Event News
Seminar on the elasticity of HPC intrastructures in the Cloud by Prof. Christophe CERIN
This is our great pleasure to invite you to the seminar of. Prof. Christophe CERIN described below. All are welcome.
Where to put efforts for the elasticity of HPC intrastructures in the Cloud?
In this presentation, we investigate the general problem of the convergence of Cloud and HPC infrastructures. We adopt a System point of view. This assumption means we investigate the organization of cloud orchestrators and job schedulers. The purpose is to decide if we put the layers of one system on top of the other or if it is better to interleave layers of each system. The objective is to propose a new cloud/HPC system with more desirable properties: flexibility for the user and elasticity. We first show some algorithms for the cloud orchestrator to schedule containerized jobs, particularly multicriteria algorithms. We also discuss experimental results with the K3s and MicroK8s systems, two popular frameworks at the edge. Then, we switch to another vital question: How and why does the containerization of HPC job schedulers introduce good properties, such as elasticity. Again, we show experimental results to convince the audience of the approach's potential. For instance, the work can serve as a building block to deploy in your national HPC infrastructure, the infrastructure you had ten years ago, to replay the experiments you made ten years ago (reproducibility issues).
Speaker Bio:
Christophe Cérin, Professor of Computer Science at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France
Christophe Cérin has been a Professor of Computer Science at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University (formerly University of Paris 13), France, since 2005. His research interests are in high-performance computing, including grid, cloud, and edge computing. He is developing middleware, algorithms, tools, and methods for managing distributed systems. He is an IEEE Member. Award Recipient of the 2020 IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing Research Innovation Award. Editorial Board Member of IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC). Associate Editor for Springer Journal of Cloud Computing.. From September 2021, he will be joining Grenoble University for works (Délégation CNRS) connected with those realized in the frameworks of the Edge Intelligence research program and Datamove project. His recent industrial experience includes serving as local chair for the FogSLA project (Nokia, Smile, CGI, Gandi, Sorbonne université, Paris 13) on Fog orchestration. His past industrial project was with the Wolphin project as well as for the Wendelin project related to Cloud and Big-Data, and also with the Resilience project related to Cloud Computing.
13:30 - 14:30 / Thrusday, Sep. 28th, 2023
Hybrid(Onsite and Online)
If you would like to join, please contact by email.
Email : andres [at] nii.ac.jp
ANDRES Frederic, Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division, Associate Professor - Faculty