibility requirements for this program have not yet been established. In 2024, GEO will solicit public input on topics including eligibility requirements, funding methods, and other details. To stay up to date on the program, as well as opportunities for public comment, please sign up for GEO’s email newsletter and opt-in to Solar for All.
- If I am a renter or a homeowner with a roof that isn’t suitable for solar, will there be options for me to participate?
Maine’s Solar for All program intends to make pathways available for participation by renters and homeowners, including for buildings that may not be well-suited for on-site solar.
- I received a flyer in the mail or saw ads on social media promoting free or no-cost solar for Maine residents. Is this related to Maine’s Solar for All program?
The State of Maine is not currently distributing any materials or running promotional ads that promote solar incentives. If you see a flyer or ad like this, it did not originate from the state.
Anyone who is contacted by a solar installer or salesperson is encouraged to review terms carefully, obtain multiple quotes when possible, and avoid disclosing sensitive personal or financial information to unknown third parties. Consumers who wish to report suspicious or deceptive marketing should contact the Office of the Maine Attorney General.
- I am planning to install solar panels on my property. Should I delay my planned installation until funding for this program becomes available?
It is unlikely that Solar for All funding would be provided to any project built prior to launch of the program. Eligibility requirements and other program details have not yet been finalized so the state cannot provide guidance regarding whether planned solar installation projects may or may not be eligible for funding through this program at this time. To receive updates on this program, please sign up for GEO’s email newsletter and opt-in to Solar for All.
- How can solar companies participate in this program?
Eligibility requirements and other program details have not yet been finalized. The state cannot provide guidance to solar companies as to how they may or may not be eligible for funding through this program at this time, however GEO will be soliciting input on the program soon. To receive updates on this program, please sign up for GEO’s email newsletter and opt-in to Solar for All.
Funded by the federal Inflation Reduction Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the $7 billion Solar for All competition designed to spur the deployment of residential and community solar for millions of Americans. EPA will fund states and other entities to establish or expand “Solar for All” programs that support deployment of solar and energy storage to benefit qualifying low-income and disadvantaged communities as per Federal definitions. Learn more about Solar for All from the EPA here.
In October of 2023, the Governor’s Energy Office requested funding from EPA to establish a statewide “Solar for All” program. The proposal was built on broad public engagement, incorporating direct outreach to key stakeholders and opportunities for public comment as well as national best practices to overcome barriers to accessing affordable solar. Maine's proposal sought to support workforce development opportunities that ensure quality clean energy jobs particularly for people in disadvantaged communities, siting and permitting assistance for communities to support responsible solar and energy storage permitting, and staff and technical support to improve access and remove barriers to these clean energy resources. Download 2-page PDF summary of the proposal by clicking here.