Well, personally I was not much into poetry since 2002. I wrote a lot of love poems which were not read. In 2013 I was in an accident which left me bed bound for some time. Got back to work in 2014 only to lose my left foot. Later in 2014 I lost partial vision then all my vision. In 2016 I went nuts. As far as I can see I am not in my own reality any more. This is a recording of a past that is not.. Traveling on a closed time like curved loop. So personally I might not be from here.2020 I am a time traveling pirate. Life is not what one expects.
Be good Do good. Stop evil.
Remember pray.
Iraq the dogs of war are howling at you for money
You need to ask Russia and China to come rescue you for money
Iraq had some great books
Beautiful people are readers my dear there in Iraq
They are children at heart in Iraq
for if they can dream it they can be it in Iraq
needed to believe your life provides your offsprings something to live on
heritage is wild to keep the past within the present for the future
eternity moral guidance that we need to train people honourable
Handing food across the table
all types of food moving
natures way of sharing
dressed hands across the table