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At MBTS, we labor to produce pastor-theologians, graduates who will give of themselves for the Church in expository preaching, doctrinal integrity, and discerning pastoral care. Our graduate degree programs are designed to take your education and training to the next level of competence and passion, preparing you for ministry wherever God’s calling takes you.
Our 81-hour MDiv is our flagship degree and a quick and affordable track towards pastoral ministry. The Shepherds Fellowship provides residential internship with a local church, where you can immediately begin applying your M.Div training with hands-on ministry opportunities. We have a variety of fully-accredited Master’s degrees to prepare you for your next season of service to the Church.
Learn More Request InfoSpurgeon College is equipping students to be the leaders of today and tomorrow by grounding them in the truth while preparing them for the world. With a variety of degree programs and special emphases, there are multiple avenues of growth and training for wherever God’s call is taking you.
The Fusion program combines academic, spiritual, and even physical training for students exploring God’s call to global missions. Your studies are supplemented by residential discipleship and mentoring, culminating in an entire semester spent on the mission field. Know instead that you’re called to local church ministry? Spurgeon College’s Accelerate program is a 5-year, intensive study track through which students simultaneously earn their Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity degrees.
Learn More Request InfoAll of our doctoral study programs are designed to equip and train leaders for the church. Whether you plan to serve in the church, the academy, or the marketplace, our post-graduate degrees are designed for students seeking high levels of theological and professional competence.
The classic Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) is modular, allowing students to study without leaving their current context, spending time on campus only for one-week seminars with their doctoral cohorts. Or apply for The Residency, our special Ph.D component that supplements your doctoral work with weekly mentoring, on-campus teaching opportunities, and the support of our growing community of residential scholars. Training for the marketplace more than the academy? Our Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) is a professional post-grad degree designed to equip you for the next season of ministry equipping others in your local church or ministry organization.
Learn More Request InfoFrom Kansas City to your Kingdom calling. Wherever you serve, you can study here.
The Global Campus of Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College is designed for God-called men and women serving in a unique kingdom assignment that currently precludes them from pursuing residential studies.
With ten new start dates every year, contextualized assignments in each class, and a variety of flexible class formats, the Global Campus offers dozens of degrees available fully online at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral levels.
Wherever students are called, they can now complete any of Midwestern’s degree programs however they can: completely online, live over video, attending an event, or in their church.
Students are able to enroll in the brand-new online courses, which feature high-impact video lessons, contextualized ministry assignments, and digital resources from Midwestern’s faculty.
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미드웨스턴 침례신학대학원 한국부를 방문하신 모든 분께 하나님의 크신 은총이 함께하시기를 기원합니다. 미드웨스턴 한국부는 복음적인 성경적 가치를 근거로 바른 신학과 영성을 겸비하고 세계에 흩어져 있는 한인교회와 선교지에 롤모델이 되는 사역자를 준비시키기 위해 최선의 노력을 경주하고 있습니다. 성경이 확증하는 바를 함께 나누기를 소망하는 여러분을 초대합니다.
本學院現在開展中⽂網路神學碩⼠學位教學Master of Theological Study。課程全中⽂,全網路授課。學位設置⽬的:為教會中帶職或全職事奉的同⼯提供扎實基礎的神學訓練。使學員獲得全 ⽅⾯的神學訓練和裝備,既包括進深的聖經知識與研究,也包括相關的跨學科,跨領域知識,從⽽應⽤在事奉上。
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Midwestern trains men and women for the church, offering degrees and classes that prepare you for ministry and enrich your life. Learn more about how we're For the Church.
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FTC Talk: Gospel-Driven Ministry with Jared Wilson and Jared Bumpers
What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? In this FTC Talk, you’ll meet with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry. You’ll discuss everything from pastoral health and pastoral care to how to know when you’re ministry veers off track. Not only will you be equipped to minister the gospel from a place of health through this conversation, but you’ll also receive personal encouragement…
Spring Preview Day
Register Here Interested in Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College? Join us for our in-person Spring Preview Day on April 11th, 2025! Preview Day is a great way to experience Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College “behind the scenes.” During our Spring Preview Day you will get the chance to visit with professors, get insight from our leaders, see our campus, and get questions answered about our cohorts, classes, and more. Every attendee will get a free T-shirt, and everyone who applies…
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Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on February 13-16, 2023. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of Accreditation. Comments regarding how well the school meets those standards and/or generally demonstrates educational quality may be sent to [email protected] at least two weeks before the visit. Comments may also or instead be sent in writing to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Accreditation Liaison Officer Jared Kathcart at [email protected]. All comments will be shared with the onsite evaluation committee.
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri will be hosting a comprehensive accreditation visit by a team of evaluators from the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) August 31-September 3, 2021 to determine its compliance with the standards for initial accreditation. During the visit, representatives of the ABHE team will entertain comments from the public. Any members of the public interested in making a presentation regarding the Seminary to the team should contact the Seminary at the following telephone number 816-414-3700 or email address [email protected] to determine a meeting time. Persons wishing to submit third party comments related to the institution may send them to Director, Commission on Accreditation, 5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Suite 130, Orlando, FL, 32822. Persons interested in reviewing the standards for accreditation will find them on the ABHE website at They appear under “about accreditation.” The institution is subject to the Institutional Accreditation Standards.