Trends in Transformer Protection
Trends in Transformer Protection
Trends in Transformer Protection
A Seminar Report
Submitted by
Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Science and Technology Rinchending :: Phuentsholing October 2012
Transformer protection is very important and essential in the electrical power system to ensure a reliable power supply. In the recent years, rapid changes and developments are being witness in the transformer protection. This report presents the current trends in transformer protection. The report also presents there various transformer protective devices such as thermal relay, Buchholz protection, differential protection, over-current and distance protection, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network. This study is particular aimed to investigate the evolution of transformer protection and forecast of future transformer protection.
With immense pleasure, I take this opportunity to thank Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) and the management, College of Science and Technology for taking such initiative and for giving us an opportunity to present a report which helped me to broaden the knowledge. I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to the Head of Institute Industrial Relationship (IIR), Mr. Sonam Norbu for recommending the topic practically applicable to our daily life. I am highly indebted to Mr. Tashi, lecturer (Electronics and communication), who had been the source of inspiration and for his timely guidance in the conduct of the report presentation. I am extremely grateful for giving your time in advising me and making this paper a wonderful accomplishment. Once more, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one for your help and wishes for successful completion of the report.
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Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... ii Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................ iv List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. v 1 2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 Current Trends in Transformer Protection................................................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3 4 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 First Protection Device ................................................................................................ 2 Thermal Relay.............................................................................................................. 3 Buchholz Protection ..................................................................................................... 7 Differential Protection ........................................................................................... 1211 Over-Current and Distance Protection ....................................................................... 14 Artificial Intelligence methods .................................................................................. 14 Fuzzy Logic approach ................................................................................................ 15 Artificial Neural Network approach .......................................................................... 16 Summary ................................................................................................................ 17
Critical Analysis and Discussion ................................................................................... 18 Conclusion and Fucture Works..................................................................................... 19 4.1 4.2 Future Works ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.19 Conclusion ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.19
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Figure 2. 1 First protection devices for transformer ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.3 Figure 2. 2. Bimetal relay, SSW, 1932 ....................................................................................... 4 Figure 2. 3Limiitherm-relays, BIT, OERLIKON, 1950 ............................................................. 5 Figure 2. 4Thermal models with thermostat or quicksilver remote thermometer (left) or platinum resistance thermometer (right), alongside protective pipe ........................................ 56 Figure 2. 5Transformer protection RN1-CIT, Sprecher Energie, 1992.................................... 67 Figure 2. 6A Buchholz relays in a separated expansion tank . Error! Bookmark not defined.8 Figure 2. 7Buchholz relay, 1925 ............................................................................................ 810 Figure 2. 8Buchholz relay, SSW, 1927 .................................................................................. 911 Figure 2. 9Buchholz relay, AEG, 1927 .................................................................................. 912 Figure 2. 10Tauber protection principle, 1934 ..................................................................... 1013 Figure 2. 11"Electronics Buchholz relay" University Hannover, Messko and SIEMENS, 1998 .............................................................................................................................................. 1114 Figure2.12 ALSTOMtransformer, with Buchholz main tank, diverter switch and bushings. .............................................................................................................................................. 1114 Figure 2. 13 Double pole differential protection with Petersen coil .................................... 1215 Figure 2. 14Differential protection with Scott-circuit .......................................................... 1216 Figure 2. 15Zero sequence differential protection (REF), OERLIKON, 1954 .................... 1316 Figure 2. 16Differential relays RN1-DT, Sprecher Energie, 1992 ....................................... 1417 Figure 2. 17Simplified flow chart of the Fuzzy Logic protective relay ............................... 1519 Figure 2. 18Application of the ANN technique to protective relaying ................................ 1620
The increased growth of power systems both in size and complexity has brought about the need for the fast and reliable relays to protect major equipments and to maintain system stability. The power transformer is major and very important equipment in a power system. It requires highly reliable protective devices to ensure a reliable power supply. In the last few decades, there are tremendous evolutions are being witness in the transformer protection device design and implementation. The technological leap is likely to continue for the fourth coming years with simultaneous increase in the power rating and size of the transformers. This leads to further revolution of the trends in transformer protection design and analysis in the future. Any failure of a transformer or its protective device will not only impair the system performance but it also has a serious social impact. The reliability of transforms is major concern to users and the manufactures for ensuring a trouble-free performance during the service. One approach to improve the reliability of transformer for certain degree may be improved by improving the quality and reliable transformer protective devices. This study is aim to investigate the current trends in the transformer protection. The study also focused on the investigation of merit and demerit of the different transformer protective devices such as thermal relay, Buchholz projection, differential protection, over-current and distance protection, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic and artificial neural network. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the current trends in transformer protection. Section 3 discusses the critical analysis of this study. Finally, section 4 draws the conclusion and future works.
