Syllabus Mapeh IV

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The document outlines the syllabus for the Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health IV subject including general objectives, curriculum pacing guide, requirements and grading system.

The general objectives are to demonstrate competencies in music, arts and physical education at the end of the 4th year program.

The topics covered in the 1st quarter for Music include musical styles of the 20th-21st century and music of the Romantic Period.


Y 2012-2013

I. Subject Code: II. Subject Title: III. Subject Description: IV. General Objectives:

MAPEH IV Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health IV Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health IV

At the end of the Fourth Year program in Physical Education, the students are expected to be able to demonstrate the following competencies: V. Curriculum Pacing Guide





Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Application of the Activity


Recitation Activity Quizzes


1st Quarter Week 1Session 1-

A. Musical of the 20th 21st


1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the basic concepts of 20th century music up to present 1.1. Recognize aurally the new musical systems used in the 20th to the 21st century 1.2. Describe the music in todays society 1.2.1. The Music Industry 1.2.2. Music and the Media 1.2.3. Music in the Community 1.3. Classify the musical style of todays music such as popular, rock, jazz, folk, alternative country, western, classical 1.4. Recognize aurally the different musical styles in the 20th to the 21st century 1.4.1. Popular 1.4.2. Broadway

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2nd Quarter

B. Music of the Romantic Period 1820-1910

1.4.3. New Music Electronic Music Chance Music Minimalist Music 1.4.4. Impressionism 1.4.5. Expressionism 1.4.6. Neo-Classicism 1.5. Recognize aurally familiar compositions of great composers of the 20th century up to the present 1.6. Experiment with sounds using knowledge of 20th and 21st century music 1.7. Discuss how context can change the acceptance of a musical work as in an advertisement or a concept 1.8. Describe how musical style is influenced by culture, society and technology 1.9. Express personal reactions or feelings about a musical work 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the basic concepts of the Romantic Period 1.1. Identify the important events that happened during the Romantic Period 1.2. Explain how music during the romantic period reflects social, cultural and economic conditions 1.3. Identify the distinguishing characteristics of the music of the Romantic period 1.4. Recognize aurally the different musical forms during the Romantic period 1.4.1. Lied (art song) 1.4.2. Various musical forms for piano 1.4.3. Program Music 1.4.4. The Romantic Opera 1.5. Sing examples of songs during the Romantic Period 1.5.1. Art songs 1.5.2. Theme of well known Romantic Period compositions

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2nd Quarter

C. Music of the Classical Period

1.5.3. Simple songs from an opera 1.5.4. Songs that convey nationalism 1.6. Describe how sounds were used to create the images, mood or feeling in a piece of program music 1.7. Discuss how nationalism in music flourished during the Romantic period in Europe as well as in the Philippines 1.8. Recognize aurally familiar compositions of great composers of the Romantic period 1.9. Relate a short biography of well known composers during the Romantic period 1.10. Show appreciation of Romantic music through 1.10.1. Writing program noted for a work by a well known composer of the time 1.10.2. Listening, singing and other musical activities 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the basic concepts of the Classical Period 1.1. Discuss the important events that happened during the Classical period 1.2. Illustrate how music during the Classical period reflects social, cultural and economic conditions 1.3. Identify the distinguishing characteristics of the music of the classical period 1.4. Recognize aurally the different musical forms during the classical period 1.4.1. Sonata allegro 1.4.2. Symphony 1.4.3. Concerto 1.4.4. Opera 1.5. Recognize aurally the themes from Classical compositions 1.6. Sing examples of melodies during the Classical period 1.6.1. Theme of well known Classical

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2nd Quarter

D. Music of the Baroque and Renaissance

compositions 1.6.2. Simple songs from a Classical opera 1.7. Recognize aurally familiar compositions of great composers during the Classical period 1.8. Relate a short biography of well known composers during the Classical period 1.9. Show appreciation of Classical music and Classical composers through: 1.9.1. Writing program notes for a work by a well known composer of the time 1.9.2. Listening and other musical activities 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the basic concepts of Baroque music 1.1. Identify the important events that happened during the Baroque period 1.2. Illustrate how music during the baroque period reflects social, cultural and economic conditions 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the arts and culture in the 20th and the 21st century and its relationship to the different aspects of the life like Art and life Art and belief/religion Art and economics Art and politics Geography Technology Functions of art 1.1. Identify the arts created in the 20th century up to the present 1.2. Recognize the modern artworks and artists in the Philippines and in other countries 1.3. Discuss feelings expressed in a work of art

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Arts 1st Quarter Week 1Session 1A. Arts and Culture in the Modern Era Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Games/outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration Recitation Activity Quizzes Encarta Laptop Textbook Internet

2nd Quarter

B. The Elements and Organization of Art in the Modern Era (painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Folk Art)

