Sop Plethysmometer
Sop Plethysmometer
Sop Plethysmometer
College name
Company details: Title: Department 1..PURPOSE
1.1 To describe the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Plethysmometer.
SOP: SOP NO. Issue Date 17/02/12 Effective Date:21/02/12 Review Date:17/02/13 Revision Status: NA
Plethysmometer Pharmacology
2.1 This procedure is applicable to all the students and departments of Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy college, Kim.
3.1 The plethysmometer is used to assess acute inflammation in paw.
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 A work sheet is previously prepared and contains particularly the day of experiment, the title of the study, the list of the animals and the parameters for the induction of inflammation. Make sure that the environmental temperature is kept constant. Adjust the mercury level if required. Mark the paw with the ink at the level of lateral malleolus. Immerse the paw in the mercury up to this mark. Note the increase in mercury level at the graduated side of plethysmograph. Always dip the paw up to the ink mark for accurate result. Remove the paw and take extra precaution for cleaning the paw because if the traces of mercury are licked by the animal, death may occur. 5.9 One of the paw is regarded as control paw.
5.10 Repeat the experiment at different time intervals. 5.11 Clean the instrument and adjust the mercury level after completion of experiment.
6.1 H.Gerhard Vogel. Drug Discovery and Evaluation, Springer, 2
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