Extended Data Fig. 4: Scatter plots showing the relationship between log-transformed number of added species in the plant species diversity treatment over the control and the effect sizes along with the fitted meta-regression line. | Nature Plants

Extended Data Fig. 4: Scatter plots showing the relationship between log-transformed number of added species in the plant species diversity treatment over the control and the effect sizes along with the fitted meta-regression line.

From: Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Scatter plot for predator performance (571 observations/122 studies). b, Scatter plot for parasitoid performance (135 observations/57 studies). c, Scatter plot for herbivore performance (947 observations/214 studies). d, Scatter plot for plant performance (1041 observations/161 studies). Predator performance included predator abundance and predation, parasitoid performance included parasitoid abundance and parasitism, herbivore performance was involved in herbivore abundance and herbivore damage and plant performance was related with plant growth, quality and reproduction. The dark and light shaded regions indicate respectively the 95% confidence interval for the predicted average SMD and the 95% credible/prediction interval. The regression model intercepts, slopes and the P-values for the slopes are presented.

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