Grace of the moment captured in that soft, cool breeze sweeping past ones face,
Rippling all that it cares to touch, almost the entire existence.
Grace of the moment scattered as pocketful of sunshine,
I come to visit that small green patch, lined with erica palms, and the ungainly sweet neem tree.
It's tender leaves respond to my touch as if playing with me.
My friend and me, we also flutter by those potted dots of yellows and reds.
He is adrift in the open sky,
setting his sail to nowhere.
The upside down world misses him,
But he doesn't seem to care.
Grace Of The Moment
Grace of the moment captured in that soft, cool breeze sweeping past ones face,
Rippling all that it cares to touch, almost the entire existence.
Grace of the moment scattered as pocketful of sunshine,
That universe laughs and throws away, not caring when and why?
Grace of the moment decked in dark blue and grey.
Her face revealed with silvery flash uncovering the raindrop veil.
Grace of the moment drifting with the wind fresh from far-off land.
Moist with promise of unfettered bliss, that will fade away.
Grace of the moment, hovers so lightly, and never settles down.
Its existence controversial, but its essence proven without doubt.