Pinhole Photography Powerpoint
Pinhole Photography Powerpoint
Pinhole Photography Powerpoint
By Rebecca Hitchcox 9M
Question answers
1.The image inside the pinhole camera because the light travels in a straight line in a pinhole camera because there is no refracting or reflection. 2.The sharpness of the pinhole camera depends on the brightness outside and the moment. Depends on the size of the pinhole 3.If the picture gets over exposed it will not come out as clearly. 4.If the picture is over exposed it will expose to much light. 5.if the picture is under exposed that will mean it is exposed to little light. 6.All cameras need light sensitive film and a light sensitive chip. 7. A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a mirror.
How it works
First you have to go in a dark room and put the light sensitive paper into it and make sure you dont expose the paper to light at the moment. That is why you go in a dark room. Then you point it in a direction you want to take a picture of. Then you pull the shutter of and leave it for 60-90 seconds. The you put it in 3 liquids and live it for about 7 minutes and you should see you images start to come on it.