It snows at sea. Quiet falls in flakes. Melting designs... leave form for All
You are the nectar, the hummingbird, the clover. You are the bloom, the bee, the OerHoverer. You are the child, the bond and the mother. You are the Love, the Beloved, the Lover.
How do the words of the Peaceful Master become the tirades of warmonger pastors?
Japanese beetles, unheralded seamstresses, sew eyelets in the rose and stitch lilacs to lilace
''The sea: rocking cradle of the world.. sunset stairway to the stars..only by greatmasters trod... only written on by God.''
They did the little boy turkey named Art... choke and then served his dead body with artichokes.
The South Wind has for the evening donned jasmine scent.
They called the wind lackadaisical.. but because he in freedom blows the world will never lack for daisies.
My love for you a yearling became... many eons ago.
His dogs and cats cannot read.. save the script of his soul They cannot write..except on his heart