1.4. Explain the meaning of art based on how it is expressed in the 20th and the 21st century art examples 1.5. Create examples of art, based on knowledge of modern art and culture 1.6. Distinguish the similarities and differences of the arts from other countries and Philippine art in the modern era 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the elements and organization of art during 20th to the 21st century 1.1. Differentiate the different media and processes of art in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) 1.2. Differentiate each medium and process in 2D and 3D art 1.3. Explain how the different elements of art were used in the given example of 20th and 21st century art Line Shape and form Space Color Value Texture 1.4. Identify in a given example of modern art the 1.4.1. Subject 1.4.2. Composition 1.4.3. Content 1.4.4. Process and function 1.4.5. Medium 1.4.6. Symbol and meaning 1.5. Recognize the artist and the title of some representatives of modern artworks 1.6. Compare the characteristics of 20th and 21st century artworks in various cultures 1.7. Explain the importance of art in the general context of socio-cultural development

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2nd Quarter

C. Art in Modern Culture (Dance , Theater, Cinema, Photography and New Art Forms)

1.8. Create examples of art (individual or group) based on knowledge of modern art 1.9. Express appreciation of modern art through discussion on how art examples make them feel 1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the different art forms (dance , theater, cinema, photography and new art forms) in the modern era 1.1. Express the importance of the different art forms in the modern era 1.1.1. Dance 1.1.2. Theater 1.1.3. Cinema 1.1.4. Photography 1.1.5. New Art Forms 1.2. Recognize that dance, theater, cinema, photography and the new art forms of communication in the 20th and the 21st century 1.3. Explain the elements of dance as seen in dances in the 20th and 21st century 1.4. Perform examples of 20th and 21st century dances 1.5. Discuss the characteristics of dances of other eras 1.6. Differentiate 20th and 21st century dances of other eras 1.7. View examples of theatrical works in the 20th and 21st century 1.8. Discuss the characteristics of some examples of Theater forms in the modern era 1.9. View examples of movies in the 20th and 21st century 1.10. Differentiate movies from other countries from Philippine movies in the modern era 1.11. Recognize some new art forms like installation and performance art

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2nd Quarter

D. Arts and Social Issues in the Modern Era

1. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the social issues in the modern era through the arts 1.1.Identify examples of artworks in the modern era that symbolizes social issues 1.1.1. Globalization 1.1.2. Environment 1.1.3. Human Development 1.2.Explain the message of some representative artworks 1.3.Describe the technique used in conveying the message of the artwork 1.4.Explain how social trends influence our emotional reactions while observing a work of art 1.5.Recognize the importance of Philippine artists and foreign artists that convey social issues in the modern era through the arts 1.6.Describe a variety of art objects in historical and cultural context 1.7. Appreciate the aesthetic characteristics of the different works of art that symbolizes social issues in the 20th and 21st century through 1.7.1. Viewing art works 1.7.2. Creating art that communicate social issues 1. Demonstrate understanding of the conduct of the RPF pre-test 1.1. Perform the RPFT pre-test according to the personal standards set 1.2. Observe safety measures in the conduct of the RPF pre-test 1.3. Measure ones performance in the RPF pre-test 1.4. Record the results of the RPF pre-test

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Recitation Activity Quizzes

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Physical Education 1st Quarter Week 1Session 11. Diagnosis of Ones Physical Fitness Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Games/outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration Recitation Activity Quizzes Encarta Laptop Textbook Internet

2nd Quarter

B. Individual / Dual Sports

3rd Quarter

2. Team Sports

1.5. Analyze the results of the RPF vis--vis personal standards set 2. Recognize the importance of scientifically based knowledge for the improvement of physical fitness 2.1.Identify fallacies vis--vis scientifically based knowledge for the improvement of physical fitness 2.2.Correct the identified fallacies 2.3.Apply scientific fitness practices to improve physical fitness 1. Improve ones self by engaging in useful recreational activities in school and in the community 1.1. Explain the importance of recreational activities that will improve ones self 1.2. 1.3. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying the strategies in a game 2.1. Identify the strategies/techniques in playing 2.2. Analyze the strategies/ techniques in a game 2.3. Exhibit fair play during a game 3. Assess performance based on a set of criteria 3.1. Identify the task to be assessed 3.2. Determine the criteria and levels of performance 3.3. Explain each criterion and level of performance 3.4. Conduct self, peer and group assessment of performance based on a given criteria 3.5. 3.5. Analyze results of assessment for improvement of improvement of performance 1. Demonstrate the ability to participate in team sports according to the rules of the game 1.1.Enumerate the basic rules in any team sports

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Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation

Recitation Activity Quizzes

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4th Quarter

3. Philippine Folk dances




1.2.Observe safety measures while playing 1.3.Play according to the rules of the game 1.4.Behave properly while participating in a game Demonstrate understanding of the application of strategies in a game 2.1.Identify the strategies/techniques in playing 2.2. Analyze the strategies/ techniques in a game 2.3.Determine appropriateness and applicability of strategies in a game 2.4.Exhibit fair play during a game Assess performance based on a set of criteria 3.1.Identify the task to be assessed 3.2.Determine the criteria and levels of performance 3.3.Explain each criterion and level of performance 3.4.Conduct self, peer and group assessment of performance based on a given criteria 3.5.Analyze results of assessment for improvement of performance Demonstrate understanding of local and regional folk dances 1.1.Trace the origin and historical background of folk dances indigenous to the community 1.2.Express the significance of the identified folk dance Demonstrate mastery of fundamental skills in folk dance 2.1.Identify the different dance formations and positions 2.2.Show the fundamental positions of arms and feet 2.3.Perform the fundamental dance steps with ease and grace Demonstrate skills in performing simple folk

