Syria no more war
You are being watched
Reality is but a moment in time
I hope for you Syria ends your war
Almighty, please end this civil war
Civil is not internal
I realize that watching the news
Very evil is evil
I realize money is paid for war news
Love is not their neighbor's news
War in Syria
All that murder
Reality is but a moment in time Syria
No more cry against this war
Only you can stop this war
War in Syria stop please
Almighty, please stop murder too
Reality is love in a moment of time
Well expressed thoughts and feelings on the horrendous Syrian civil war. An insightful work of art. Thanks for sharing, Clinton.
War in Syria stop please Almighty please stop murder too Reality is love in a moment of time..Syria, and its war. such painful stories that we hear and the pictures we see of terror and destruction. pain on the streets.......... thank u for your prayers to end the war. i am also praying for it my dear poet. tony
I realize money is paid for war news Love is not their neighbor's news War in Syria All that murder Reality is but a moment in time Syria.... crying over the situations in Syria. now we hear that the war has come to an end.. but the land and cities are destroyed....... again rebuilding should begin........ war, life, crime, murder, then rebuilding...... no one is profited by a war........ thank u dear poet for your thoughts.. a nice poem. tony
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I would like to translate this poem
I don't like war, I love peace in everywhere.