Rappelle-toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante
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One of the best poems ever written, a masterpiece forever. Iwas able to read it in French, and just for this poem alone, I am greatful thast I know the language. So much is lost in tranlation
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This poem contains all the sadness and desolation that war produces. You can't forget this masterpiece, EVER!
Lovely poem of a rainy day and a life that poured. With perceptive eye in time and space, though perhaps dealt a losing hand. QtR
Thanks for sharing your story with Barbara. Remember Barbara!
Aha I l'île this poem! M'y mother sang the Yve Montand's record when I was a little girl.
Such a poem... poignant and very dear to my heart... for I have known you Barbara on that very rainy day in Brest...
Same as with Prevert‘s Paris at night (and maybe all french poems on your site?) - pronounced by a person who never learned any French. Who are you trying to make fun of?