OSS Silenced Pistol
OSS Silenced Pistol
OSS Silenced Pistol
include the Stiletto and Smatchet, cross- sor. Tests at Aberdeen Proving Ground ACP Colt “pocket” pistols were unsuccess-
bows, matchbox camera, lockpicking several months later comparing this unit ful, as Colt could not provide them.
knife, suicide capsules, knockout drops with prototypes of a sound-suppressed .45 During this same time frame, design-
and sabotage equipment consisting of in- ACP pistol, .30 M1 Carbine and British ers at the Bell Telephone Laboratories de-
cendiary, demolition, contact firing, de- .22 Welsilencer were not satisfactory. The veloped a sound suppressor attached to a
layed action firing and harassing devices Colt Woodsman would fire in the semiau- HiStandard pistol. Tests on this design
of many types. tomatic only with high velocity rounds. were very positive and Bell Telephone
One of the most successful and highly The noise level was also quite disturbing. Laboratories was provided with a contract
regarded weapons ever developed for the Projectiles made of gold and tungsten were to silence 110 pistols of various makes.
OSS was the HiStandard Silenced Pistol. then tested with a drop in the sound pres- These included sixty six Colt Woodsman
Surely a silenced firearm must rate as the sure level, but an increase in pressure to and Match Target pistols and forty four
highest possible priority for any clandes- excessive levels and an objectionable in- HiStandard pistols in Models A, B, D and
tine operative. crease in slide clatter. Attempts to obtain E. Both short and long barreled types were
Very soon after the OSS was estab- longer barrels for the .32 ACP and .380 included in the testing. Deliveries com-
lished, agents used a .22 LR Colt Woods-
man equipped with an off-center sound
suppressor patterned after the Maxim. The
unit had a unique barrel extension in front
of the suppressor with a front sight band
that permitted use of the pistol’s standard
rear sight. The barrel extension purport-
edly enhanced the weapon’s accuracy po-
tential as well. The offset design permit-
ted a larger suppressor for greatly im-
proved reduction of the sound pressure
In addition, specimens of the original
Maxim sound suppressor were obtained
and tested. Both the Savage Arms Com-
pany and the Sedgley Manufacturing Com-
pany offered to produce them for the OSS
as manufacture had been terminated in
1926 as a consequence of federal legisla-
tion restricting their use and further rein-
forced by the National Firearms Act (NFA)
of 1934. However, it was obvious that
technology in this area had moved forward
and a completely new design was required.
Thus on 27 October 1942 sent twelve pro-
posals to the planning board of the NDRC,
the first of which concerned the procure-
ment of a weapon meeting the following
parameters: 1) silent, 2) no flash signature,
3) a minimum muzzle velocity of 1,000
fps, 4) preferably .50 caliber and 5) a re-
loading of less than 30 seconds. A con-
tract for this research was given to the
Western Electric Company in New Jersey.
They were directed to develop a sound
suppressor with a) a sound pressure level
low enough to disguise the point of origin
a distance of 30 feet, b) minimum flash
signature, and adaptable to .45 ACP pis-
tols, the .30 M1 Garand and Enfield rifles.
Three weeks after the contract was
signed on 6 April 1943, Western Electric
delivered a silenced Colt Woodsman to the
OSS that was very little more than a copy
of the Polish Kulikowski sound suppres-
including the chamber, is 6.75 inches The on our test specimen was a very crisp 3
height of this pistol, with the magazine in pounds, which is undoubtedly a great deal Melton, H. Keith, 1991, OSS Special
place, is 5 inches. lighter than the pistols issued to the OSS Weapons & Equipment - Spy Devices of
Overall length of the sound suppres- in World War II. WWII, Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.,
sor is 7.75 inches, including the 1/16-inch Without doubt, the OSS Silenced Pis- 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY
thick end cap rim. The suppressor tube tol was one of the most popular clandes- 10016, 128 p., black and white illustra-
screws onto the barrel where it emerges tine weapons ever issued to U.S. opera- tions.
