Playing with Fire:

Recreating Safely with Invasives in Sagebrush Country


If you’re recreating on public lands in the American West, you’ve probably already felt the impacts of the invasive annual grasses and wildfires that ruin habitat for wildlife and our outdoor activities. The non-native grasses, like cheatgrass, are extra-nasty plants. They are creeping into sagebrush country, a place of incredible biological diversity, and recreators play a key role in preventing their spread as well as halting the ignition of catastrophic rangeland fires.

Your actions make a huge difference

Talking about invasive weeds isn’t sexy but they are darn dangerous to the places and wildlife we love. By keeping each other accountable and taking action every time you go outdoors, together we can help protect sagebrush country. Lightning strikes will still happen but their impact may be reduced because of our actions. So, educate yourself and others, and take care when playing in sagebrush country.

Share this information to spread the word and not the weeds!

How to Put Out Your Campfire

Practice Smart Target Shooting

You have a role in conserving a resilient and resistant sagebrush sea. Join us in our efforts to proactively address invasive species, reduce the risk of catastrophic rangeland wildfires, and #RecreateResponsibly.

Craving more resources? The following items are further ways to learn how you can take action: