AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 07
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 07
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 07
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nanu jvasya brahma-abheda asagata brahmaa eva asiddhe | dea-klavastu-pariccheda-nyam vastu hi brahma iti ucyate | na ca tat sambhavati klakde dvityasya vidyamnatvena vastu-pariccheda abhvasya asiddhe na ca
kde brahmai ropitatvena mithytvt tena tasya na dvityatvam iti vcyam
kde adhyastatve mna abhvt | na ca tmana ka sambhta iti ruti
tatra mnam iti vcyam tatra kde brahma kryat-mtra-pratte iti akya
brahmaa advityatva-siddhaye kde adhyastatvam sdhyati
nanu no(doubt)
- jvasya brahma-abheda asagata nondifference(identity) of individual self with Brahman is untenable.
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saying that Brahman is devoid of limitations arising from space, time and things.
- kla-kde
dvityasya vidyamnatvena vastu-pariccheda abhvasya asiddhe time, ether etc.
are known to exist in addition to Self(vastu) hence the Self could not be concluded
as not excluded by anything
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na ca tena tasya na dvityatvam iti vcyam the statement that by
that(superimposition) its(of Brahman) duality do not occur is also ruled out
since there is no evidence to prove ether etc. are only superimposed on Self
na ca
tmana ka sambhta iti ruti tatra mnam iti vcyam in this (on
superimposition), you cannot quote the ruti tmana ka sambhta as proof
-- tatra kde brahma kryat-mtrapratte for it proves only that ether etc. are effects of Brahman and Brahman is the
adhyastatvam sdhyati (the author) proves the superimposed nature of ether etc.
na hi bhndte sattva narte bhna cito'cita |
citsambhedo'pi ndhysdte tenhamadvaya || 7||
adhyst te without (there being) superimposition - citsambheda api the association with Consciousness also
tena therefore
na cannot be there
without a second
The world cannot be reckoned to exist without its experiences. The experiences of
the inert world, in turn are not possible without Consciousness. The association of
the inert with Consciousness, again, cannot be there but for superimposition.
Therefore, I (the Consciousness) am one without a second.
Advaita Makaranda with Rasa-abhivyanjika
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arrived at?)
tatra ha na te
itydin that is
acita =
cita te =
- svata
bhnavatve jaatva
bhva-prasagt iti artha if they are self-effulgent; inertness itself is not in them
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- cit-sabheda itydin
- cit-sabheda api =
adhyst te =
cit-jaayo between the two Consciousness and inert object dhysika-sambandha atiriktam some thing other than the
connection of superimposition
the arguer is presenting
sambandham vadan vd if
na adya not the first (option i.e. sayoga) cita of the conscious
adravyatvena being not a dravya(object)
samyoga anupapatte conjunction is impossible
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cita nirguatvt
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na api samavya cit jaayo gua-gu-diu anya-tamatva abhvt |
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nanu cit jaayo krya-kraa-bhvt tantu-paayo iva samavya astu iti cet na
tantu-paayo samavye avayava-avayavity eva prayojakatvena krya-kraabhvasya aprayojakatvt anyath turpaayo api samavya-prasagt avayavaavayavity ca dg-dyayo abhvt |
na not-possible(reply) -
-- krya-kraa-bhvasya
aprayojakatvt not on the consideration of their being cause and effect(though cloth
may be effect and thread its cause)
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have to proclaim inherence relation between loom and cloth. (those having
samavya relation should be seen together always. Loom is not seen always with
cloth though loom is also a cause for it)
- avayava-
avayavity ca and also the other type suggested i.e. related as part and whole
(hence inherence relation is possible)
- dg-dyayo
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na api tdtmyam paraspara-vilakaayo tayo tdtmya-asambhavt |
not also be
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tasya mla-sambandha --
- anyath ati-
prasagt otherwise it will reflect elsewhere. (as per naiyyiks viayajnna and
viaya have inherence relation and tman is inert. If they accept samavya here it is
equal to their accepting tman as caitanya)
Advaita Makaranda with Rasa-abhivyanjika
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na sakaro npi ca sayutistayorna csti tadvat samavyasambhava |
ato na ciccaityasamanvaya prati pratyate kcana mlasagati || iti |
Neither identity, nor conjunction, similarly not even inherence, hence in reference to
the connection between consciousness and inert there appears no original
tata tayo dhysika eva sambandha iti vcyam tath ca jaa-padrthabhnaanyath anupapatti eva kdi adhyastatve pramam tadapi tai eva uktam
tato viyanmukhyamado jagajjaa cidtmano'syaiva vivarta iyatm |
andyavidypaasavttmanastadopalabhyatvamamuya kalpyate || iti ||
Let the inert world therefore be declared an illusory emanation of intelligent Self of
the nature of supreme bliss; this world is supposed to be congnisable to individual
self when enveloped in the folds of beginningless illusion.
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tena kde adhyastatvena aham pratyag-abhinna paramtm advaya
advitya iti artha | tata ca brahmaa vastu-pariccheda abhvena trividhapariccheda-nyatvam siddham iti artha | taduktam vidyraya-gurubhi
pacakoaviveke --
- tata ca
- - trividha-
pariccheda-nyatvam siddham iti artha (for Me the Self) three types of limitations
(space, time and things) is naught is proved.
deaklnyavastn kalpitatvcca myay |
na dedikto'nto'sti brahmnantya sphua tata || iti |
Space, time and other things, being imagined by illusion, can constitute no limit;
thence the infinity of Supreme Self is obvious.
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