Give me some letters
I'll make words
Give me some words
I'll make sentence
Dear, come,
Come to the poems,
Come and live with poems,
Live, and live in the kingdom of poems,
Birth is not from sin
Birth is from the best love;
from the faithful love of two biological soul;
From the gushing liquid I'm; as if an aquatic animal
I come to your dawn
In you I find the part of awakening
I come to your noon
Walking; as if I am walking in the scenery of story
Through mountain, hilly forest, bush of greenery
Walking beneath to peak, peak to beneath as spider
Seeing riding horse outside of forest, inside the tiger
In long breaths expectations lead me to die
I want to take loan some times to omit sigh
Your love is one color in the coat of colorful life
The wings of heron flying on the village of blue sky
I thought poetry is
-nubile beauty where lustfulness decorate unstable life
-nude bathing of a juvenile girl in the raining pond
-wrestle mania game of beauty queen Charlotte Flair
I went to the rivers. Rivers asked me, "Do you know we're alive? "
I went to the oceans. Oceans asked me, "Do you know we're alive? "
I went to the pebbles. Pebbles asked me, "Do you know we're alive? "
I went to the rocks. Rocks asked me, "Do you know we're alive? "
The mind binds me in the golden cage of mirage
Running I'm on the sandy shore of timing race
The balmy sea breeze of poems vibrate the thought
Losing I'm slowly all in the gyre of an epidemic pot
They said that is nakedness
I said that is my born physical form
They said that pollutes the environment
I'm American and I'm civilized!
I'm European and I'm civilized!
There is no snail, no oyster
on your bathing shore;
No swimming fish, no snake charmer
in your diving core
Dream is like flower
In youth it spreads sweet fragrance
None greets withered one
By one step two steps
I walk thousands of miles
Now on to another millennium
Barnacle goose kid
Jumps from four hundred meters
Starts life through struggle
To eat green grass on the shore
Astonished I'm! No! World is distinct book
of deaths! Book of lives, of a child,
of a woman, of a man, of human.
In computer anti-virus for the germ
And safety from the risky curriculum
Satan is virus
Human is self judge
Raindrops of the monsoon
Touching thy lower lip to chin
By rolling, now, on the Kadamba flower
Pea green paddy field
Plays with damp emerald fogs
Hopes kiss of dawn sun
MAHTAB BANGALEE, the KHEPA, is from Fatickchari, Chattogram Bangladesh. He is not a poet though sometimes he writes that's just for knowing himself. Basically, he is a reader of the world's poetry and amateur virtual writer. Foundation of his writings- SELF DISCOVERY, HUMANITY, LOVE FOR ALL EDUCATION: - POST GRADUATION He is the BEING of inspiration by the PHILOSOPHY of- 1. SOCRATES- The Master Of Knowledge 2. The Greatest Philanthropic PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH- The Pioneer Of Universal Peace 3. SAHAS TABRIZI- The Pioneer Of Divine Love and JALALUDDIN RUMI- The Union Of Divine Love 4. SULTAN BAHU- The Master Of Mystic Sufi 5. BULLEH SHAH- The Union of Mystic Sufi 6. FAKIR LALON SAIJI- MOHA SATYA MAWLA GURU 7. WALT WHITMAN- Writer Of World Humanism 8. The greatest holy spiritual king of the entire universe HAZRAT KEBLA BABA AHMADULLAH MAIZVANDARI and BABA GULAMUR RAHMAN MAIZVANDARI 9. Shirdi SAI BABA- The Guru of the Unity Of All Religions 10. The Greatest Philanthropic saint MOTHER TERESSA- The Mother Of Charity NOTE on his writings by himself: - 'First of all, here I proclaim that truly I know nothing and from the nothingness, I start learning. Although your thorn bleeds me, yet, I give you ROSE. Because I love you. Without love, no hate is the motto of my life dictionary. I feel extremely sorry when a situation forces me to hate someone. I cannot bear the sword to kill you in those of my hands I've carried flowers because I love you and this I'm, the love for you. This you are my life, my universe, and my GOD. I sow a seed of ROSE into the pure soil of my heart for everything and everyone. This world is full of verities colors. I need every single color. By these colors, I want to dye me. I want to spread the seed of ROSE over all the world. Every petal of this ROSE will carry PEACE and FRAGRANCE of LOVE for everyone.' © Mahtab Bangalee)
You Are My Poem
Give me some letters
I'll make words
Give me some words
I'll make sentence
Give me some sentences
I'll make poetry
Give me some poems
I'll find you there
This is all about your poetic denotations
This you are- the poetic buds,
The poetic stalks,
The poetic petals,
The poetic leaves.