from the frame, with detent locks on both tives. One more production run was made
the barrel and forward end cap. The sup- for the CIA after World War II. These all Melton, H. Keith, 1996, The Ultimate Spy
pressor tube has an outside diameter of 1.0 had a blued finish and did not have U.S. Book, DK Publishing, Inc., 95 Madison
inch. The rear screen roll surrounding the property markings. It was used through- Avenue, New York, NY 10016, 176 p.,
color and black and white illustrations.
barrel is 4.37 inches in length and 0.795- out the war in Vietnam with considerable
inch in diameter. It is made of twenty-mesh, effect. One of these pistols was found on
Truby, J. David, 1972, Silencers, Snipers
tin-plated bronze screen soldered into a Francis Gary Powers when his U2 spy
& Assassins - An Overview of Whisper-
tightly wound tube. The front screen disks plane was shot down over Russia during ing Death, Paladin Press, P.O. Box 1307,
are made of thirty-mesh, tin-plated bronze the height of the Cold War. Arms Tech Ltd. Boulder, CO 80302, 210 p., black and
and include approximately 110 disks Is to be highly commended for bringing white illustrations.
0.828-inch in diameter, with about twenty back an incredibly fascinating piece of his-
five having a 0.410-inch hole so they can tory. TM-22-HIS, Technical, Operational and
slip over the front of the barrel and the re- References: Maintenance Manual for .22 Caliber Pis-
mainder having a 0.234-inch hole. There tol, Silenced Hi-Standard Model HDM,
is a 1/16-inch thick brass washer between Brunner, John W., 1994, OSS Weapons, 2000, Phoenix Publishing Group, 4123
the rear screen roll and the front disk Phillips Publications, P.O. Box 168, North Longview, Phoenix, AZ 85014, 55
screens that is 0.828-inch in diameter with Williamstown, NJ 08094-0168, 206 p., p., black and white illustrations.
a 0.410-inch hole. The sound pressure black and white illustrations.
level reduction of this sound suppressor is
in excess of 20 dB. This is excellent per- OSS HiStandard Silenced Pistol Specifications:
formance for a silencer designed during
this time frame, i.e., six decades ago. Overall length: 13.815 inches.
Today, examples of this incredible
piece of history are quite rare and there Weight, unloaded: 47 ounces.
are no more than a handful in private col-
lections. Arms Tech Ltd. (Dept. SAR, 5133 Barrel length (including chamber): 6.75 inches.
North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ
85012; phone: 602-272-9045; fax: 602-
Height: 5 inches with magazine in place.
272-1922; e-mail: armstech@qwest.net),
already well known in the special opera- Magazine: 10-round, single-column, detachable box-type.
tions community for their special weap-
ons and tactical equipment development,
has recreated this famous pistol in a man-
Suppressor specifications:
ner authentic in every detail. Arms Tech
Ltd. can supply the entire OSS HiStandard Overall length: 7.75 inches (including the 1/16-inch thick end cap rim). Suppres-
Silenced Pistol package - currently in in- sor tube screws onto the barrel where it emerges from the frame, with detent locks
ventory and ready to ship after ATF trans- on both the barrel and forward end cap.
fer approval. The Arms Tech Ltd.
remanufacture of the OSS Hi-Standard Diameter: 1-inch.
Silenced Pistol comes complete with a
manual, copy of the original U.S. Govern- Interior suppressor dimensions: rear screen roll surrounding the barrel: 4.37
ment test report, replica OSS shoulder in- inches in length and 0.795-inch in diameter; twenty-mesh, tin-plated bronze screen
signia and cross-section line drawing of the soldered into a tightly wound tube. Front screen disks made of thirty-mesh, tin-
pistol. plated bronze and include approximately 110 disks 0.828-inch in diameter with
The specimen sent to SAR for test and about 25 having a 0.410-inch hole so they can slip over the front of the barrel and
evaluation was authentic in every detail. the remainder having a 0.234-inch hole. There is a 1/16-inch thick brass washer
The left side of the slide was marked, “HI- between the rear screen roll and the front disk screens that is 0.828-inch in diam-
STANDARD MODEL H-D MILITARY” eter with a 0.410-inch hole.
and the entire pistol was provided with a
milspec phosphate finish. The original, Suppression: In excess of 20 dB.
checkered, walnut grip panels were in ex-
cellent condition. The trigger pull weight T&E Summary: A faithfully executed re-creation of a historically important clan-
destine weapon.