Research Engagement
The Library's Research Engagement Team provides support for best practice in research. We can help you manage, preserve, and share your research data and other research materials, and integrate Open Research and digital approaches. We will help you decide where to publish your research and to make it Open Access via our institutional repository, CentAUR, or our Gold Open Access funds, and advise you how to track its impact via bibliometrics and altmetrics. You can find us on the 2nd Floor.
We can help you with...
Depositing publications in CentAUR
We manage CentAUR the Open Access repository for the University of Reading's research publications. Visit our CentAUR guide to find out how to use the institutional repository and what to deposit.
Managing, preserving, and sharing your data effectively.
We support good practice in research data management and manage the University's Research Data Archive, which can be used to preserve and provide long-term access to the data supporting published research outputs. Visit our Research data management webpages for help and information.
Open Access
We provide help and access to funds for Open Access publishing. Visit our Open Access guide to find out more.
Open Research
We support the University's Statement on Open Research and promote the adoption of open and reproducible research practices, including the sharing of protocols, code and other materials required to validate research outputs, the preregistration of study designs, the use of preprints and open peer review. See the Checklist of 12 things you can do to be open. Our Open Research Handbook offers a primer in key open practices.
Digital humanities
The Digital Humanities Hub supports researchers to enhance the quality and innovation of their research through engagement with digital tools and methodologies. Visit our online portal to learn more about digital humanities, the support and resources available, and how to contact the team. Consider also joining our Community of Practice, a friendly space for researchers to collaborate, share ideas and skills, and discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by Digital Humanities as a field.
Help and guidance
Visit our guide for research staff & students for further information, including a helpful checklist for getting up to speed with University policies and processes, and to ensure your research record and researcher profile are up-to-date.
We offer a wide range of training courses, seminars and workshops to help University staff curate their digital profiles, publish Open Access, boost citations and manage and share research data. These can be booked via UoRLearn.
The Research Engagement Team
Alison Sutton - Research Engagement Manager
Karen Rowlett - Research Publications Adviser
Robert Darby - Research Data Manager
Dawn Kanter - Digital Humanities Officer
Sophie Dorman - Research Engagement Administrator
Claire Collins - Senior Library Assistant
Timothy Landricombe - Senior Library Assistant

- CentAUR, Open Access or REF enquiries: or +44 118 378 6376
- Open Access enquiries:
- Research data management: or x6161
- Research Engagement Manager
- Research Publications Adviser
- Research Data Manager