AdvaItA Makaranda Verse27-28
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse27-28
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse27-28
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the Self/Atman); - - brahma-tmatvena sktkurvata = of the one who has directly realized the Brahman is but his Self;
kaya-paryantam = until the exhaustion of prabdha-karma; --- deha-indriya-di-pratibhsa-sahit = accompanied with the
appearance of experiences of body, organs etc., tdg =of that type;
-- brahmtman-avasthna-laka = characterized
by being established in the state of Brahman as his Self; -
jvan-mukti ca = called jvan-mukti (emancipation even during life-time);
iti abhipretya phalam = considering as the result;
- prakaraam-upasaharati = concludes the treatise;
upantajagajjvaiycryevarabhramam |
svata siddhamandyanta paripramaha maha ||27||
Advaita Makaranda with Rasa-abhivyanjika
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aham = I (am);
paripram = all full; svata
siddham = the self-established; - andi-antam = without
beginning and end; - ----- upantajagat-jva-iya-crya-vara-bhramam = one in whom the delusion of the
world, the individual, the disciple, the teacher and the Lord are all set to
nought; maha = the great light (of consciousness).
- - --upant iti | upanta jvanmukti-avasthym bdhita videhamuktiavasthym sarvtman nivtta jagat-jva-iya-crya-vara-lakaa
bhrama yasmin tat tdam | mukti-dvayasya jna-phalatvam
sarvajtmamunibhi api uktam ---
---- jagat-jva-iya-crya-vara-lakaa
bhrama = the illusions such as world, individual, disciple, teacher, God;
yasmin = in whom; tat = He;] (He in whom, the illusions like
world, individual, disciple, teacher, God stand falsified during the jvanmukti state, and in case of videha-mukti owing to attainment of state of
being of all, the aforesaid illusions are brought to nought, is an upant);
- - tdam mukti-dvayasya jna-phalatvam
Advaita Makaranda with Rasa-abhivyanjika
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jvanmuktistvadasti pratterdvaitacchy tatra csti pratte |
dvaitacchyrakaysti leastasminnarthe svnubhti pramam ||
tasmjjvanmuktirpea vidvnrabdhn karma bhogasiddhyai |
sthitv bhoga dhvntagandha prasta bhuktvtyanta yti
kaivalyamante || iti||
In jvan-mukti there is an appearance of shadow of duality. An infinitesimal
shadow of duality remain is known from ones own experience. Therefore in
jvan-mukti the vidvn remain for the enjoyment of prrabdha-karma which
have already started giving results and have trace of ignorance and on
exhaustion reaches the Supreme Non-dual State.
svata siddham svaprakam andyantam dyantarahitam paripram
sarvtmakam trividhapariccheda-nyam iti artha maha teja aham asmi
iti artha ||
svata siddham = svaprakam = Self-luminous;
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lakmdharakave sktiaradambhojasambhta |
advaitamakarando'ya vidvadbhgairnipyatm ||28||
- lakmdhara-kave = of the poet r Lakmdhara; --
skti-arad-ambhoja-sambhta = prepared out of the
verses (that are) autumnal lotuses; ayam = this; -
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lakmdhara iti grantha-kartu nma sa ca asau kavi sarvaja krntadar tasya sktasya eva arambhojni tni tai sambhta sampanna
ayam sarvai anubhyamna advaita-makaranda advaitam brahma eva
makaranda rasa |
- lakmdhara iti grantha-kartu nma =
sarvai anubhyamna = should be enjoyed by one and all;
etameva rasa skllabdhv deh santanam |
sukh bhavati sarvatra n'nyath surapugav ||
O Best among Devas! Only by drinking this nectar, the embodied become
ever blissful in all places and not otherwise.
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iti brahmagt-vacant vidvadbhgai vidvsa eva bhg brahmarasa-j tai nipyatm nitarm ajna-nivtti-paryantam puna puna
sevyatm |
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vidvsa eva
vidvadbhgai =
bhg = the learned ones alone are bees = -- brahma-rasaj tai = i.e. knowers of Brahman, by them; nipyatm =
vicrypyaparokea brahmtmna na vetti cet |
aparokvasnatvdbhyo bhyo vicrayet || iti rbhrattrthavacant |
If even by enquiry one does not get the direct knowledge of Brahman as
the Self, one should repeatedly practice enquiry until direct knowledge
dawns. thus advised shrI bhrattrtha.
yadyapi atra pratilokam bahu vaktavyam asti tathpi mandabuddhnm
alasnm vyutpdanrtham pravttena may grantha-khinya-gauravabhayt uparatamiti
uparatam = (the
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