values of power this was not sufficient anymore, leading to the development of tripping devices and relays. The first switchgears have been "air-arm-"; mercury and tube-breakers. First oil circuit breakers with fuses have been proposed in 1895. Brown, C.E.L., BBC, proposed in the companys headquarters "Porta Volta" in Milan in 1897 to put the 5kV circuit breaker directly into an oil drum. This test was performed successfully, and so a new 16 kV breaker was built for Paderno in the same year [1]. Kalamazoo's survey in 1901 showed the predominance of oil breakers. The first 2 kV oilcircuit breakers (50 A) with direct release was produced in 1902 by S & H. Brown, C.E.L., BBC, applied in 1902 for a patent on current-dependent timing relay. The heating of the transformer was supervised with thermal relays [6]. The first protective device for the transformer is shown in Figure 2.1below.
Comment [T1]: Where is reference [2] to [5]. T me, your reference start with [1] and then directly jumped to [6]. Please revise your reference.
necessary in order to avoid aging of the windings and their isolation. The German utility OstpreuBenwerk tested thermal relays (v. Wiarda) with transformers in 1928. In 1930 V.M.Montsinger investigated the behaviour of isolating material at higher temperatures. He demonstrated the coherence of the aging of paper-oil isolation systems. The rating life will be cut in half if the temperature of the asset increases with an amount of 8 Kelvin above the maximum operating temperature ("8-K-formula"). To avoid exceeding the temperature of 115 C in supervised substations, these devices are set up with a value of 80 C (warning) and 90 (trip) [6]. Due to difficulties in measuring the temperature of the windings directly, a thermal model emulates the winding temperature. This thermal relay is outside the transformer and closes a contact at a certain level of temperature. Bimetals are used for thermal replicas of motors, generators and transformer windings. An example is a bimetal relay produced by SSW in 1932 [1]. Figure 2.2 shows the bimetal relay.
Figure 2.2: Bimetal relay, SSW, 1932 Another example is OERLIKON's Limitherm- Relays (Type BIT, 1950) which is equipped with a bimetal tripping device in a "thermal block". [6]. This device allows delay times between 15 and 80 minutes. Due to safety reasons the delay time was selected smaller to ensure that the temperature of the winding is not going to reach a critical value. The calculated temperature was higher than the real one. A compensating winding considers ambient temperature. The photographic image of the Limitherm-relay is shown in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3: Limiitherm-relays, BIT, OERLIKON, 1950 The thermal models could be used to protect against overload. Thermal relays are dipped into the isolation oil and the functionality depends on the temperature of the oil. The higher the temperature, the earlier the device will trip. Of course this takes into account the changes of temperature of oil - at lower temperatures a higher load is possible. An advantage of these thermal models was that it only considers the difference of temperature between winding and oil, but not between oil and air. The thermal replica of the winding was mounted on protective pipes that have been dipped into the oil. The thermal models are shown in the Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4: Thermal models with thermostat or quicksilver remote thermometer (left) or platinum resistance thermometer (right), alongside protective pipe Measurement and supervision was the task of a thermostat, a resistive element with measuring instrument for measurement of temperature or the quicksilver remote thermometer. The thermostat was used for annunciation of an increased winding temperature. Well known are "stick thermometers", system "Horn".
Oil-air cooling systems have been equipped with oil flow controllers that immediately detect the failure of an oil pump. This was necessary because the rough walls of the tank do not get even the capability to purge no-load losses for a longer time. Without a circulating pump, these transformers had to be switched off as fast as possible. Very important stations have been equipped with two circulating pumps for safety reasons. They have been connected in parallel with stop valves. A typical example for overload protection for oil transformers is the thermal relay RN1-CIT by SPRECHER ENERGIE (1992) is shown in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5: Transformer protection RN1-CIT, Sprecher Energie, 1992 This device was a combination of staticalstatically over current protection with immediate tripping and thermal overload. The part "T" contains a special circuit that models warming and cooling of the transformer using the voltage proportional to the current. It contains two delay times which could be set up in such a manner that the behaviour of the transformer could be modelled. Now the transformer was safely protected against overheating. The short time delay (5 min) was for high over currents; the longer one for small over currents (temperature of oil). The nominal currents of the current transformers had to be adapted to the nominal current of the transformer. This device could be used in small stations without batteries as well. It could be supplied by AC with its tripping capacitor and trip with the measurement transformer current. Mechanical bi-stable indicators showed the indication even in the case of loss of power supply.
