Supernumerary B Chromosome
Supernumerary B Chromosome
Supernumerary B Chromosome
B Chromosome are a particular kind of supernumerary / accessory chromosomes, that may or may not be found in an organism as extra chromosome over and above the standard diploid or polyploid chromosome complement. The standard complement consist of chromosomes described as A- chromosomes, including sex chromosomes. First discovered in hemipteran insects Metapodius by Wilson in 1905. Found in the wild populations of many plant, animal and fungi species.
Does not obey the Mendelian laws of inheritance. They are not essential to normal cellular function, and do not follow normal patterns of replication and segregation during cell division. They are not homologous with any of the basic A-chromosomes they are not homologous with any of the basic A chromosomes
Their inheritance is non-Mendelian some times due to non-disjunction during pollen mitosis, thus leading to the production of plants with an increased number of B Chromosmes in the progeny. They do not form synapse with the normal chromosomes They form synapse with themselves.
Most B chromosomes are mainly or entirely heterochromatic, (and so would be largely noncoding) but some, such as the B chromosomes of maize, contain sizeable euchromatic segments.
Smaller than A-Chromosome and have their unique pattern of heterochromatin distribution.
There is evidence of deleterious effects of supernumeraries on pollen fertility, and favourable effects or associations with particular habitats are also known in a number of species. In maize, their number per cell can vary from 0 to 30 and they adversely affect, development and fertility only when occur, in large amount.
An example of a positive effect of the presence of B-chromosomes has been reported in foxes. Male foxes with supernumerary chromosomes tend to eat better and be more fit overall than foxes lacking the extra chromosomes.
Appears to be more common in plants (>1000 spp.)than in animals. Found in cereals and forage grasses sps. Eg. Zea, Sorghum, Secale, Avena, Bromus, etc. Especially in cross pollinated sps. B chromosomes are usually restricted only to aerial part and absent in roots (eg. Aegiolops speltoides) and may be eliminated during meiosis due to their division in Anaphase-I followed by elimination at anaphase II.
In animals, the B-chromosomes disappear from the non-reproductive (somatic) tissue and are maintained only in the cell-lines that lead to the reproductive organs. B chromosomes have tendency to accumulate in meiotic cell products resulting in an increase of B number over generations. However this effect is counterbalanced for selection against infertility
Effect of B chromosomes
The most significant effect of B chromosomes is on seed and pollen fertility. Flowering time is generally delayed by Bchromosomes and several characters (plant height, plant weight and tiller number) are adversely affected.
B chromosomes in some species influence the chiasma frequencies among pollen mother cells. It may affect in suppressing or promoting meiotic pairing in a number of intergeneric or interspecific hybrids (eg. Wheat x Aegilops)
asymmetry chiasma distribution increases crossing over and recombination frequencies: increases variation cause increased unpaired chromosomes: infertility
B chromosomes may play a positive role on normal A chromosomes in some circumstances. The B chromosomes suppress homologous pairing which reduces multiple pairing between homologous chromosomes in allopolyploids.