Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model
:1. Introduction
2. Integrated Flood Forecast System: Hydro-CoSMoS
2.1. Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (RDHM)
2.2. Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
3. Case Study Scenario: Napa River Basin and Estuary
3.1. Overview
3.2. Watershed Scenario
3.3. Coastal Scenario
3.4. Coupling the Watershed and Coastal Models
4. Prototype Hydro-CoSMoS Flood Products
- The tool was made available online via the web, without requiring software downloads by the user. The tool displayed GIS layers along with DHM grid results in raster Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format overlaying a Google Maps view of the study region.
- RDHM data were automatically loaded into the interface in real-time as data were made available by FEWS. Data available in the HVT were obtained by import from the FEWS and included gridded precipitation, soil moisture, and surface flows, for the DHM domain (i.e., Russian-Napa Rivers) for each time step (4-km grid, 1-h) and overlays of flood frequency levels (e.g., 20-year flood frequency level) were added (Figure 7) to help users assess the relative magnitude of a flow event and where flash flood emergency responders may be needed. This capability was provided for all streams, including small tributaries, which had no flood information or flow gaging instrumentation.
- Users could look at specific day and time combinations and interact with the DHM data for specific grids. Pop-ups provided for specific grid points allow users to view and interact with the data in graph (i.e., hydrograph) and tabular format.
- The HVT also displayed at-risk road crossings (Figure 8) and other flood impact features (e.g., schools and health care facilities) on user request.
5. Table-Top Exercise (TTE)
- Step 1: The Hydro-CoSMoS scenario (as described above) was outlined for the participants.
- Step 2: Participants in the room were divided into small groups. These groups and participants on the phone were given 15 min to review the flood scenario data via the PDF. A questionnaire was used to guide participants through review of the clickable PDF and provide initial responses to the modeling outputs developed for the scenario. In the questionnaire, respondents were asked information about their organization, their needs for coastal, estuarine and watershed flooding information, and what types of flooding information and products they currently use. They were then asked to review the clickable PDF and provide initial responses on the usefulness of the various products (Figure 12). Following the small group exercise, participants were asked to provide their feedback in a larger group discussion. Notes were captured on flip charts.
- Step 3: In addition to the scenario, information was provided about actual flooding that had occurred during the winter of 2017 along a stretch of Route 37 in Napa County (Figure 13). Participants were then guided to assess the impacts from the scenario to a stretch of Route 37 in Napa County based on Hydro-CoSMoS modeling and outputs and relate that to the actual flooding information. The participants were asked to consider the following questions to determine the usefulness of the example products:
- Have you used information similar to this information before? If yes, what is the source?
- At what physical scale would you want this information?
- Are the time intervals of the forecast products appropriate?
- How else would you like to see this information displayed?
- Does the scale of the event matter? (i.e., Does a bigger event require different information than a smaller event)
- Step 4. The entire group discussed overall impressions of the modeling system and outputs and products, and identified next steps for the project. An assessment of the utility of Hydro-CoSMoS products and overall impressions from the TTE were developed from the questionnaire that was distributed to participants during the TTE.
6. Conclusions and Next Steps
- The prototype Hydro-CoSMoS was deployed and demonstrated the ability to provide watershed and coastal flood information at scales and at locations not currently served by NWS operations. The project was successful in showing how tributary flows could be used to inform the coastal storm model during a flooding scenario.
- The assessments provided an opportunity for the model developers to interact with the end-users, providing valuable information to help guide continued model development and to inform what model outputs and formats are most useful to end-users.
- Similarly, the assessments provided an opportunity for the end-users to become familiar with this emerging tool and to gain an initial level of understanding prior to advancement to real-time operations for the AQPI project. This process helps develop an engaged end-user who will be more likely to utilize the model products once it is running operationally.
- The assessments also enabled the project team to learn about other potential end-users and leverage the results of this TTE exercise to engage subsequent end-users in the San Francisco Bay region and other counties in CA.
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Tabletop Exercise Survey Results
- Needs for Coastal Flood Forecasts:
- o
- NWS forecasters use radar data, flash flood guidance, rainfall reports, and river data for their warning decision making.
- o
- County-level staff are concerned with storm surge into flood control channels and protecting communities and ecosystem restoration projects thereby. Most counties track flood threats and coordinate warnings with Emergency Operations Centers.
- Flood Data Sources:
- o
- Most use NWS warnings, including from the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) and the CNRFC. Some track precipitation reports (public and private), spotter reports (phone, email, social media, and news media), USGS stream gages.
- o
- Some county staff have their own precipitation and stream gage networks.
