Action Reserach Stir 3
Action Reserach Stir 3
Action Reserach Stir 3
Action research is becoming increasingly known as an approach that encourages practitioners to be in control of their own lives and contexts. Action research is a systematic form of inquiry that is collective, collaborative, self-reflective, critical, and undertaken by the participants of the inquiry. In short, action research is the interplay of practical wisdom and theoretical concepts. The main steps in Action Research (AR) are (1) select a focus (2) collect data (3) Analyse and intrepret the data (4) take action. It is a reflective process which helps teachers to explore and examine aspects of teaching and learning and to take action to change and improve. The benefits of action reserach include helps develop reflective practice, stresses importance of colearning as a primary aspect of research process and contributes both to practical concerns of the people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneosuly. Hence, Action Research is a powerful tool for change and improvement at the local level.