Games/outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration

Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration

Recitation Activity Quizzes

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dance 3.1.Identify the basic dance steps of a simple folk dance 3.2.Interpret basic dance steps of a simple folk dance 3.3.Perform simple folk dance skillfully 4. Assess performance based on a set of criteria 4.1.Identify the task to be assessed 4.2.Determine the criteria and levels of performance 4.3.Explain each criterion and level of performance 4.4.Conduct self, peer and group assessment of performance based on a given criteria 4.5.Analyze results of assessment for improvement of performance Health A. School Health Personal Heath Services and 1. Recognize the importance of regular health check-up/ examination 1.1. Explain the importance of school health services 1.2. Identify existing health services available in school 1.3. Submit self for regular health check-up/ examination 1.4. Identify abnormal health conditions based on personal feelings about ones physical well-being 1.5. Formulate a personal health care plan reflecting regular health check-up/ examination 2. Demonstrate proper care of ones personal health 2.1. Maintain proper care of the different sense organs of the body 2.2. Exhibit good posture in relation to the development of personal health 2.3. Assess changes in ones health condition Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Games/outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration Recitation Activity Quizzes Encarta Laptop Textbook Internet

B. Population Education (Growth and Development)



C. Safety Education and First Aid



based on observance of proper health practices or habits Develop wholesome attitudes towards growth and development 1.1. Explain the developmental changes in the different stages of growth and development 1.2. Compare the developmental changes that occur normally among growing boys and girls 1.3. Analyze the problems related to growth and development Demonstrate coping mechanisms for everyday problems relating to growth and development 2.1. Identify the factors affecting growth and development 2.2. Practice desirable attitude, behavior and wholesome healthy practices towards sexes Demonstrate understanding of safety education and first aid 1.1. Explain the importance of safety education 1.2. Explain the advantages of having knowledge and skills in first aid 1.2.1. Observe safety measures during natural calamities Demonstrate knowledge and skills in safety education when responding to emergency and natural calamities 2.1. Practice preventive measures against accidents 2.2. Observe the proper use of bandage and dressing, and proper procedures in administering forst aid to the different kinds oof wounds, common ailments or injuries like minor burns, nose bleeding, fever, muscle pain, fainting, and dog and insect bites

Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Games/outdoor activities Role Playing Application of the Activity Demonstration

Recitation Activity Quizzes

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Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Games/outdoor activities Application of the Activity Demonstration

Recitation Activity Quizzes

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D. Drug Education (marijuana, chemical inhalants, and cigarettes)

1. Demonstrate critical understanding of the good and harmful effects of drugs 1.1. Identify the important kinds of drugs and their uses 1.2. Discuss the importance of drug prescriptions 1.3. Evaluate when it is right or wrong to use drugs 1.4. Identify the different kinds of drugs commonly abused 1.5. Analyze the harmful effects of Marijuana on the mind and the body of the person 1.6. Explain the harmful effects of chemical inhalants 2. Demonstrate ability to analyze cause and effect of drug dependence, abuse and misuse 2.1. Analyze the different causes of drug abuse 2.2. Recognize the indications of drug abuse 2.3. Express ones commitment to the prevention of drug abuse 3. Demonstrate ability to cope with the challenges of preventing smoking 3.1. Discuss the different reason people have about smoking or not smoking 3.2. Express agreement or disagreement with cigarette advertisement 3.3. Analyze the harmful effects of cigarette smoking 3.4. Exercise judgment on avoiding smoking at all times

Discussion Brainstorming PowerPoint presentation Role Playing Application of the Activity Demonstration

Recitation Activity Quizzes

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Requirements: Physical Education Quarter 1: Yard stick, measuring tape, calculator, sticks(wands) Quarter 2: Tin can, sleepers, sacks(sack relay), sungka board and shells, badminton racket and shuttlecock, Quarter 3: Basketball, volleyball, baseball equipments and gears Quarter 4: Powerpoint presentation, musical accompaniment, cd player

Health Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

1: Snellens Chart, blood pressure gauge, weighing scale, powerpoint presentation 2: Powerpoint presentation, pictograph, endocrine system chart 3: Powerpoint presentation, first aid kit, bandages, tourniquet, stretchers and dummies (optional) 4: Powerpoint presentation, videos of drug usage, use and misuse.

VII. Grading System: Quiz Unit test Recitation/Participation Project Periodical Exams Total References: OUR WORLD OF MAPEH I: Hazel P. Copiaco, Vivian R. Lugue, Alvenia P. Palu-ay, Agripino G. Darilag, Lordinio A. Vergara, Sheryl B. Ng and Zenaida M. de Leon; Microsoft Encarta 2009; Google; Yahoo 15% 15% 35% 15% 20% 100%

Prepared by: Mrs. Hedeliza T. Martin

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