- Watershed Forecasts:
- o
- Participants indicated that the timing needs to be linked to local time. Hourly projections at a minimum during an event are preferred.
- o
- The time series outputs (i.e., hydrographs) were unanimous rated Very Useful. Would like to see flood stage. Depth and velocity of flow relate to danger.
- o
- Local responders want to see information at a finer scale (e.g., 250 m) than currently provided by the 1-km Napa Watershed modeling.
- o
- Precipitation information rated Very Helpful.
- o
- Soil moisture rated Somewhat Helpful.
- o
- DHM surface runoff rated Not Useful to Somewhat Useful.
- o
- Recurrence interval rated Very Useful by most, but some rated Not Useful.
- o
- Relate water flows to citizen experience such as storms of record (preferably within a 10-year window) to allow some comprehension of projected storm event.
- Coastal Flood Forecasts:
- o
- Meteorological data rates Somewhat Useful. Helps establish context.
- o
- Wave forecasts rated unanimous Very Useful.
- o
- Forecast currents rated Somewhat Useful; some rated Not Useful.
- o
- Water level forecasts rated Somewhat Useful to Very Useful.
- o
- Time series forecasts rated Very Useful.
- o
- Suggest overlay FEMA Floodplain for reference; also recent flood inundation levels.
- Coastal Flood Indices:
- o
- People primarily want to know—Where, how high, and when.
- o
- Consider describing projections as “ankle deep” “knee deep”, etc., to indicate flood stage.
- o
- Incorporate tide projections so that responders can be aware of the confluence of tides with flooding projections.
- o
- Need to consider audience—is it Emergency Managers and First Responders or someone else?
- o
- Need to consider point of products—newscasts and media or police with blow horn saying need to evacuate?
- o
- (Would be good to have) local corroboration of projected flooding.
- o
- Flood indices uniformly rated Somewhat to Very Helpful, including those for (a) Start of Flooding, (b) Duration of Flooding, (c) Time of Max Depth, (d) Max Water Depth, and (e) Hazard Index (although some confusion on what it means).
- Impacts—Critical Facilities:
- o
- Identification of roads and road crossings (bridges) was rated Very Useful.
- o
- Identification of fire stations, schools and wastewater treatment plants were rated Somewhat Useful. Suggest including hospitals and airports.
- o
- Identify key locations for each region to help bring context to flood projections.
- o
- Emergency Operations Center (EOC) locations could be included in an internally (non-public) available layer-but that would not be good to include a public layer.
- o
- Forecasters have hydro-database (E-19).
- o
- Develop database service of user-generated content.
- o
- Need to narrow in on the audience for each product or output. Are the outputs geared to first responders or others?
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Agency | No. Participants (On-Site + On-Line) |
Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association | 2 + 1 |
California Department of Water Resources | 4 + 3 |
California Department of Transportation | 1 + 3 |
Contra Costa County Flood Control District | 0 + 1 |
Marin County Public Works | 0 + 1 |
Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District | 1 + 1 |
National Weather Service California Nevada River Forecast Center | 1 + 1 |
National Weather Service Monterey Weather Forecast Office | 0 + 2 |
National Weather Service Sacramento Weather Forecast Office | 2 + 0 |
University of California Davis | 1 + 1 |
Total | 12 + 14 |
US Geological Survey-Coastal Modeling Team | 3+ 2 |
NOAA Earth System Research Lab | 3 + 1 |
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Share and Cite
Cifelli, R.; Johnson, L.E.; Kim, J.; Coleman, T.; Pratt, G.; Herdman, L.; Martyr-Koller, R.; FinziHart, J.A.; Erikson, L.; Barnard, P.; et al. Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model. Water 2021, 13, 312.
Cifelli R, Johnson LE, Kim J, Coleman T, Pratt G, Herdman L, Martyr-Koller R, FinziHart JA, Erikson L, Barnard P, et al. Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model. Water. 2021; 13(3):312.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCifelli, Robert, Lynn E. Johnson, Jungho Kim, Tim Coleman, Greg Pratt, Liv Herdman, Rosanne Martyr-Koller, Juliette A. FinziHart, Li Erikson, Patrick Barnard, and et al. 2021. "Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model" Water 13, no. 3: 312.
APA StyleCifelli, R., Johnson, L. E., Kim, J., Coleman, T., Pratt, G., Herdman, L., Martyr-Koller, R., FinziHart, J. A., Erikson, L., Barnard, P., & Anderson, M. (2021). Assessment of Flood Forecast Products for a Coupled Tributary-Coastal Model. Water, 13(3), 312.