And as the poetic fragrance
you spread from yard to yard,
From port to port - all throughout the cosmos.
And this you are only one poetic bough
Where I've come as your amorous bird of the soul
And through poetic love, I seek an impenetrable ring.
© Mahtab Bangalee
-July 02,2018 Chattogram
Mahtab is an upcoming poet His reviews and poems are a delight I pray for God's blessings on his way And my love for him, here, do I convey!
MAHTAB BANGALEE is much of sophisticated, mutinous poet. His writings show him possessing great deal of tenacity embedded on his enough practical, bitter and hard experiences. I am sure of some wrong and corrupted situations around have caused his most of the writings and him a sort of rebelious ones. I hope he will go on writing more practically to reveal real things, ..........
There are very few poets on PH's Site who have touched this height in poetic world, at this tender age, which Mahtab Bangalee did. Like the meaning of his name MAHTAB: “Light of the moon” he shines brighter than others and in every form and shapes he delights the readers with his magical pen. I wish him all the success and pray to Almighty to bless him with more writing poweress. (Aameen)
How poetic give letters I'll make words.
Get rest to gain strength to write more like this
Whatever, I come sometimes to this site and read this poet. It's very influencial and very philosophical his writings are. Metaphore and metaphysical senses are entangled his poetic philosopy. I expect his brilliance in his poetic career.
Mahtab, that's good name and Bangalee carries his nationality, that's also good. I thought this guy is full bengali in writings, but some english and some bengali poems make him very intersting.
Appreciating is wise boon of GOD
I have two inconsolable child - Cheering & Mourning My Mourning chases after my Cheering. How can I forget them; how can I live without them together
Loneliness is best if I can discover myself and learn the self; Solitude is also best if I can discover or learn myself silently from other and in crowded the knowing of self shows the path of Saint if I want to know myself through every single or multitude creation.
World is the stage where we every creation is the actor / actress.The omniscient spectator is Creator. Don't over act to find Him. Overacting is always abandoned.
Silent all words of hope; passing before the sight of colorful life where all expectations play a game of immortality within mortal being
Life is where there the love is evaluated and love is where there the life is the full meaning of philanthropy
In the Parlor of master of knowledge silence is the greatest helper to gain knowledge properly
প্রেম আমার বিশ্বাস; বিশ্বাস আমার প্রেম জ্ঞান আমার মাঝে আসে প্রেমের মাধ্যমে বিশ্বাস হয়ে
তুমি আমায় ঘৃণা করতে পারো; হতে পারে ঘৃণিত তোমার কাছে আমার মতবাদ ও সংস্কৃতি তবে আমি তোমায় ঘৃণা করিনা যদিও তোমার মতবাদ ও সংস্কৃতি গ্রহণ করতে পারিনি
I gain knowledge to love the creations of God, to seek the love of God in the midst of creations.
What I learn or write only for knowing myself, I keep knowing myself only to love the Brahma and Brahma creation, I keep knowing myself to remove hatred, vengeance and ego from self.
The revolution is meaningful where there the humanity is spread out.
মিথ্যাকে তুমি বিচার কর বাস্তবতার বিচারদন্ড দিয়ে আর কাল্পনিক বিশ্বাসগুলোকে সত্য বলে বুকে ধারণ করে তোমার অপরাপর বিচারদন্ডে দন্ডিত কর তুমি ছাড়া সকলে জাহান্নামী। এ তোমার কেমন বিচার শাস্ত্র!
