Q&a Abap
Q&a Abap
Q&a Abap
The table ZSAMPLE is created in the dictionary. When does the table get creat ed in the under laying database. A. At the beginning of the table creation. B .When the table is activated C. When the database administrator is physically creates t he table D. At the end of the table creation after it is saved 3. What must be assigned to search help parameters? A. Values B. Data Element C. Domain D. Field. 4. Which of the following does not physically exist in the underlying database? A. Transparent table B. View C. Internal Table D. Structure 5.From the list below, which is not a data class in the dictionary? A. Project Data B. Organizational Data C. System Data D. Master Data 6. Which of the following system symbol print the number of next page? A. &PAGE& B. &NEXTPAGE& C. &NXTPAGE& D. &SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES& 7. ------------------------- Function module passes SAP Script control commands to form. A. CONTORL_FORM. B. OPEN_FORM C. START_FORM D. None. 8. Identify the standard methods commonly found in BAPIs. A. CREATEFROMDATA B. GETLIST C. UPDATEDETAIL D. CREATELIST E. GETDETAIL 9. What interface parameters would you check to determine the success of a BAPI Call? A. Dictionary Structure BAPIRET2 B. Export Parameter SY-SUBRC . C. Exceptions Parameter 'RETURN' D. Export Parameter 'RETURN' 10. What access methods are available for accessing internal tables? A. Standard B. Index C. Sorted D. Key E. Hashed 11. In what table messages are stored? A. MESG B.T100 C. T001 D. T100W 12. Ho could you retrieve a single entry from Table ZSAMPLE (Key fields are Name , Number). A. Select single * from MYTABLE where number = '01' and name = 'LISA'. B. Select * from MYTABLE where number = '01' and name = 'LISA'. C. Select * from MYTABLE where number = '01' Endselect. D. Select single * from MYTABLE with keys 13. What is the effect when a CLEAR statement is used on an internal table witho ut header line? A. All the lines of the table are initialized B. All the lines of the table ar e deleted C. The work area is initialized D. Nothing