Max Buchholz, while working in the Elektrizitatsamt Kassel (Germany) later, Preussische Kraftwerke AG examined transformer damages. He figured out that the big heat of the arc destroys insulation material and delivers gas. What to do with this important, but rudimental awareness was probably unclear to Buchholz at this time. Some say that an experience in the bath tub was helpful for him. He performed the first experiments in his son's aquarium. The idea was to lead the gas bubbles under the transformer cover to an appropriate place. There the quality and quantity of the gas can be estimated. After a lot of trials he found the solution. The gas could be collected with a light inclination of the cover. A disposed pipe should lead the gas to the expansion tank. Here its colour could be observed. In case of an explosion the huge amount of gas produces a blast wave. Colour and Quantity of the gas could be estimated outside the expansion tank, it could be checked if it is flammable or not. This was sufficient to decide what happened in the transformer. Buchholz received his first patent in 1921(DRP 386629) and his name is the name of the device until today. [1]. The Buchholz protection is the first device that does not detect the difference of a current, voltage or power from a certain level - this device uses mechanical action. Now the changes in the quality of oil could be detected easily and very early. The Buchholz relay was produced in 3 varieties (1, 2 and 3 inches). This was a possibility to diversify the price according to the size of the transformer. Following figures are Buchholz relays made in the 1920's. The different types of the Buchholz relays used in 1920s are shown in Figure 2.7, Figure 2.8, and Figure 2.9.
Figure 2.9: Buchholz relay, AEG, 1927. In the mid 20's the lower floater was realized in such a manner that even in case of strong flow the floater moves the connected contact. Experience had shown that in case of serious failures, the time from creation of the gas bubbles until reaching the relay was too long to limit the danger of destroying the transformer. In the mid 30's the lower floater was connected to a flow flap to achieve a higher sensitivity on flow. Tests performed by AEG with the BEWAG (Berlin) showed that the start-up speed was 100 cm/s. After 1945 Buchholz relays with small height have been developed and standardized in DIN 42566 in 1961 [2]. In 1934 Konrad Tauber proposed to implement a throttle control in the pipe between the tank and the expansion tank. If the temperature of the gas increases, the increase of pressure could be measured and a warning or tripping provided. A simple principle of the Tauber protection is shown in Figure 2.10Fig. below. This differential pressure measuring device measured the 9
dynamic pressure (due to flow of oil) and the static pressure (due to oil on the installation location).
Figure 2.10: Tauber protection principle, 1934. This differential pressure measuring device measured the dynamic pressure (due to flow of oil) and the static pressure (due to oil on the installation location). 1. 1 .Measuring Orifice 2. 2. Pressure Chamber 3. 3. Differential Pressure After false tripping of the Buchholz relay during earth tremors or start of oil circulating pumps, several further developments started. Aigner (Germany) reported a new development in 1960s- a shock-proof Buchholz device (up to 1 g). Reliability discussions in the 1960's proposed redundant Buchholz relays (in series). Failures above the transformer cap should be detected by fast differential protection. At the Hannover Fair 1998 an "electronic Buchholz protection" was presented by the University of Hannover, Messko and SIEMENS which is shown in Figure 2.11. Huge transformers are equipped with further Buchholz relays, e.g. for bushings. [3] which is shown in Figure 2.12.
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Figure 2.11: "Electronics Buchholz relay" University Hannover, Messko and SIEMENS, 1998
Figure 2.12: ALSTOM transformer, with Buchholz main tank, diverter switch and bushings.
Figure 2.13: Double pole differential protection with Petersen coil. The special case of a differential protection of a Scott-circuit transformer is shown in Figure 2.14.Figure below
Residual current elimination during the grounding of the transformer's star point was realized with interposing transformers with delta windings or with a filter in numerical relays. The disadvantage of this solution was a reduced sensitivity for single phase short circuit current by a value of 2/3. Transformer failures are more critical because the start up value decrease is not linear as shown in Figure 2.15the figure below.