জ্ঞানহীনে বিচরণ আপন ভুলে তারপর অনুসরণ অর্থশাস্ত্রবেদে আর বলি আমি জ্ঞানী - মহাজ্ঞানী -যা নিজেকে ভুলে! !
শিখিনি কিছুই শুধুই ভালোবেসেছি আর পেয়েছি দুঃখের মাঝে নিরন্তর পুষ্প!
জানিনা বলেই ঘৃণী যদি জানতুন ভালোবাসতুম যতনে এই মানবধর্মেরে।
যা কিছু ভালো বলি তা আমার আর মন্দ কিছু শুধুই তোমা হতে .... এ আমি অকৃতজ্ঞ বলে!
তুমি ঘৃণা করতে পারো তবে আমাকে নয় বরং আমার কদর্যময় কর্মকে
মানবতার জঘন্য শত্ৰু নিজেই নিজের প্রশংসায় লিপ্ত থাকা
Death is so beautiful if there is life.
Conscience begets Humanity and Humanity begets the ultimate Civilization.
আমি কোথাও আমার শত্রু পাইনা। যে ক্ষতি করে সে আমার শত্রু নয় - আমি হয়তো তাঁকে ভুল বুঝেছি অথবা তাঁকে বুঝাতে আমি অক্ষম। I can not find my enemy anywhere. The harm that he does is not my enemy - I may have misunderstood him or I am unable to make him understand.
Human is being of self mirror. If this mirror does not reflect or refract goodly then he thinks all are awkward (guilty) and if this mirror reflect or refract goodly through all conditions then please keep note this self mirror is crystal clean (innocent) .
Every Creation Is True and Beautiful In Its Own Birth
Reality survives in its truthfulness and artificial disappears with time expiration boat
Mirror has true eyes. Please come and stand Before mirror you will find yourself in its eyesight.
Give me that love which you've given yourself only then I will give a full PEACE (ISLAM) .
This world is apple of discord between Believers in work and Believers of belief.
Many leaders, many weaknesses
There are a lot of difference in knowing, understanding and realization.
Pure is Fair(inside) : but all Fair is not Pure. Purity is Cryptic Boon of God.
Breathing is executed through two ways- taking and giving; so if equally do these two, will feel healthy in physical life
Without Emotion Excess Attention To Materialistic Life Is Injurious To Mentality
where justice is bloodstained napkin pad there injustice is justice!
Seen sceneries are beautiful but those unseen are most beautiful Known fires are dreadful but those unknown are most dreadful
life tastes the complete judgement of reality before its history
Knowledge is unity; only love unites all So knowledge is love; who create divisions among human community he is not a wise man
I was born to be happy I am fine always
Fate- a glorious mystic worker of believing industry!
I ignore all blind believers but I'm not illiterate
I have no fear of death because I am truth; I have no fear of death because I am love; I have no fear of death because I have nothing on this earth to lose; I have no fear of death because death is the name of exchanging place of the true being and there I will the same!
A teacher need to open the door of conscientious knowledge of students, no need to impose the lessons of imitation or following blindly the predecessors!
every believer is not illiterate and ignorant but every Illiterate is hearsay believer!
Life is endless periodical drama where it gets recycling vitality differently
Life is the indecisive stage answers to the all kind of questions.
Poetic words are the natural crystal mirror where poet finds out himself spontaneously
Truth increases the fair free and fearless thinker
When I came brought nothing; So I have no fear of lost
Good in all by born but bad in practical life movement
Listening to lies is entertaining when truth is known secretly
Mahtab Bangalee is a very talented poet who writes from heart! He is a sincere contributor to Poem Hunter. You Are My Poem, I Am # 05, Change To Concrete, Concrete Expectation, I Died Before My Birth! are some of his outstanding creations and mile stones of his success as a great poet. I admire his style of penning, sincerity, dedication and intense passion for poetry! I wish him a radiant literary journey in days ahead!