The All Seeing Eye
The All Seeing Eye
The All Seeing Eye
The All Seeing Eye is a symbol comprised of an eye within a triangle. Often light is shining down from the eye. The All Seeing Eyes is a negative symbol, just like the trinity. It's the eye of Horus, not God. On the dollar bill the eye is pictured above the pyramid. It's also the eye symbol used by what is called the Illuminati and the Freemasons. The eye is symbolic of secret societies; but moreover, the eye represents the forming New World Order and the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12), and ultimately Satan himself. Possible origins range from the third eye of Hinduism and yoga to the Vesica Pisces. The earliest known use of this symbol is the egyptian "Eye of Horus." From a masonic point of view this can be interpreted as the enlightenment of 'seeing' things as they really are, in the context of the third eye, or as a symbol of the gods watching over us, as with the Eye of Horus. This symbol also called the "Eye of Providence," sometimes referred to in Masonic rituals as the "All-Seeing Eye" (of their Deity). In our society the all-seeing eye is usually equated with authority and surveillance ("Big Brother"). This interpretation can be seen in the logos of organizations such as DARPA in the US (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency founders of the internet), and MI5 (British intelligence) to name just a couple. Both of these organizations could be considered the all-seeing eye of their respective governments. From a Biblical stand point, there is not one single verse that says that God has a "all seeing eye." Many people and groups are in love with this occult symbol. One such group are the Seventh Day Adventists. The symbol of the "Eye" can also be traced within the Seventh Day Adventists organization as far back as 1874, with Ellen G White (a Seventh Day Adventist Prophet) and her husband James. She conceived of the "Way of Life" lithograph shown below: The Way of Life Lithograph showing "All Seeing Eye"
Conclusion: Ellen G. White's writings are marked with masonic terminology. Her use of the "allseeing eye" and other masonic terms in her doctrinal writings is consistent with the following facts: Her grave site is marked with a masonic symbol (obelisk). Her husband's grave site "James White" (many times President of the SDA Conference) is also marked with a masonic symbol (obelisk). Most of the Seventh Day Adventist Temples are marked with masonic symbols (obelisks).
Let's see the teachers of occultism say about the all-seeing eye: Manly P. Hall
(Let him never forget that the Master is near. Day and night let him feel the presence of the Supreme or Overshadowing One. The All-Seeing Eye is upon him. Day and night this great Orb measures his depths, seeing into his innermost soul of souls, judging his life, reading his thoughts, measuring his aspirations, and rewarding his sincerity. To this All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit passes with
him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 62, edition 2006, original edition 1923). Manly P. Hall was a 33 degree Mason and a teacher of the occult.
Alice Bailey
"The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the all-seeing Eye the work can go forward. It is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists".-- (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy - Section IV - Stages in the Externalization). Alice Bailey was teacher in the occult. She was the author of 24 books in themes that included occult teachings, "esoteric" psychology and healing, astrology and other phylosophical works.
Albert Pike
"His power was symbolized by an Eye over a Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the Greeks
the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges. The oracle of Claros styled him King of the Stars and of the Eternal Fire, that engenders the year and the seasons, dispenses rain and winds, and brings about daybreak and night.And Osiris was invoked as the God that resides in the Sun and is enveloped by his rays, the invisible and eternal force that modifies the sublunary world by means of the Sun".--(Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 477) Here are some others who adorn and use this symbol. The all-seeing eye is the elites favorite symbol.
Lady Gaga
Bono (U-2)
Justin Beaver
Christian Music Star Toby Mac's "All Seeing Eye Icon" on his Album (2012)
Santana displays Lucifers all-seeing-eye on his t-shirt. The All-Seeing Eye is the symbol of the Omniscience of the Sun God, Lucifer, whom he worships. Carlos Santana admits to being controlled by demons, and having NO concern for morality or God: The energy of devils and angels is the same energy; its how you use it. Its fuel. There is a saying: If you scare all your devils away, the angels will go away with them. You know, the halo and the horns are the same thing. I mean its OK to be spiritually horny thats what creative genius is all about. Geniuses dont have time to think about how its going to be received they dont have time to think whether people like it or not, is it morally right, will God like it? (Carlos Santana, Rolling Stone, magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 87). Satanic Clothing. It speaks the truth, Satan has no future but eternal destruction. Yet you have a choice. Life (Jesus) or death (Satan).
"In the Kingdom of the Blind, the ONE EYED shall be King" Luciferan eternal beingis now named Satan (in Spanish - Satans), the devil, the king of death, and the god of this world. Scripture warns us about Lucifers current obsession: to twist Gods word, to lead souls to spiritual death, and to assail his wrath against earths inhabitantsthose whom Christ died for. Today many are being decieved by him, whether willingly or not, as people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). As doctrines as taught by demonic agencies are prophesied by the Lord to be prevalent in the last days and lead many astray from the true faith prior to Christ's return (1 Timothy 4:1). But by knowing Jesus (John 14:6), you will be set free (John 8:32) from every evil force (Ephesians 6:10-18) if you desire this (Psalms 84:11).