Figure 2.15: Zero sequence differential protection (REF), OERLIKON, 1954. A solution for this issue was the Restricted Earth fault Protection (REF) that allows a more sensitive setup. In English speaking countries the high-impedance principle for measurement is quite popular. This is not valid for the German speaking countries where REF and lowimpedance principle do not play a major role. One of the reasons is the use of Petersen coils in the neutral-point connection in the grids with voltages less than 110 kV. Due to this, the unbalanced residual current is quite small. In 1992 SPRECHER Energie developed a static differential relay RN1-DT shown in Figure 2.16 (Fig. 16) that allows usage without interposing transformers for adaptation of transformers ratio and vector group (except for YNyn0 and YNyn6 solid earthed). [6].
adaptable thresholds. Based on such comparisons they generate the tripping signal. The task of protective relaying is, however, to distinguish between internal faults and other conditions (pattern recognition), and consequently, to initiate or deny tripping (decision making). This brings the application of Artificial Intelligence methods as an alternative or improvement to the existing protective relaying functions.
Figure 2.17: Simplified flow chart of the Fuzzy Logic protective relay. In this technique, Criteria signals such as amplitudes, harmonic contents, etc. are fuzzified in order to account for dynamic errors of the measuring algorithms. Thus, instead of real numbers, the signals are represented by fuzzy numbers. Since the fuzzification process provides a special kind of flexible filtering, faster measuring algorithms that speed up the operation of protective relays may be used.
The thresholds for the criteria signals are also represented by fuzzy numbers to account for the lack of precision in dividing the space of the criteria signal between the tripping and blocking regions. The fuzzy signals are compared with the fuzzy settings. The comparison result is a fuzzy logic variable between the Boolean absolute levels of truth and false. Several relaying criteria are used in parallel. The criteria are aggregated by means of formal multi-criteria decision-making algorithms that allow the criteria to be assigned a weight according to the reasoning ability. The tripping decision depends on the multi-criteria evaluation of the status of a protected element (sound vs. faulty). Additional decision factors may include the amount of available information, or the expected costs of relay mis-operation. This relaying frame may be self-organizing, i.e. it may be automatically tuned prior to its installation using a large number of training cases, therefore resembling the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based approach. The prior tuning results in an algorithm that is simple and traceable [4].
The ANN is fed by all the currents either in the phase, or in the differential-restraining coordinates. The sliding data widow, consisting of the recent and a few historical samples of the signals, is fed to the ANN. The output from the ANN encodes the tripping decision. The training patterns exposed to the ANN cover usually inrush conditions, internal and external faults. Only the selected data window positions are typically used for training. Additional pre- and post-processing may be applied. The ANN approach can also be of either a global type or phenomena specific type. In the first case, the net is trained to differentiate internal faults from all the other phenomena. In the second case, it is trained to distinguish between internal faults and a specific non-internal fault pattern (inrush, for example). Also, the ANNs are proposed for certain auxiliary functions such as reconstruction of the secondary current waveforms distorted by saturation of the CTs. The ANN based relays for power transformer show promising security and dependability. [5].
2.10 Summary
The first transformer was produced in 1885 by the company Ganz and co. With the new century several companies started to produce high power and high voltage transformers. With the invention of transformers, the development of transmission grids could start. The huge transmission grids have been connected; the amplitude of the short circuit current reached substantial value, several failures in the winding occurred. These leads to the development of transformer protection, and the first transformer protection device was a fuse invented by Blathy in 1890. The fuse was able to protect only up to certain rated voltage and to overcome the drawbacks of the fuse thermal, Buchholz relay, differential and over-current protection relays were developed. Till now we have been using this relays for the protection of transformers but due to advance in science and technology there is also a relay called Artificial Neural Network which is more advance than the existing relays. Many researchers are doing research on this relay. The section will discuss the critical analysis and evaluation of this study and present depth discussion and analysis.
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[1] G. Walter Schossig, "Buchholz protection and relays for supervision oil," PAC World , 14 March 2009. [Online]. Available: [2] B. k. a. M. kezunovic, "Improved power transformer protection using numerical relays," Texas A&M University, USA, [Online]. Available: [3] B. a. D. N. Vishwakarma, Power system protection and switchgear, 7 West patel Nagar,New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2005. [4] s. E. S. IEEE, "Intelligent Transformer substation in Modern Medium voltage," Siemens AG, Germany, 2011. [Online]. Available: [5] "Smart Grid," Siemens internet Website, 10 June 2010. [Online]. Available:,. [6] W. schossi, "12"Electronic Buchholz relay"-PAC world magazine," PAC, 2009. [Online]. Available: [7] Edison, "The History of the transformer, the Edison Tech centre," [Online]. Available: http://www.edisontechcentre.